Keith the Cop would of told Ant everything was under control when he went into 'rehab'

16  2016-04-19 by Dennyislife

And look at this mess.

It's a thing of beauty


Would "of" he?

yes. I type like i speak. Poorly.

Like an immigrant

Meh where i am from loads of people use the improper grammar like me. You know...England. We've bastardised our own language as much as you have changed it

We changed it to improve it, you fucking bloke.

Yeah colour color is a massive improvement. Perhaps your greatest achievement as a nation

Taking unnecessary frilly letters out of oddly and inefficiently spelled words was one of our first actions as a nation to secede.

You can still edit it

I am not infallible and like to remind people of that.

This nigga spelled infallible right but can't distinguish between should've and should of.

He should of gone to school

He don't of to be consistent; s' lo'like life though innit?

Beat me to it...

Imagine Ant's lawyer after seeing this video... He has got to be a client from hell. Just incapable of getting out of his own way.

Cumia brothers are all class!!

because lawyers give a fuck whether they help their client or not, this little twist just equals another 500 billable hours for sure.

Yeah, but that's not really an issue for Ant. In October Keith will be signing Jimmy, Ron B. and Colin Quinn. Couple that with the new studio, it'll all just be terrific and the subscriptions will come pouring in!

when you are wealthy it's a little different. Ant prob has a lawyer on retainer, and no lawyer is gonna wanna lose that.

we'll never know, but I highly doubt this is the case, that would involve thought and planning.. if Ant had that he would have never joined twitter.

what do you mean thought and planning? anyone in ants situation (before all this went down) would 99% likely have some kind of lawyer on retainer.

edit: wow you guys really are idiots, you think someone that owns a company doesn't have a lawyer on retainer?

you must be new here

Robin Hood returned to a more intact home.

Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru were in better shape when Luke got home.

Jodie Foster's Aunt's home in Twister was left in better shape than Anthony's

It's Helen Hunt not Jodie Foster. I'm going to nail a railroad spike through your dick.

all this fucking time i thought it was jodie foster, i'm an asshole.

Finger of god?

/silverware drops/

/Colin spills Diet Coke/


Yes because Ant has no say in negotiations with his employees while in rehab yet has access to Twitter, Instagram and wine.

This show is going to be great when the Florida studio opens up.

I was getting really bored at my job and then I came here and realized you guys caused another catastrophe for poor Ant. he's gonna get fucking hammered when he gets out of rehab.

Relapses on the plane home from rehab are the best relapses

would have = would've

no i meant would of.


Ant went into rehab probably thinking that his situation was only going to improve from that moment on. Everything is measurably worse for him now.

I think it's safe to say every last piece of this has been Keith's fault. And even if it isn't, I will still say it because I want him fired.

keith is second only to BroJoe in his incompetence and disgracefulness... they are both scum not worthy of any attention besides the kind we afford to them.... my only hope for Ant post vacation is he realizes keith is a thief and a liar