Enough of Pete Davidson

6  2016-04-19 by TheDannySaint

I enjoyed when he always ripped on Stangel, but ripping the on guests bit is old and tired.


Right when he came in I was kind of getting the same feeling but I don't think he understood at first that His Highness is nothing to be trifled with, but after learning more about him he has gotten a little better. He can be douchey sometimes but I couldnt help but laugh at the snoring during Ian's "scoops" cause of how it was pissing Ian off. For the entertainment of it I'd rather listen to someone be douchey and irritating on the air than listen to an unabrasive snoozer broadcast. They all sounded like they were on oxycontin for the first hour or so

Yeah who the fuck other then Opie cares who in some reality TV show is fucking who. Jim only got interested as it was the tranny

I enjoyed his ripping of the guy who refused to give back the other guy's severed leg. That was choice shit.

He is definitely inspired by the old guard of O&A given the fact he grew up listening to them, but sometimes it's definitely a bit forced

Thats a word I was looking for. It seems like hes just trying so hard it makes it obvious. He panders to any audience he speaks to. On Hot97 interview he was like "Zomg I wish I was black! Black people are so much more honest and funny". *Cringe

Look character. There's plenty of legitimately awful people in our world there's no need to have a go at the decent ones.

Pete Davidson made the Stangel brothers quit and fucked DiStefano's girlfriend. The man is a hero.

I heard that something happened to his dad. Not really sure what it was.

Are you trying to tell me that sherrod is an African American gentleman?

I like him. Halperin isn't hate-worthy but he's definitely an ass.

Halperin isn't hate-worthy

wtf happened to this place?

I find him amusingly irritating.

Seriously, who still listens to this shit?

Some other asshole that will change his position on everything the second he gets a few specials under his belt. Eventually he'll be going on Stern talking about his latest project while stopping into OpieRaqio because he feels bad.

Why do you listen? The show sucks

He's just loud and not funny.

You missed out on a whitty pun, so I'll do it for you "incredibly loud and extremely not funny".

I like Pete though...

My favorite part about pete is when he gets really close to the mic to yell something.


Both him and Sherrod need to go away. The show already sucks but just fucking annoying jumping in every minute. Just shut the fuck up for a 3 minutes let the guest speak.

I can't help think of the cringe-worthy Gene Simmons when he speaks...waiting for him to start peddling an Ian Halperin casket... Yuk.

He's insufferable. Vic "Two Times" Henley is a close second.


Pete is a little bit funnier than the average person. No way near the God-like status Opester has given him. The only reason Opie washes the guy's balls....SNL/probability of superstardom, and he idolized OandA as a kid.

Its just so easy to do what he does. Its the exact same sense of humor me and my friends had in high school. But no one would hire us b/c there were actual people with talent.

I grew up in the same area as Pete and this is exactly right. There are thousands of these guys hanging around bagel stores on Staten Island who think they're funny by being loud and mean to their buddies. It's funny for 5 minutes but it soon becomes tired when you realize that that's all this guy's going to do for the entire time you're hanging out with him.

Exactly. Not to be a dick but chances are growing up here he got a pass. No one wanted to tell the kid to stop being a dick growing up because of his dad.

Yeah, ripping guests isn't a good idea when you're not really famous.

He can't help himself though, he is a negroid hybrid.

Pete Davidson, is a loser.
