Intern David spotted in the wild

8  2016-04-19 by Dennyislife


"Do I stare at girls every day...every week...girls...creep them out....every week?"


I do miss dear David. What a card!

Imagine him guest hosting TACS.

Gefilte fish and gun talk.

I wish he was kept in captivity like his grandparents were.

My David?

I'll bet that's the same jacket that constantly got sprayed with liquid ass.

Can you believe it's been almost 7 years since we've heard from that schtickle of radio gold

Unreal. I still laugh at the time Sam sent him into the Ron and Fez studio.


Axe murder stance.

How prudent

His body language is terrible.

Look at those awful shoes. Only people with clubfeet and kid touchers wear those


You'd all be dead if it wasn't for my David!!!

How much would it cost to get him in studio. 60k...?