The Anthony & Dani Show: The Unarmed Edition (NEWLY RESTORED!)

357  2016-04-18 by jasonayeiter


Somehow the Anthony and Dani show now has more episodes than the Chip Chipperson show.

And your ribs hurt more.

Anthony & Dani got a nigga. Ribs hurtin' today.


All dem niggas look like birds!

This stream of comments is the best I've seen on Reddit. You guys are savage.

I see this a lot, what is this from? Please tell me it's something Opie said at some point.


Chip had a video on world star and that was one of the comments.

Not as much as her ribs.

They are both expensive to make.

It cost an arm and a leg... or a hand and a rib in this case.

And it's fawkin' hilarious!

...and a hell of a lot more entertaining too!

I'm drunk Anthony, and this is my show, and its fuckin hilarious

I'd also be more willing contribute to the Indie GoGo.

"Where the fuck is my gun?!"

Always the first thing you want to hear from someone who is completely shitfaced.

Being a legal white gun owner is an honor and a privilege to be taken very seriously lmao

Yeah. She's so lucky he's white and a legal gun owner, right? He sounds really level-headed there. I'm amazed that she wasn't just running out the door at that moment, but honestly she was probably really used to him sounding completely fucking psychotic. Pretty damning.

She wasn't running out because she wanted a nice fat check. Ant's a piece of shit for a litany of reasons, but let's not forget that she's a gold digging cunt.

If anything, she is extremely used to violent behavior on his part. What woman do you know (who isn't a beating victim) would stay there with a psycho screaming about finding his gun? She also talks about him saying he'd badmouth her to the cops and the world, so what do you do? How do you get any justice? Go for money. The cops won't believe you, men in general won't believe you... might as well take him for the $$. You put in the pain. I don't find that at all surprising in this case. This is pretty obviously a beaten woman with an impulsive, drunk, violent man. It's a common story.

She totally has "Vic Dumb" written all over her in this video. You can see her trying to get a rise out of him when the cop's there. She goes from completely bailing his ass out by telling the cops everything's OK, to telling them he lost his gun. Then she takes the tone of a stern sitcom wife chastising him for busting her up, while making little jokes and helping him look for his gun. She's an antagonistic cunt that thrives in and perpetuates this chaos.


Did you catch her saying this is the second time he's broke her hand?

Oh yeah. Not at all surprising. She is acting and talking like a long-term DV victim. It becomes "normal" to them. They even stop telling anyone it happens. This is a beaten woman trying to passive aggressively get back at him through the Periscope and threatening for money. She never believed this would go to court. Everything she talked about is in this video. The cops came and blew it off initially. He lost his gun. They even went to a diner after this horror. She is used to being hit and being treated like shit. Cumia is a manipulative psycho.

Thats a fair point, but on the other hand ant said in this video that it was just their little "ruckus". I think the power kick to the chest was more what we call "horse play" and the strangulation was just some "tomfoolery".

All categorized under "Hijinx".

Let's not forget controlling and tossing someone around by their arm is called guinea arming

Aka the "Goon Hand."

I thought when someone mentioned they went to a diner after the fight, it was a clever nod to when Sandy Kane's trucker/rapist took her to breakfast.... BUT NO, IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED. Fuckin' white trash.

Holy shit, this fuck again. Don't make me think about hitting you in my head again. That is not a threat; just a fantasy.

She was used to Vinny breaking her fingers, not her hands.

Bollocks, just fucking LEAVE.


Retard burn #1567. Be proud.

user reports:



You know this is that bitch from Jezebel right?


Or just a crazy piece of shit angling for a pay day. Yeah she is a fucking martyr.

There's a fine line between an entitled brat and a gold digger. She's probably more towards the former.

I blame her being an idiot. If you're looking to get money out of a guy to avoid going to the cops, there's very little chance of him not killing you eventually. She should stop pretending that periscope wants to see her chest and get out of the situation.

"I loved him, and he stole my heart, now I will steal his money."

And stay in his apartment for fucking six months, too. Real independent, self-respecting woman, right there.

It hasn't even been six months and she moved out months ago

I'm not that well informed on the exact timeline, but one night is too much time to be still connecting yourself to someone who is doing you harm. I just don't buy it. Her Dad is definitely well off enough to help her in the short and long term. She said herself that all she had to do was blow a dude and she'd get taken to Yankee games! If she was a dude, ala Metzger when he had his period of being a 'kept man', people would not hesitate to call him a loser. She's a pretty, twenty-something, so she gets a pass at being an irresponsible fuck up.


Good one.


While I've never wished for anything bad to happen to Ant, I'm glad his guns were taken away. He was never a responsible owner and was an embarrassment to those of us who are.

Was it confirmed he did lose all his guns?

Not that I know of, but it sure seems likely based on New York laws.


implying Italians are white

Sir, please.

He always talks about what a responsible gun owner he is, and how stupid was that cop?

What should the cop have done? You got a drunk old man & a drug addict young woman alleging nothing was wrong & that the current state of disarray their lives are in is their par.

Their story about how 911 got called smelled like horseshit from the beginning. How the cop didn't pick on that is beyond me.

The house was destroyed, beer cans everywhere, both drunk, she's covered in cuts and bruises....I don't know

Just a regular night at the Cumia compound.

Drinking and holstering a pistol is such a bad fucking idea. Very few gun owners would do something that dumb. Why would you need it? You can't use it when you're drunk. Even if it's a home invader - if you're shitfaced, your time in court just multiplied by a hundred.

I got a little tipsy once and my pistol was just in the same room as me. Not holstered - just in the room.

Woke up the next morning and found the magazine in the oven.

Last time I ever drank without having it locked up.

A friend of a friend of mine was drinking a little on Thanksgiving while cooking a turkey and she heard her baby crying in the other room and when she went to check on the little guy there was a raw turkey in the crib.

That was a Peanuts Thanksgiving special wasn't it?

I once knew a guy that got hit by a train while he was drunk. He wanted to die, but still, completely irrelevant.

Was he married to Lady Di?


And then every one clapped.

oh my god what happened? was it the turkey crying?

One time I got hammered and when I woke up I had baked my .357 revolver into a pie.

How does that happen? Good-natured inebriated chuckle over "hot lead" and just forgot to take it back out of the oven? Guns have way too many rules.

My theory is I was trying to hide it from myself. Or the hot lead joke.

You're a retard but your point still stands. Especially in Nassau county where they'll take your special ccw away for farting too loud. If the prosecution sees this ant is fucked in the ass. Which mKes it extra funny because that'll mean he did the rehab for nothing. Maybe his Jew lawyer can get it counted as time served

It reminds me o' home!

"You're in my fucking house" "That, that's terrible, I'm sorry"

TIL-Responsible gun owners have to systematically search under every couch cushion in search of lost firearm.

look at the fucking state of them.

Change the clothes to him in Budweiser boxers and her in a t-shirt with wolves on it and the Mcmansion to a trailer and its the show COPS

That's a whole pile of words just to say fuck-head.

Too right mate. Disgusting is what it is.

Those poor Jewish neighbors are having the most peaceful month of their lives.

There go those fakakta Italians again!

Him and his shiksha

"Do? What can you do? He's not Jewish! Did you know how these people live? Did you know what they were like? Your father never stayed out all night without calling."

No,no,no,nono actually most of them are relatively wealthy,you see that's a very expensive neighbourhood,yees.

I miss the old buffaler dearly.

"YOU KNEW THEN! And you did nothing!"

At 9:48 he basically admits to it, "It fell out during one of our ruckuses". He doesn't deny it when she says he broke her hand twice in one year, doesn't deny "you kicked my boob so hard", he's 100% guilty.

The way he casually describes a violent struggle as a "ruckus" is terrifying and hilarious.

A violent struggle with an anorexic girl who looks like a stiff wind would knock her over.

While armed with a gun he may or may not have lost during the commotion.

The way he said it, and knowing the mental stability of the two of them, I have no problem believing they fight eachother often and it may even start with her just hammering and kicking him. I get a real Sid and Nancy vibe and the reason I bet she's getting sober is she wants to be the type of person who doesn't drunkenly instigate or forgive that behavior.

I don't condone domestic violence, but kicking Dani on her non-existent tits is kind of hilarious

Very early on, when wondering where the fuck his gun went, she talks about him destroying their phones "upstairs." He also doesn't deny that. GUILTY.

Yeah the boob so hard goes with the broken ribs story. It really does paint a picture of her lying down and Ant just kicking into her. How else could that go down.

I pictured him wildly stomping her upper stomach like he just discovered a roach colony.


I think that's how that and the hand happened. When you see her hand there's a huge goose egg swelling up on it but in the very middle, there's a small cut that was most probably made by the heel of a shoe. He stepped on her hand and kicked her so hard her ribs broke.

As she's picking up her phone he just smashed.

The hand could also be defense wounds.

Could be, although those are usually inside of the hand not outside. But sure, it's possible. I'm betting on she's prone on the ground, he kicks her in the chest and stomps her hand with his heel like the responsible, legal, WHITE gun owner he is.

Yeah the boob so hard goes with the broken ribs story. It really does paint a picture of her lying down and Ant just kicking into her. How else could that go down.



Oh yeah. I'm baffled how rehab is going to affect any judgment about this. He basically admitted that this isn't a one-time thing. He's going to face some time.

Ant definitely hit her, kicked her, & stomped on her. But watching this, I think he was totally justified to do it. This lady is a violent, horrible person. The real reason Ant is a stupid piece of shit is that he would let & abusive drug addict like that into his life. It's a pity their violence wasn't more tragic.

Did you really type "&" instead of "an" when you said she was a drug addict? That's a special kinda stupid, almost impressive.

#amperstandwithant or something tss


Im so tired of found footage horror films but this ones pretty good.

The most disturbing part is how casually they acknowledge he breaks her hands and that he pays her money each time. That's their "normal".

Oof! How fucking sad....old Pop-Pop Cumia loses his gun. Not even sure if it made it home from the restaurant. He sounds so confused and pathetic.

Very Robert Blake-ish, only with a sadder ending.

Yeah. The chick lived.


Xanax and booze will do that to ya

Responsible gun owners don't get shit-faced wasted with their guns strapped to their hips. Funny how he constantly criticized careless gun owners and look at him now, getting in a drunken brawl with his 90 lb girlfriend with a loaded firearm on him, and loses it in the process. Good luck getting a conceal carry license ever again, dummy.

Looking through the couch cushions like it's a pair of keys.

He ain't never getting his guns back. Not in the state of NY. This video is far too incriminating. I won't pretend I'm not truly enjoying this. I thought he was fucked from just the original 90 seconds, but he is SO FUCKED from the rest of it. Exquisitely fucked. Holy shit. Fucking scumbag.

I can't think of anyone who would send this video to the appropriate authorities.


I'm guessing the authorities have a copy of this, and that's why Ant has been in front of a judge so many times.

I thought being an alcoholic legally precluded you from owning firearms, let alone any sort of concealed carry permit. I know it's hard to prove normally, but in Ant's case he was literally broadcasting it out to the masses.

Question for any gun owners: If you're planning on having a fun night drinking would you choose to strap a fucking gun to your hip?

If you're planning on having a fun night drinking would you choose to strap a fucking gun to your hip?

NOOOOooooooOOOOOOOoooo. I can't imagine it'd be easy to prove self defense if you were intoxicated at the time of shooting someone anyways, so what's the point?

Question for any gun owners: If you're planning on having a fun night drinking would you choose to strap a fucking gun to your hip?

I used to drink a lot and even though I was a loser drunk, I NEVER had my normally holstered pistol on me. It's like so fucking obvious that you don't mix the two, ever.

Unless you want to play Russian roulette, that's always a good time.

If he went to court ordered rehab, that's adjudicated which would affect his ownership, I'm pretty sure not 100% though.

I really want to know where the fuck it was. How is it even possible to just lose a gun inside of your own house, shitfaced or not?

Holy shit. How was this acquired? wow

his judge loves the new direction of the sub

hmm who's recording this... I wonder...

My favorite part is around 7:40 after Dani opens the door and yells about asking the cops to look for Ant's gun. Ant nervously fake laughs until he gets close enough to Dani to say "would you stop this right the fuck now!" and continues laughing.

Definitely showed Ant's realization of the severity of the situation. this video is so fucking great!

Sure she's not likable. But anthony is a piece of shit. He never denies anything. She even said he broke both of her hands within a year. And he doesn't deny it.

Those cops are shit. If anyone else was that bad at their job they'd be fired.

And the bit about him telling her she'd be shunned and no one would believe her. What a fucking loser scumbag. If you see him spit on the garbage human.

She absolutely was shunned and she continues to be shunned even on this thread. How many of these posts talk about what a golddigging whore she is or how annoying she is when a bona fide psycho woman-beater with a lost gun is screaming in this video? This is part of the reason why DV charges are not brought and do not stick and even when they do they're punished lighter than any other violent crime.

She was already well-hated here before any of this DV stuff happened.

Name a woman on here that isn't well-hated. Worst Mommy issues I've ever encountered on this sub.

Gail Bennington, Dawn Cumia, hell, stalker Patty. And formerly, Bonnie.

They ALL have more shit written about them than anything even vaguely positive. And Bonnie has pages of hate about her mentally retarded sister on here now. Nope.

Yeah but that's true of anyone mentioned in this sub. Did you ever listen to Opie and Anthony in its heyday?

you're a dumb idiot. go back to whatever femnazi sub you came from. I put provolone in my socks at night so when I wake up they smell like your mother's cunt you disgusting whore.

no one of sound and mature mind uses the word "femnazi" with the assumption that it's a shameful and final insult. stop embarrassing yourselves.

They ALL have more shit written about them than anything even vaguely positive.

To be fair, that describes nearly everybody routinely mentioned on this subreddit.

user reports:

1: so users of this sub up vote someone talking shit about them... sure, no brigading here

I've been on here for months. I'm not coming from another sub.

Who are you talking to?

You. Isn't this your post? Some asshurt Anthony superfan report my posts because I dared not to agree with him? I got like five of these "user report" things from you.


What is this? Just curious what that was.

Someone reported the post, and attached that reason.

Oh, you're not wrong. I'm saying that it's hard to gauge the effect of the DV charge when the base levels of hatred are so high.

I agree. He was totally right. It's crazy. I've never understood why just because the girl is annoying everyone thinks she deserved to get beat on.

Anthony is the sad retard grandpa who fell in love with her.

And sadder for her, she fell in love with him. She is used to this kind of behavior from him. She even said she didn't press charges, the state did it. She's not testifying. This is a victim of DV who is having only the state stand up for her. That's how brainwashed these women get. It's diabolical. DV victims don't lie. It's common and it kills 4,000 American women a year. And those are just the murders. Read "Why Does He Do That?" It'll terrify you. The guy who wrote it works with the men who beat women. Like 30 years of it. He says they're like manipulative sociopaths. Barely any of them ever change and most practically get away with everything.

Ya know, I think Dani is a huge cunt, but I've lived in women's shelters with my mom, and she's a huge cunt as well. Not sure where I was going with this...

This made me lol really hard for some reason. Thank you for your suffering

Shocking that this made BRUTAL_ANAL_RAPE giggle.

A woman could be the hugest "cunt" on earth, NO ONE gets to beat her. Especially a man. Those times are over. Those times sucked.

I think old Tony is a far bigger cunt than any woman I've ever seen. Women don't scare me, they never have. Men do.

Way to get the joke, you overly serious faggot.

Aww, damn. And it was such a funny joke too. Sorry, big guy.


user reports:

1: faggot

1: management loves the new direction. you fucking faggots

Are you a woman? Because if so, then that statement you made makes complete sense.

Women don't scare me physically but they do have the power to ruin lives

No men scare you physically? You must be a very manly man indeed. No I am not a woman but there are plenty of men who could beat the shit out of me or kill me, so yeah when they're drunk and aggressive I feel kinda scared. Not every time, but sometimes. That has never happened to me with a woman. You afraid a woman's going to ruin your life? She's afraid a man could end hers on a date gone awry, like the one we just watched.

I never said men aren't scary, take your meds

Cops are supposed to arrest one party or make them leave in DV situations, those cops are shit.

Not necessarily, Dani didn't show the cops her hand or freak out or anything.

Maybe she didn't mention why they needed to come out over the phone, but yes, if they're aware it's a DV situation one party needs to leave.

If they're just yelling at eachother and theres no threat of violence and they both can prove they live there (which can be just a piece of mail with your name and the address in it) sometimes the cops will tell them both to stop and just leave. I had it happen to me a few years ago. Which, if they talked to Dani for 30 seconds and looked at her, they would have arrested him probably immediately. So your right those cops were probably shit friends of Anthony's I guess. But all the gears of war games were good except judgement.

I just never liked the animation style and the stupid, awkward running. Plus I don't like games where the enemies are monsters or robots or aliens. I wanna kill humans in video games. Fallout is an exception.

Edit: typo

The active reload was a pretty nice touch. And it has the most satisfying headshot sound of any game I've ever played.

I couldn't get into it, and I've tried multiple times with the first and third. I don't get the praise it gets, but whatevs. It's just not my type of game.

I think the issue is it wasn't presented as a DV situation when the cops actually arrived; they both said it was a mistake. I'm sure the cops were highly skeptical, but if nobody's alleging anything, what can they do?

White Knight!

If her hand was broken she'd be screaming in pain and she wouldn't be using it like she was on camera. I don't doubt a argument turned physical between them, but him just going up to her and breaking her hand is clearly bullshit.

I'm sure Tranthat was shoveling alcohol and xanax into her

It's not like there's any question about what was broken and what wasn't. They found a broken rib so they did x-rays. If anything else was broken we'd know.

The only person I could even fathom downvoting this is Dani, because it's so cut and dried. Hey, cunt, with horrible drugface.

Me hand is broken.

But you're moving your hand.

Nobody says that unless they fucked up her hand. If he didn't hed say. No I didn't.

Maybe it ain't broke broke. But he fucked it up. Don't play semantics.

Don't play semantics.

Yeah, a broken hand and a hand that's not broken is real semantics.

Well she didn't have time to get it xrayed. Even a retard like yourself understands that by you broke my hand she meant you fucked up my hand.

Which he obviously did.

No, I'd say when someone repeats over and over that someone broke their hand, it means their hand is broken. She also mentioned this later online. Her hand was never broken. You know nothing and you like wrestling - so go suck off your dad, or whatever you faggots do in your free time.

So anthony didn't fuck her hand up? Why do you rationalize to hero worship?


"I'm not gonna hurt ya Wendy... I'm not gonna hurt ya... you didn't let me finish.. I said I'm not gonna hurt ya, I'm just gonna bash your brains in! Bash them right the fuck in!"

Another Anthony/Jack Torrance similarity: they both like making pop culture references to things nobody gives about anymore.

Even IF Ant never hit her and Dani made everything up, the fact that he didn't immediately sober up after this event and realize that he needs to make some serious changes to his life says a huge amount. Holy fuck, he's gone.

Not necessarily true, you would be amazed at some of the depths a person will go before they realize they have hit bottom. I'm a recovering heroin addict and it took 3 rehabs and a year in jail before I finally kicked it. Even after jail I ended up getting strung out for another 6 months before I finally gave up. I am now three-and-a-half years clean and it amazes me how much shit I put myself and others through before I finally quit.

Congrats, getting off heroin was the hardest thing I've ever done......faggot.

No shit, ya cock jockey.

You ever sell your ass cooter for some H?

Naw. I got a fat fawking dickhole. I let other faggots put their little peckas inside my huge dichole. The ole urethra franklin.

"Winners never quit, quitters never win"

And those who take it in the shitter never win anything, except a loose flappy asshole and the ability to think they are posting clever comebacks. Thanks for sharing shitdick.

No no, thank you. Thank you for proving that ex-junkies can be some of the least funny people on earth.

Off to swab the big poop deck in the sky with Lady Di

When you hear him scream, "Where the fuck is my GUN?!" That's when Dave Chappelle's, "Run, bitch, run!" line from the psycho Wayne Brady episode popped into my head. That is genuinely scary even from a wee little old man like Tony.

Also making a new impression: "DON'T!" The very first word of this video is what Anthony sounded like when he was smacking her around and it is pretty chilling.

Gonna do time in stir fa la la la la....

Dimestore psychology pet theory: I don't doubt he was worried about the missing gun (if it actually was missing), but the overreaction was pretty maudlin. That and the sudden "Oh My God! Beavis has cancer!" diversion were just a scared, xanax-addled man desperately trying to avoid the repercussions of domestic violence.

Gotta agree. A lot of that is drunken, desperate stalling for time. And he knows his time just ran out. Though he genuinely is far, far more worried about the gun than about her physical condition. He's really worried those cops will be back too. And he was right. I knew he was guilty from the first tape, but damn, he seriously is looking at time. How many times does she bring up DIFFERENT INJURIES and he doesn't deny even one of them? Three or four. Kicked me in the boob, broke BOTH hands (at different times of the year), various contusions on her body that even the cops saw. Not one denial from that fucker. That's not someone new to beating on either side. Dani may be annoying but that girl is beaten and pretty brainwashed. And this isn't Anthony's first rodeo beating a woman either.

And this isn't Anthony's first rodeo beating a woman either.


Looks like he did injure her. It's still not clear why. It could have been self-defense/fending her off. Still, it doesn't matter. Even if you're defending yourself from a woman and you hurt her I think you're probably fucked in court anyway.

Playing devil's advocate here (yuck), people usually don't deny something that is completely absurd and bullshit. Except Lady Di, of course. I do think he tenderized her tiny tits tho after this vid.

But it's not at all absurd and clearly not bullshit. Domestic violence is quite common and she has clear injuries that are visible. There's no bullshit about it. He is a guilty man not even bothering to deny something an innocent man would scream denial over. He's more concerned about a missing gun than he is about his injured girlfriend. Why? He inflicted the injuries.

Well, the gun has value.

Edgy Edgelord from Edgetown really bringing the comedy goodness tonight!

I'll edge all over your fuckin cootah babe.

user reports:

1: faggot

And how

Another, fucking, page, for your mother, fucking, novel, shut, up, dumb, bitch.

It's an open and shut case Sam. He caved in her clitoris with a cast iron skillet. It was murrrrrder I tell ya! Murrrrder!

Where'd you get your fuckin PhD in everything babe?

He did seem insincere in his hunt for the missing gun. She's trying to get him to admit things on Periscope and he's distracting and stalling.

Rehab ain't saving you fa la la la la. This is a lot worse than I thought la la la la la laa

This is incredible. This might make celebrity news sites like the original. Nevermind, I forgot this sub has no effect on their lives.

Fa la la la la

Anthony lost his gun and Dani lost her shampoo

She always looks disheveled and in need of a a bath.

digitally remastered criterion collection


I can't wait for Keith's commentary track!

And here I thought Eraserhead was their scariest film.

Bud Light cans everywhere, terrible decor, reminiscent of a cheap "model" home in the Florida panhandle. Him ranting like Carlo chasing Connie. Christ.

Hahahaha greetings fron sunny west palm beach

The places I stayed in Palm Beach were much more 80s, Miami Vice-ish art deco bullshit.

You gotta cross the bridge to see how we really livin

Nah, I'm good. There were a few of your kind at the convenience store, they were much scarier than Texan negros, with their open disdain to my presence. I don't blame them tho. My sister lives in Jupiter, that's the only reason I went. I fucking hated Florida.

Its crazy im a real tough Brooklyn nigga and never seen shit like i see here it scares me too

I've lived in South Carolina and live in TX, black folks in both those places are much friendlier than the people I came across in FL. I went to summer camp in SC where I was the only white person and never had an issue, I think if that happened in Florida I woulda got my ass kicked regularly. The only issue I ever had in SC was when I was 13 and looked at a black guy at the state fair and he threatened to kick my ass, some grown ass man. I also realized white people can be dumb as hell at that fair, there was a shooting and everyone was running away and me and my brother ran toward the gunfire. Just wanted to share. We've become closer now.

The real natives out in the swamps are very closely related and have a certain look to them. Lots of great football players come from that stock

Are you suggesting there's inbreeding going on out in the bayous? I'm shocked.

Ive lived in Panama city for the past year, can't wait to get the fuck out.

Will you be my Eliza Doolittle?

Looks like an uglieR Tony Soprano house

But with more crimes & screaming.

Woke up this morning

Where the fuck is my gun??

Heh. Took me a second.

Go ahead, shove me against a brick wall! BE A CLUB OWNER, LIKE YOUR FATHER!


I'm of the mind that he totally did beat the shit out of her. She may be many things, and completely un-redeemable to most folks here, but that doesn't make it right to beat her.

Ant has proven in words and action to be a creepy piece of shit. Having said that, it would be easier to overlook if he was funny and entertaining, but that hasn't been the case for a long, long time.

She mentions he broke her other hand at some point earlier in the year too. Is this a new revelation or was this something that was known and actually accidental (and not DV)? What's interesting is that Stetten defended Ant saying that he was non-violent and that she could never see him hitting a woman. I guess the changes Ron calls him out affected things other than his politics.

He was with Stetten like 5 years ago. He's way more of a degenerate alky now, especially because he doesn't have to get up for the Sirius gig anymore. He always talked about getting up in the middle of the day for TACS, and he frequently drank on his show, so that means he was sober for 4 hours a day max. That much drinking will send anyone down a bad road, especially if you have no one in your life who isn't a yes man.

I don't get how one accidentally breaks a girls hand and ribs, allegedly.

Stetten also deleted those comments too ...but whatever.

Ant's a creepy old fuck with zero self-awareness and even less sense of accountability. The best thing for him professionally may be the worst thing for him personally. He goes to jail on these charges, his show remains entertaining. The best thing that ever happened to Ant' show was him leaving it!

He does time, I re-sub at the end of this month! Come on Lady Justice!!

I don't get how one accidentally breaks a girls hand and ribs, allegedly.

I'm talking about the other incident she mentions, not this one. Stetten did delete the comments, but she said the same thing in her podcast.

He may not have been violent with Stetten. They usually pick the most vulnerable, low self-esteem women. They know who they can pull that with and who they can't.

Stetten seemed like kind of a pushover, but not as much as Dani.

His time with Stetten was (I'm guessing) before his tranny fucking, or at least before his tranny fucking became obvious enough for a girlfriend to mock him for his faggotry during an argument.

Not to interrupt your gyrl power rampage, but does this really strike you as a woman with genuine self esteem & security?

I'm of the mind that he totally did beat the shit out of her. She may be many things, and completely un-redeemable to most folks here, but that doesn't make it right to beat her

Yet she made zero effort to leave him. Fuck her. She eggs men on then makes threats. She's as fucked up in the head as he is. She's a mental case.

I don't think you know how it works when you're a victim of continuous domestic violence. If you've never met a woman that was, you're very fortunate. Most can't just leave. There's so much more to it than "just walk away." It's not that easy.

"just walk away." It's not that easy.

Yes, it is. Is she an adult? is she being held against her will? no? then she can leave any time she wants. Women want to be equals, then they cry about how they get "Stuck" in abusive relationships. That makes no sense. And yes, I have known someone who was in an abusive relationship. She went back to him time after time, like a fucking idiot.

Your last sentence just proves my point. It's not that easy to just walk away.

What? she's a fucking idiot. You're right, it's not easy when you're a fucking idiot who makes bad decisions even though everyone around you has given you endless options to leave your abusive boyfriend.

I love that I'm downvoted, probably by men that have never felt the touch of a woman.

Nigga get over yourself

I'm sorry I did that.

Honestly, I think my choice to not listen to any O&A clips has been a smart one. Because you don't have to dig deep to find more hints that Ant was a real shitty person. And it's not even funny in a douchechilling way, but it's honestly just rough to even partake in even as a joke.

She deserved to be smacked around.

A jury of his peers are really going to be cracking up about that Dick Van Dyke joke.


"I don't know guys he does these impressions..."

the nonchalance with which he uses a star trek, prime directive, reference might win them over.


I wonder if he switched to Car 54 Where Are You? references when the cops showed up. Or maybe Adam 12?

How the fuck do you get so fucked up drinking bud lights? that's what I don't get

They are xanax chasers which is why he's so groggy sounding.

Wash down Xanax with them.

Xanex and any booze just knocks me the fuck out.

That is, after I kick the shit outta my girlfriend, call the cops, and lose my handgun.

"el classico"


The "light" in American light beer refers to carbs, not alchohol.

I imagine Anthony drinks Bud Lite and gets fucked up on them because he drinks so fucking many of them throughout the day. Whenever you see him, when isn't he drinking? Sure, its not like pounding a fucking Camo XXX or Everclear, but he definitely drinks a lot. It's basically like living every day if you were at a Fourth of July party where you're just drinking beer or whatever else the entire day. Even if you're nursing light beer, it's still just a nonstop, ongoing thing until you pass out.

He's definitely an alcoholic, but his problem is the pills more than the alcohol. Combined together, its not good. The two of them together must have just been a haze of craziness every day.

Says 4.2% when I google it. That's pretty fucking weak.

The standard for American lager is 5%, so while it is weaker than average it's not egregiously so. It's a very easy beer to slam so you can get fucked up pretty quickly with it.

So much for Anthony claiming to have been a " responsible gun owner"


She might be one of the most annoying women I've ever seen.

Even worse than Opie.

And her greasy corpse bride hairdo ain't helping things.

I don't like her knobby knees and her perpetually wet hair. She also has drug face. She probably needs rehab as well.

When all this is over we're all going to rehab

It's only 11 minutes and I've never wanted to break the ribs and hands of someone so badly before

I certainly understand the desire to boot her in the tit, but as Bill Burr said: "There's plenty of reasons to, you just don't fucking do it."

This motherfucker preaches being responsible with a gun but gets loaded and loses it??!! Rule one whenever handling a firearm don't have one on you when you drink you fucking dolt.

Take the fun out of everything, fuckin killjoy....

To be fair the gun was loaded too

Edit: tsss

I thought rule number one was to not put your finger on the trigger until you're ready to fire, or not to point it at people who you don't plan on shooting.

I like that she feels she can look down on the cops when she asks "What do you think they make....65 a year?" while she makes nothing, and was only in the house she was in because she drank from the dick of an elderly ghoul.

The way she said that makes me think that they talk down to people a lot.

Agreed. I got the same feeling from the tone of her voice. Anthony probably gets infuriated when non high earners question a 'man of his station', regardless of the fact that he lucked out and will NEVER earn the kind of money he once did again in his life.

This x 50 billion

Meanwhile Nassau County cops make over $100k at top pay without overtime.

She deserved every second of those beatings and then some.

I don't think so she sounded impressed

Poor lil' Beavis has seen too much. I think he dragged Ant's gun under the couch when he saw them fighting.

Poor beav has to eat the girls who don't make it out alive :(

Underrated comment of the thread right here.

instead of spaghetti up against the wall its anorexic girls. dont you see the cycle? "i learned it from you dad"

Ahhhhhhh ah ah ah ah, c'mon baby!

That's still the scariest thing I've ever heard.

Literally The Shining, in real life.


HO. LEE. SHIT. hahahahaahahahahahaahha

Yeah I thought it was painfully appropriate haha

Dani: Is it a crime to lose a gun?

Anthony: YEAHH!!

Dani: Is it a crime to break someone's hand?

Anthony: hhuuuUUH..?

Dani: I said, is it a crime to break someone's hand?

Anthony: Well... can we..


ANT : can we just find my gun

Jesus Ant

He has the constitutional right to break hands.

I only remember arms being mentioned in the Constitution.

Dani's only response should be to flop her now useless hands around like flippers. "HOW, FUCKER, LIKE A GODDAMN PENGUIN?"


Damn this was a lot more sad than I thought it would be

All joking aside, I honestly can't watch it all the way through.

The personal lives of Opie and Anthony are far more entertaining than anything they're doing professionally. Kinda sad, really.

Not opie though. His life is lame-a-roo (pardon my french)

Well he gets to see a bunch of amateur basketball players on the way to see Lynsi in his bedroom. That's pretty cool

Haha yeah because she's fucking all of them, am i right?

"He lost his firearm" fa la la la la

Someone send this to the Nassau County prosecutor fa la la la

Makes Phil Spector look sane fa la la la la

But Phil Spector had better hair fa la la la la

Holy shit, it's Smigel.

fa la la la - makes EVERYTHING more funny. Fact.


He would still be the least retarded person in the room,unless Beavis shows up as a character witness.

"Anthony I know u did it for da show"

The thought of this actually made me bruise my own tits.

Taking some sexual moves out of Anthony's book, eh?

He definitely kicked that bitch in the tits. How fucking weird was that interaction with the cops too, its all very last half hour of boogie nights.

And you gotta remember this was not even yet the incident that caused the arrest, that was much later. He must have strangled her (understandable after watching this video, but still) after this and then the cops got called again and finally they had to arrest somebody.

He must have really good kicking aim to hit those breasts

That's why they keep saying 'ribs.' And to be fair, I'm glad she kept them hidden, nobody needs to see that from a shrill thirteen-year-old.

Yeah the police interaction was bizarre as fuck, you would at least think that they would split them up and ask questions about why 911 was called... shit is fucked up.

Let's not bring Bin Laden into this.

Always blaming the po-po.

Dude I'd fucking strangle her too. She seems like a such a cunt. Screaming out the door to the cops that he lost a gun thinking that will get Anthony in trouble, refusing to leave when Anthony asks her too multiple times, demanding Ant pull out his check book for her, constantly recording every single thing she does as if people actually give a shit about her boring personality, and my god that annoying fucking mouse voice of hers.

Imagine if she were a guy and did all of this. He would then absolutely deserve an ass kicking. But because she's a woman she somehow gets a free pass to be an absolute cunt with no repercussions.

Dear holy mother of christ, Ant's a goddamn psychopath.

The way they can go from full meltdown, to sort of getting along while looking for the gun/trying to get the cops to leave really suggests this kind of shit was happening all the time. It's normal for them.

Their whole relationship was probably a constant psycho roller coaster.

I've never seen a cat so scared.

Yeah, he did look freaked out.




I wonder how many times the cops have heard that a 911 call was an accident and it actually was an incident.

edit: this is the funniest episode of TACS ever.

They didnt leave bc theyre stupid they were trying to decide on the best approach

One day the cops accidentally came to my house and everything was cool except for the bucket of water i spilled on the living room floor while washing dishes

Yeah, I think people don't realize how touchy and awful these situations are and that cops really have to actively work to de-escalate the situation and try to get the injured party the hell away from the abuser. It's pretty fucking tricky.

Good move with the water trick. :)

You wash dishes in a bucket of water in the living room? Is this a reference I'm not getting?

When the police are accidentally called and you need to come up with answers to their questions

"Swear on my life officer, I just fetched that pail from the crick over yonder."

And you said you spilled a bucket of water while washing dishes? Lol. Tits plz. :)

Want a cup of water you thirsty cunt!!

Yes plz.

ELIBS: Explain it like I'm Bonnie's sister. I don't get it.

Hmm it would appear Ant definitely kicked her and broke her hand.

But his fanboys say she did it to herself and it was all a lie!

I don't see what any of it matters. He was exonerated of all charges!

he has fans?

Why doesnt she seem angry about it here?

She's probably used to getting smacked around at this point.


You should really read "Why Does He Do That?" to see how incredibly common her reaction is among women who get beaten and emotionally abused regularly. They stop acting like "normal" women the longer they're around the abuser. It's called traumatic bonding.

Women self-injure to frame men all the time! Whores!

This video makes Ant look even more guilty.

Definitely is a strong word, but it does seem like this is the case.

OP sold his soul to the Devil to acquire this doozy. Thank you for your service.

Fawk yea


Dvv dvv!

In all seriousness, aren't you a bit nervous for your safety? Ant is a freaken lunatic and you're posting using your real name :(

Maybe I'm overly paranoid?

"I'd blow either one of those cops"

Anthony is a cuck, confirmed.

He had practice on Sue Lightning.

Holy shit! Guilty, guilty, so guilty.

It's bullshit! I did not hit her! I did NAWT!

Oh, hi Periscope!

This has been a great week of finding shit you weren't supposed to see

What else was there, I feel like I missed something?

The My Wife Hates Me where they talk about the Pat Dixon situation

As a spectator, it seems Ant knows he did wrong and was both regretful and afraid. As a spectator, it seems she knew he was afraid and was shaking him down. As a spectator, it seems as they are both complete fuck ups. What a spectacle.

A spectatacle

A spectatorcle


"Does anyone still actually believe this bitch?"


We need to make a collection of every username and twitter retard that said it was all a lie and he didn't hit her, just to laugh at them.

I knew he was guilty when I read in the police report that she went to the hospital and x-rays proved she had a broken rib. She may be an annoying cunt, but x-rays don't lie.


I have

We're not saying he didn't hit her, we're just saying she probably had it coming. Big difference.

But why is she not angry?

Because she's a dumb vapid pillhead.

He was going to cut her a very big check.

That isn't why. Women in these situations commonly no longer get very angry at the abuse after awhile. It's normalized. Half the time they blame themselves at least partially if not wholly for it. They become resigned, like beaten animals. Actually, animals and humans who are beaten regularly act a lot the same. She thinks the only thing she can get from him is money. I think she believes she will not possibly get any justice. You saw what the cops did. She was voicing disbelief, but complete resignation at it.

Holy shit! All this shows is her being even more bat shit crazy than I thought! How did it happen? She claimed to have been held against her will.. Looks free to go to me. Said he broke her ribs.. She doesn't look like it here. The only thing I see is 2 drunk people.. One of them playing mind games and trying to extort the other. Was that her hiding the gun a couple minutes in? Playing games with law enforcement??

You can't really still be defended ant, can you? Also there were x-rays to prove her ribs were broken

Based off this? There's nothing here.. I haven't seen any X-ray but even if that doesn't really prove Ant did anything. For all we know she jumped on his back while going down the stairs, she slipped off and fell.. Of course that would be just one explanation of the situation in pure speculation. But that's all that can be done since he's not able to tell his side of the story. But this video is actually way less dramatic than she (and you fucks) made it ever sound from the beginning.

Anthony RELAX

Someone mirror this before Joe and his gang of really scary criminals file a copyright strike and have this taken down.

I've saved a copy and I'll upload it to dailymotion or whatever if this gets pulled

Is it true you're from alasks

Must be odd for Joe, Ants friends,Jim, Keith to come to this site and see vids like this.

Let's see what they have to say

as a side note - your handle is funnier than hell.

This video reminds me of being really high and drunk when I was in my mid-20's--the paranoia, the druggy talk, the 'quest', the methodic search for a lost item. Only it took place in a one-bedroom apartment.

The quest

The queerst

Yeah but were you beating the shit out of Jack Skellington during it?

Ant actually is human garbage

I can't believe I used to like this man

That poor fucking cat. PETA should fucking take that cat to a loving home, one where women aren't beaten and beligered.

On another note, after listening to this Anthony is a confirmed woman beater.

beaten, beligered, seriously disliked

Fez gave the world cakehorn, and Bobo gave us beligered. They're truly sources of knowledge.

david gave us snude



Yeah, I'd probably rescind a benefit invite over this.

They went to the fucking diner in between this and the arrest

When was that suggested?

around the time Anthony searches for the gun in the couch

So she went to dinner with a broken hand?

Idk, I work at a different Panera

Just like his brother a woman beater and now add to the list an unresponsable gun owner that he always claims he is, while the "NIGGERS!" run around committing all the crimes. Fuck Cumia and his bullshit



irresponsible. I was brain dead after a long day but even still deserve to be called out for slaughtering the word I meant


what the fuck is happening here? how do you lose a gun? and when did he get arrested if not right there? wtf is going on?

Wouldn't shock me if someone watching on periscope called them or if she called them back later on (I haven't read the police report so who knows).

I mustve up voted 50 comments. This sub has some funny mofos!


DUUUUDE how have you sat on this for so long?

-- Anthony to Sue Lightning when she finally took out her rig

"took out her rig"

Made me spit out my drink.

Having been around people who love to mix Benzos and Alcohol, Anthony is downed the fuck out here and probably in total blackout. What a sad pathetic man.

Things really seem to have worked out for the best. That shit was headed towards murder suicide, and it's anyone's guess who'd be pulling the trigger.


I used to date someone that was nearly this crazy. She nearly drove me to suicide, so I packed up my shit and moved to a different state. She followed me, but we never got back together. A few months later she was in the hospital from a failed suicide attempt.

TLDR: this thing could have easily ended with someone dead


No it's not anyone's guess...

The most infuriating part of this is that she won't turn the camera the other way.

jesus, ant....

This is the greatest piece of audio Ant has ever been part of.

I understand why, but doing anything for those sites, even for the lolz is disgusting.

Tee hee


holy shit, this is absolutely riveting. two thumbs up.

This is wonderful.

"This is not good."

I don't need you to pay for a car, I need you to pay for MY FUCKING BROKEN HAND, you dumb piece of shit.

"The first thing you better figure out is your god damned checkbook or I'll call the police so fucking quickly"

What did she mean by this?

She wants his $$

My guess is they negotiated some sort of settlement. "Pay me or I'll get you arrested."

I believe part of the cool down between periscope was not only you will be shunned, no one will believe you. But also promise of paying her cash for her broken hand.

Like JG Wentworth and shit

I want to think the money was to cover her medical expenses, but it would be impossible to know how much it would cost at the time.

People actually pay their medical bills?

She'd been setting this old coot up for this moment for years. This was her moment to cash in on her long con.

I took it as him getting her a car/cab to go home; or maybe she wants to take him to the cleaners.

That's right, I forgot that cabbies take personal checks. My bad.

Actually, I don't think they do. I'm almost certain that you have to have cash and sometimes they'll take credit/debit cards. But I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't be able to pay with a check.

You should change your user name to u/cannotdetectsarcasm

Oh god the irony of this! It's fucking tangible. You're such a cutie.

Wow Dani is a cunt. Sure Anthony is psycho, but I just cannot stannndddd her.

When she mentioned his public image I thought she was lying, but towards the end I think he really did abuse her. She really is unbearable tho.

She saved his ass from the first arrest.

This video is fucking eyeopening, why wouldn't shit calm down after that, how fucking stupid is Ant to start shit after the video ends. Jesus christ I hate aggressive alcoholics, hold your liquor you old fool

She is pretty atrocious. That's why I think he is in less trouble than people think. He'll probably take probation, cut her a check, and avoid doing any jail time. If it were to go to trial (which I highly doubt) his lawyers could shred her pretty badly on the stand. Any half way decent defense attorney would have a field day with how it looks like she is shaking him down, doesn't tell the police anything when they are first there, and is clearly messed up on pills. It can easily be argued in court that she was the aggressor since she had a broken hand (not usually a defensive injury). I'm not trying to defend Anthony or say she isn't a victim- it's just that it's a weaker case than people are making it out to be.

Hopefully part of any plea deal is that he has to surrender all his guns and can't ever own one again.

Yes, when a woman has a broken hand & rib, while the man is also charged with felony strangulation, it is the woman who tends to be viewed as the aggressor in DV cases. Cmon brah...smarten up.

Yes, Dani was behaving like a cunt. But how can u look at this video and say: the prosecution has a pretty weak case.

The shit about the checkbook, its about whether a violent act took place. And im sure Dani was starting some shit, swinging at Ant. But rib, hand, strangulation, and the way he ignored her asking him about the broken hand 5x. Looks bad, looks real fucking bad.

Also, the state is pressing charges, not Dani. Ant can't pay her off to make this go away.

Hahaha, exactly. I completely missed first part of that buffoon's post.

"No worries prosecutor, my client has decided to take probation and pay the victim off, so u can drop the charges."

This isnt a civil court dude - victims dont get awarded money. If your found guilty, u go to fucking jail. Maybe no jail and probation w/ a suspended sentence, pay a fine to state, community service, no guns, and more court ordered programs... but even w/ stint in rehab, no jail is gonna be tough with 2 felony & 2 misdemeanors, after this latest video. He plead not guilty.

After seeing that video, that nigga guilty. He's going to be spending a lot of time with the blacks. He better start studying his moor ancestry so maybe he can join their group. The Italians aren't going to want anything to do with him.

Well it was on the back of her hand. It's not like her knuckles were cut up and he had a fat lip. It's closer to her wrist than her knuckles, so that whole defense is out the window.

Anthony is fucking dangerous.

Ant was afraid she had the gun and was going to pull it on him. You can hear it in his voice a few times.

You might be crazier than the both of them.

Everyone staff member of tacn is a domestic violence apologist.

You got that shit right. They're all such upstanding men!

Wow, great point.

This.....this is uhhhh....this is not good Anthony. If there was a tiny shred of doubt he didnt just straight up pummel her...and there was perhaps a mutual scuffle where he was still to blame....that is gone. This not gonna be a very good for the TACN..

Now on TACN, "Mutual Scuffle" with Joe Devito!

Out of curiosity (because I do believe that Ant did some shit at this point), what in this video demonstrates that there was no mutual scuffle?

I should be bludgeoned for 'mutual scuffle'.

Wouldn't say there is 1 standalone thing indicating Ant had speed-bagged Dani's ribs like Rocky working a side of beef. A lot of things on aggregate scale make this looka un fucking bad for Anthony:

*Her hand - got a good look @ it in this one, looked like it got stung by a dozen bees

*police report noted injured rib, hand, &'other bruising

*he's charged with felony what was not shown?

*charged w/ false imprisonment ripped phone out the wall

*82% of video was him screaming about his lost firearm...

*5-7x she asked about him about busting up her hand (mentioned it was 2nd time in last year toward end) and he'd just trail off like yea, well...uhhh...or just babble on something else. He was answering & responding to other issues....and it looked like he had no idea he was being taped for most of it.

*She was behaving like a cunt. But he was a fucking mess.

The gun fell out during one of our " rickuses". That's basically an admission of guilt that he does beat her.

He fucked.

Oh really, your honor? Saying "we had a ruckus" is the same as "I beat her regularly"?

How is it that could only mean he hit her? Why do you assume she didn't hit him? Oh that's right because for some reason it's ok for a woman to beat on a man, but not ok for a man to hit a woman.

None of this would have happened if she had just agreed to sing some karaoke (baby) like Ant wanted. It seemed like a pretty reasonable request. Who is the real victim here?


I want Ant to be put in the database for Doug Stanhope's Celebrity Death Pool. I give him 2 years.

That would mean Ant is a celebrity and not some loser never-was whose racial firing is covered by Gawker and not much else.

i follow this sub to an unhealthy degree (I'm a lonely piece of shit), and I don't remember the origins of the ant + xanax rumors. Can you help a suicide candidate out, gang?

Ant had a weird hand spasm in a clip, somebody showed a cropped gif of it to Dr. Steve asking "Could this be from abusing xanax and booze?" and he replied "I think you answered your own question."

Then he tried to walk it back because 'he didn't know it was Anthony.' Which spoke volumes.

I think it was Melissa who outed him in that blog, not sure through

It was jill nicoloni, but he's also said it on periscope and talking with Ari


If he started crying like Harvey Kietel it would have been like the end of bad lieutenant.

I don't like Dani but as a man you can't beat up a 70 pound girl 1/3 your age.

Sure ya can, it's easy!

You're really going out on a limb there huh?

Depending yes.

You gotta be a man to be "hitting" a slim youngster like that.


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why not?

This might be the first time I recommend an O&A video to someone I know

The guy throws out a couch because of a booger but he let's his cat walk on the tables with it's shitty liter paws?

I don't think his paws could hold that much liquid.

Most cats paws can only hold a shitty quart or so

She said he's broke both her hands within the last year.

He's been taking out his alcohol infused rage on her since the firing.

Let's not pretend that she doesn't exaggerate

She looks like one of the aliens from "Signs." Only less fuckable.

"Is it a crime to lose your gun?" "Yeah."

This is great.

I don't know how Ant didn't go full Freddie Wilhite....


Lol At 7.49 was that actually Anthony? Or was that a movie line that was added in? That sounded like a killer

That necklace and her legs are atrocious. And what a trashy fucking "mansion."

Those stupid socks she's wearing... thinking she's all quirky and fun. I bet Anthony likes them though as they make her seem more like a pre-teen.

That shit might have worked for maybe a year when they first met her and she could pass for jailbait. Now she is closer to 30 than she is to 20 and she just looks homeless.


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Post a pic of your classy mansion

Thanks for the new flair, Ant!

I'm shocked he didn't drop any N-bombs. And saddened.

Am I the only one expecting to see a young Asian boy throwing firecrackers?

Now that's a good one. BRAVO FAGGOT! Deserves 100 upvotes.

He would have been throwing firecrackers in the video if one hadn't blown up in his hand.

I forgot about the timely Dick Van Dyke reference

what are the DVDs on the table at the 9:15 mark? "Davi" ??

It's a Sinatra cover album. Because just like his racism, movie references and attitudes toward domestic violence, Grandpa Anthony's musical tastes are still stuck in 1955.

Ain't love a kick to the chest

I thought Ant hated crooners. Or was that just Jimmy?


Holy God, Dani is fucking detestable.

Yes, and Tranth is worst.

Interesting take away

lol fuckin' Anthony. Seinfeld on the TV, gun talk and references to old TV shows all within the first few minutes. This is what happens when you get to know someone too well. Even with the bitch beating and drugs and alcohol he's really just a boring old man stuck in his ways.

"I guess we're both to blame." What a perfect ending.


"I'll PAY to have you go back to the apartment..."

Typical Anthony... throw $ at the problem to make it go away.

What a tacky house. And Dani...the epitome of dumb bitch. Ant is no catch either...

Did anyone else catch Ant's line that he might of left his gun at the restaurant...was that a Robert Blake reference???

There are finally more columns about Ant's domestic violence than there are in his living room. Dago trash.

In fairness, I want to know why Dani stayed in the house if Anthony was so abusive. I'm not saying that he wasn't at fault, I just want to know what the fuck kept her from leaving.



There are two theories, 1) Anthony used cult leader hypnosis to make her stay, 2) she's a fucked up pill addict.

That's a responsible gun owner there, folks. And jesus christ she's intolerable, I don't blame Ant for stomping her tits (which I definitely believe he did after watching this).

It is difficult to feel sorry for anyone, her for being intolerable and Anthony for even putting up with her for more than a minute.

what a shit show! Any really was out of control.

or that whole physical abuse aspect

Fuck... I think I'm on Dani'a side. Ant is a fucking prick. He literally broke her hand and is ignoring her drunk looking for her gun.

A fucking Dick Van Dyke reference...

Seriously. Human Sludge.

Can this be known as "The Director's Cut"?

Omg dont hit me, 2 seconds later, crack a joke about showing your boob .

I'm usually the first person to agree with any kind of public figure when they go to the "YOU DON'T KNOW THE REAL ME" excuse but holy shit this video has everything. You have dunk Ant, young girl, irresponsible gun ownership, old as fuck sitcom references, Seinfeld playing in the background, and the list goes on. It hit every fucking note.

Ugh, it was sad looking at him search through the couch. He really did need rehab.

imagine seeing this live lol

Anyone catch wtf that was behind curtain? She was saying " oh god damnit" quietly to herself, seemed to intentionally hide it.

Thought maybe she found gun and was hiding when phone went into bag. But looked like some drink? puke? Still birth? Was weird behind curtain like that.

Sue Lightning was hiding behind that curtain.

Did I miss that? She must've been shaking like beavis, just 2 scared puss.....or uh, a scared cat & a weiner-toting lady.

Joe Cumia was in the backyard throwing rocks at Anthony's bedroom window because he heard Anthony say "cut a check"

Freeze it at 02:36. It's something broken under the curtain. Probably something of hers that was thrown across the room and shattered during one of their fights that night.

It looked like something had broken and spilled out. A vase or a bottle or something? Maybe it was thrown? Didn't look like it belonged in a happy, uneventful home.



Haha this video is nuts.

That might be my favorite line, it had me howling brotherman.

Looked like lines of coke.

Dani also seemed to be SUPER NERVOUS about the cops coming in the house.

it looks like a shattered glass bottle of foundation or lotion or probably exploded when he threw all of her shit towards the door.


It was under a couch, looked like spilled milk............?

Only thing I don't like about this is it didn't end like Reservoir Dogs.

Anthony is a creep and all, but damn Dani is hateable.

Ant completely lacks pussy control. He's a desperate old ghoul without game. What an embarrassment.

I wonder where he found his gun after all of that.

Probably hiding in her pussy.


Calls cops on him.

Then says she loves him.

Then accuses him of assault.

Then on video says they were bullshitting the 911 call.

Then on video says he lost his gun.

And what's the most heartbreaking part?

That he has XBOX controllers, MacBooks & iPads scattered all around like so many

nickles & dimes and I can't afford none of that stuff.

What a fucking drunk cunt... and dani too.

She handled the cops better than he did.

why is ant always a racist bigot after a few months/whatever time ? I'm amazed these dumb broads don't realize it after 3 days

Damn, it's really over.

Oh well, domestic violence is still funnier than Opie Radio.

Great, after this video -- Joe Devito won't be making another appearance again at the TACS network.

Thanks for nuffin' Jason!

I've seen the video a million times. I'll always watch it because I like to laugh at Anthony's psychopathic Jack Torrance-esque "YEAH!! HA HA HA!!! Ladies and gentlemen..." introduction into the beginning of his new year.

But it usually ends after "Dick Van Dyke" and the Seinfeld bass riff starts.

I had no idea there was more to this. I'm almost afraid to watch the rest, lest it end in a Chiproll.

seinfeld in the background

This is the best part! sitcom laugh track

Oh boy, those cops are in trouble.

What? Too real?

This girl is completely batshit insane.

All bitches are without leadership and direction.

Lmfao, lifting up the couch cushions looking for the gun. Fucking desperate.

So Dani is a masochist? She isn't "too young" to know better. She's a fucking psychotic moron. And he seems unbearable when drunk, and his usual self when sober.

Calm down payroll-e of ant.

To bad this didn't end in a murder suicide

i thought i had dreamt this when i watched it this morning... how is it real? how do the cops do nothing? why is dani acting like a tortured housewife? she can't be that scared of Ant can she? or is it just a huge attention grab? Ant is a total nut... never mind losing a firearm and frantically throwing cushions around in search of it, i actually think he masturbates to the idea of crazy underage girls fucking up his life.

So who leaked the video? Was it Dani herself?

Video is so bizarre man. Of all the questions I'd have the biggest one is why would she stay there for so long after he broke her hand?! Surely she'd want to get the hell out of there?

and go where, in what car with what money? She latched onto him.

He even says in the video he'll pay though. Cynically I was wondering if she was trying to catch him on camera striking her or knocking her down. You know how bitches be crazy like that.

Yeah. Seems like this has happened before and he just pays up. What a pussy boy.

Anytime you have a question about Dani or Anthony from this period, run the answer "because they are a fucking drunken disgraceful idiot" through your mind and see if you need to ponder further

Very good call sir.

I wondered that too. Probably a mix of being really drunk and not having anywhere else to go.

Because she's in love with him.

What the fuck is the white shit Dani is freaking out about at 2:30?

late night sleighride

Birds of a feather flock together. Those two deserve each other.

The most telling part of this whole video is when she screams at him that he better find his checkbook before she calls the cops.

Fuck her.

And why would he need to find his check book? Because he most likely beat her up. She is a fucking cunt but this doesn't look good for ant.

She probably said she couldn't afford to go to the hospital but didn't want him to go with her so she asked for a blank check to pay for it. Or to pay for her busted phone.

Wait what the fuck did happen if the police left, how did he get arrested

They came back several hours later.

When he was strangling her....

Yeah, my guess is the Periscope had something to do with that.

I can hardly wait to hear the remixes on the show tomorrow! Oh, wait...

that 'where the fuck is my gun, FUCK' was legit.

Responsible gun owner

Oh shit....she didn't say anything about being strangled....listed every other injury..

So when Ant found out she periscoped this, he went ballistic & choked her out

Plus there was the drunk driving from the restaurant back to the Compound.

When will the blue-ray edition be released?

I'm hoping for a 3d version, myself.

What a cunt

Does anyone know where all this extra footage came from? Was someone sitting on it?

It was under Justin Stangel's stomach.

I'm only three minutes in, does he ever find his gun?

The suspense is killing me

Was that really him hitting her? Was he found guilty?

There hasn't been a trial date set yet. His lawyers made a deal to postpone the next court hearing until (and if) he completes rehab.

What judge is going to take her seriously if she sends the cops away, demeans them, and makes it clear priorty one is money. If she was beaten then she will have a hard time convincing a jury that she deserves to be highly compensated for all her "injuries" yet did not feel threatened enough to leave with the officers.

The cops fucked up here more then anything. If this goes viral in any degree those guys are in for a bad fucking time. They broke all sorts of standard procedures (interviewing both the victim and abuser within what sounds like 5 feet of eachother - and not making any form of an interview / fucking arrest based on her wounds/bruising alone - assuming it was visible). SJW's wet dream.

She is not suing him. The state is prosecuting him. So what she said in the video has no bearing on the fact that he beat her. She's probably screwed if she decides to bring a civil case against him but he's definitely screwed when it comes to the criminal case.

But the way the world works, if she did decide to sue him her lawyer could probably very easily find a psychiatrist or psychologist who would say Anthony coerced her and bullied her into obeying him, maybe even throw in a victim mentality on her part and some Stockholm syndrome and Dani rings up a good payday.

Let me be the 200th person to thank you for yer service

Sue Lightning, aka "Deep Throat", leaked this before the trial.



I think she said they're tall they make 65k a year ? We could see movies or go to movies or something

I thought she said she would blow them because they're 6'5 and make $65k. She then asks if $65k is enough to take her to the movies (for a proper blowjob date).

Couple of questions

  1. At 09:07 - Does she say that he broke both of her hands within one year?

  2. Why didn't she inform the cops?

  3. Also, can this footage be used in court?


If she really got kicked around in past, not surprising to not tell cops. It's more common for women to stay in these situations and not do anything. Looked like she was on drugs too, not just boozed up.



Now this sort of show I'd sub to.

If she was SMART she would have gotten PREGNANT. 21 years of FREE money from ANT. She wouldn't have to WORK again.

Ant keeps his POOL at 105 degrees and he's 65. His sperm are dead.

I honesty want to know why, if she was just beaten by him, she would be helping him find his gun? It just doesn't add up. My mom was someone who spent decades in an abusice relationship and even she wouldn't help find the abusers gun if he'd just beaten the shit out of her...

She's probably high as a kite in that video. Allegedly.

I suppose... She sure speaks well for being so high.

With adderall she'd still be able to speak clearly

That's true, I guess I should write off the way she acted to drugs and alcohol but it just doesn't add up to abuse and the way she moved around and stuff. Petting Beavis with her broken hand and running to call the cops to help find the gun, that doesn't scream broken ribs or a broken hand. Not to say she wasn't injured but It just doesn't add up in my head. I'm kinda baffled by it all. Lol I just feel like she'd be more careful if she had really been as injured as she said she was.

yeah, VERY odd situation

The video seemed to indicate that this was business as usual at Casa Cumia.

But things still don't add up. She's not exhibiting the symptoms of a typical abuse victim or someone who just got beaten either. Her hand is busted on the outside and typically someone who defending them self is going to have their hands up with the front of their hands facing forward not the back. She also pets the cat, grabs her boob and spends the entire video gesturing with her "broken hand". She continuously talks back and antagonizes Cumia which someone who is an abuse victim typically will not do. She also continuously jokes with him and laughs with him and she is the one who dismisses the cops and then goes on to make fun of and insult the cops that could've saved her life. Plus the entire time Anthony is looking for his gun, she continues to periscope instead of getting out of there like anyone would who was as terrified as she had claimed she was as him. Anthony doesn't really exhibit the typical behavior of an "abuser" either. Instead of attacking her more after the cops are dismissed he goes back to looking for his gun. Plus he continues to be very angry and upset over his missing gun but never goes back to take out that anger on Dani. He doesn't attack her anytime she tries to get a rise out of him either. I'm not saying she's a liar, all I'm saying as things just don't add up to me in the videos and I'm not ready to crucify a man and ruin his life when everything seems so out of place in the story.

You're mom sounds so smart

Ummmm... Is that sarcasm?


Theory: The cops had every intention of coming back after seeing that mess but decided it was better strategy to get a warrant first? Does that make any sense?

He's got police connections. How many times has he talked about the police dealing with his neighbors making noise complaints against his parties differently than standard.

Then there is the photos of him at a police range shooting suppressed weapons.

PBA, DBA etc cards.

We're kind of like Frank Serpico, uncovering the corruption of the police department.

Aeyhhh so you're just a bunch if crooked cops!

Keith the cop Mikey cuffs Vinny fbi

Edit: Kenny

Dude when he got one of his sports cars a cop called and said him and his buddies would block the freeway one night so ant could see how fast it could go. I just heard it on an old episode I was listening to.

By leaving almost immediately, they failed to follow procedure. If the 911 call specifically noted that it was a domestic disturbance, they're supposed to split the people up and get stories.

Even the cops were creeped out and had to leave.

I loved this chick in The Shining.

"Carnies and rubes Fezzie."


Once Ant gets out of rehab, there's going to be a Rotgut reunion and world tour. The band writes new songs about violence against women, racism, and the benefits of sobriety. By 2017, they're on the cover of Rolling Stone.

What is that white stuff on the ground that she covers up with the couch

Where the fuck did this come from?


So what the fuck happened?
When did the actual arrest take place?
Who called the cops?
What the fuck does ruckusing mean?

How important is the board?
What happened to the groceries?



"...momentary loss of muscular coordination, all right? A few extra foot-pounds of energy per second, per second..." Later: "Gimme the gun, Wendy. GIMME THE GUN!"

ipad on the floor at 10:14 and sooooo much bud light

He's gonna be welcome...real nice

He really has no control. Why would he let the psychopathic woman live with him?

So she called the cops and turned them away then called them again?

Yes. She did.

tss tss i hope they lock him up for good and throw the book away and the judge can throw the key at him or summtin. i dunno. were all green wit fawkin emvvvyyyyyyyy

Jason Yeiter Army, nigga!

Is he the wigger or the british fruit?


Also, we shouldn't shit where we eat. Steven Knight and all of the other uploaders have done us a great service for many years and should be heralded as such. I've never had to pay for a stupid SXM subscription and I've been able to listen to pretty much any full O&A show in history.

I was just taking a lighthearted jab at two frequent uploaders who looked nothing like the fat slobs i expected them to be.

Well now I feel dumb.

Looks pretty bad for ant but the only thing he has going for him is how bad she comes off in this.

She seems to easily transition from helpless girl just hit to ruthless businesswomen looking for a payday every few seconds. You would think if you just got the shit beat out of you that you wouldn't be in the state of mind to negotiate business decisions that quickly and calmly. She went from the personality of a beaten women to that of a bank robber telling a teller to give her money whitin seconds..

From the video it definitely looks like ant hit her but would it shock anyone if she hit him first or purposely antagonized him to do it so she could cash in once she realized the relationship was ending.

She could say she wanted a blank check from him to get her phone fixed and go to the hospital.

Seems like she's looking for admission of guilt

Someone should edit a laugh track to it

What's wrong with the Seinfeld laugh track?

My theory about the Op and Ant breakup was that Anthony's constant ranting about Obama was causing publicists to not allow the clients on the show, because they didn't want their client in the room when Anthony said something that would be construed as racist. When it started out that seemed to be the funny Anthony character "Oh, Ant's so racist, ha ha" But once Obama got elected and ANY criticism of him was being decried as racist, anything coming from Anthony was doubly so. Op finally got sick of it and when Anthony did another thing that cold be seen as racist, he had had enough. I mean you'll note they suddenly got a whole bunch of guests on right after Ant got fired that hadn't been on in years. Now I'm wondering if it was a drug thing

Did Ant pay /u/Dannyfromtheshow to keep his mouth shut on the sub?

Did Ant pay /u/Dannyfromtheshow to keep his mouth shut on the sub?

How did this whole video get out? there's no way someone sat on it until now, except Dani of course..

except Dani of course..

I think you just answered your own question.

In every video of "The Cumia" in his natural habitat, it always appears that there are little turds on the floor.

alcohol has rotted away the pathways in his brain... i don't know who bothers me more... 2 different versions of shitty people

She says she uploaded threats he made to her? I want to see that?

Well if you're not sure how would I know?

Dani reminds me of that gal in that viral video who ranted at a Dunkin Donuts employee.



Somebody save this before it goes away.

Did you think your song and dance and your superstition would help you, Dani?!




There was a 3rd periscope that night hours later that lasted for a second and ant was drinking wine standing up. Didn't the police come back much later?

Police came back in AM after Dani's step mother saw video, she called cops.



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He is a drunk idiot and she is a psychopath. She reminds me of one of my Italian ex girlfriends.

Also, is that cocaine or some other white powder on the floor at 2:38?

Probably just Anthony's old dried out sperm.

Sure looks like it.

In Dani's AMA she implied that she'd stopped doing drugs after all of this went down.

What was the trial verdict?


such a nut joberw

I don't doubt that Ant has injured Dani many times, however, I cannot believe that it's a concerted effort of domestic violence on his part. All of his long term partners (Jen, Melinda, Stetten), thousands of hours of radio that can be found on youtube, and even this video just prove that Ant cannot even initiate violence like that because he's too afraid. Ant is an alcoholic who is so afraid of confrontation that he offers people money just to appease them, and can't muster up the balls to call Bill Burr on the phone. Listen to him in this video. "can you please leave" "i'll pay you to leave" The guy cannot handle any kind of argument. Too many people on this sub are going on about Ant being some diabolical DV maniac, and Dani showing all the signs of a victim. They're absolutely wrong. These two show signs of being fucked up druggies who get into fistfights with each other. That's not abnormal in the slightest for two people who do nothing but pop pills and drink. Them treating this kind of thing like an every day situation is more evident of their abusive habits than any kind of domestic violence. In DV, the victim isn't nearly as confrontational as Dani is. They're both completely fucked. Hopefully this rehab gets him on track, but it could totally fail considering rehab is generally full of girls who are exactly like Dani.

One thing I don't understand is the idea that Anthony would hit this girl and she wouldn't fight back and scratch up his face. She's a massive cunt but she's fairly non chalant and just wants money for the injury?

She would go berserk if he hit her.


What trailer park madness, complete trash. What a broken, sad whore this lot lizard is.





I don't understand that sentence.

However if you think Anthony can't get jail time for beating up a woman just because after the beating she basically said she was going to make him pay for it, you're a moron.

Ilu baby girl!!!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😗


obviously she hid the gun right??


Im so scared of you and you broke my ribs, oh you lost your gun? Let me help you find it. fuck this cunt

Her ribs aren't broken. You're a fool if you think so. "Everything is fine officer. It was a mistake."

In the police report it states that they sent her to the hospital after they arrested him, and the hospital confirmed broken ribs.

link to police report please. Have never seen it. only commenting on the video at the time. No way her ribs were broken. That shit hurts yo. First page.

"On the aforesaid date, time and place of occurrence, the victim and her boyfriend, the defendant Anthony Cumia were at the defendant's residence. Whilst there, there was an argument between the two stemming from a comment made earlier by the victim about a former dating partner of the defendant. As the argument escalated, the defendant Cumia assaulted the victim, and after she made several attempts to flee, made it outside the house only to have the defendant carry her back in and then pin her against the wall and [wrap his hands?] around her neck. The action of [pinning his arms?] against her chest caused the victim to suffer pain, and upon being transported to the hospital after the arrest of the defendant, the victim was found to have suffered a broken rib"

You do know that he was arrested hours later, right? The rib kickings and strangulation could've happened then.

There was some word out that the second time the cops arrived they witnessed him choking her.



I had built this magical "lost" video up in my mind and watching it now is rather disappointing. I was hoping to see a bare knuckle domestic brawl but it's just Dani being a bitch claiming Anthony broke her hand and wasted Anthony ignoring her and searching for a gun. Sort of a letdown to be honest.

maybe but it definitely surpasses the level of cringe I was expecting.

At around 9:00 min in she says u better get your check book ??? Wtf this bitch wants money

Why else would she be sucking a old mans cock.

This video makes me like Ant more, you guys are nuts.

Ewwww Dani smokes ciggys

Show us your tits and balls


My thoughts exactly. She also pets the cat won her broken hand and grabs her bruised boon with the broken hand and spends the entire time in the videos gesturing with her broken hand. It just doesn't add up.

What a crazy, strung out looking straggly haired bitch. I wish he would have hit her in the ribs with the fucking Escalade.

Or with a .40 hollow-point.

"My hand is broken" If she really had her hand broken, she wouldn't flail it around and be able to broadcast anything.

Jesus Christ, I've been around a few drunk people with broken hands, I assure you they can operate a phone competently and walk around a house.

No one seems to understand that.

Say byebye to your sub, Ant will definitely shut this shithole down now. This is all Dani's fault by the way, seems to me like she just was strugglefucked too hard, so she decided to hide Ant's gun, call the cops and make it look like she was beaten on periscope to get a fat paycheck. She's nothing more than a golddigging whore, i hope that cunt ends up like Ginger.

You guys are a bunch of fucking douche bags. I love how you assume Dani is just totally innocent in all of this. First of all, I wouldn't be surprised if she struck him first. But for some reason, it's perfectly acceptable for a woman to beat on a man, but absolutely abhorrent for a man to fight back.

And besides, she seems like such an absolute cunt, that quite frankly I don't even feel bad if he did break her hand just out of the blue unprovoked. She refuses to leave when he asks her too, she yells at the police that he lost his gun just to be a bitch, she records what should be private moments and does everything she can to frame the situation in her favor (and by the way, I don't think Anthony realizes he's being recorded), she freaks out that he supposedly unplugged he phones to make it seem like she's trapped, despite the fact that she has a cell phone in her fucking hands and has been asked to leave multiple times.

Poor fucking her. I just feel so bad for a girl who gold digs off a millionaire, gets anything she wants handed to her, and then freaks out when she finally has to pay the consequences for being such a cunt. You guys are such douches and I honestly don't know why you all feel sorry for her.

And I know you're going to say, "why should we feel bad for Anthony..." You shouldn't, he should get with girls his own age and quit his bullshit, but you also shouldn't feel bad for this cunt either. She's a lying, manipulative bitch who has had everything in life handed to her.

She is exactly the type of girl who will ruin a man's life for attention and money. And do you honestly think Anthony just broke her hand out the blue? Dani was just sitting around minding her own business and Anthony decided to break her hand.

Right... It's inconceivable that maybe Dani was being a huge cunt, yelling and screaming and attacking him, and in the midst of it all hurt her hand. She fucked up her hand herself and seized the perfect opportunity to finally get her pay day. She knew Ant would never marry her, so how was she going to get his money? Lawsuit! "Get your check book now!" Fuck her and fuck you guys. I bet she hid his gun, too.

Tldr: sometimes bitches need to be punched to make them act right

Well you clearly didn't read what I wrote because if you did then you would have seen that I highly doubt Anthony got so angry that he broke her hand. She hurt her herself likely while wailing on Anthony, as evil cunts are apt to do, and then realized it would be a perfect way to get people to feel sorry for her and sue him.

You are correct, I didn't clearly read your six paragraph treatise. I read enough to know you are very angry at women, which is typically a sign of a well adjusted winner.

Whatever asshole, make your assumptions based off of 400 words, 90% of which you didn't read. Is that too many words for you? I forgot I'm in a subreddit full of uneducated morons.

I have no problem with women. I have a problem with shitty manipulative people.

Stay away from those student nurses nutsy.

Weird, I'm pulling for Ant after watching it this time. What a cunt. She earned them rib kicks. Guaroteed

This video makes me side with Ant over Dani. What a cunt she is. What kind of stupid slut periscopes a personal situation like this.

You're a dipshit

For attention. If she felt like she truly was in danger, she should of left. She's a crazy crazy cunt.

That's pretty undebatable. She could have left with the cops but she wanted to fuck around and milk the situation. And to get that check from Ant!

Reminds me of the whole Donald Sterling incident. The age-difference is about the same. I don't get why Anthony had to go with someone as young as her. Why couldn't he settle for a 30 something model instead? Why not just hire escorts to blow him while he watches Dick Van Dyke? Why not have orgies where Keith the Cop confiscates their cellphones and gives them back at a dead-drop after they're done? Why, Anthony? WHY?!

She like 26 not 18. She's way old enough to know better.

Wow... Antony sure knows how to bag 'em...

I still hate Ant. The video just makes Dani look extra cunty


Yeah "domestic violence should be private" Dani Golightly Nov 2015

Ant rules.

Keep listening, faggots.

You're trying to hard

when he's actually just trying too hard

Anthony has sex with men.

This is a home run for Ant. No jury with any blue collar men on it will give this spoiled, entitled brat anything. Loved the 60k a year comment and insulted the entire LI police force.

Ant walks with rehab and throws her some cash to mop up her "dignity"

It's a criminal case, dummy. Dani gets awarded nothing. Ant faces charges.

Assult vics dont hang out, laugh and joke, ask the police to leave, act more worried about a fucking cat, and make comments that its all about the money.

He gets maybe a misdemeanor and Dani on the stand after this tape gets aired to the jury will detest the little drama queen.

Or they will recognize that she is a drunk battered woman and not acting coherently but who decided to do the right thing and report her abuse to the police. And yes, battered women stay with the people who beat them up and defend them and act like idiots like this ALL THE TIME. Any police officer or psychologist or anyone who works in counseling will tell you this. There are groups that help people get out of abusive relationships because it can be like de-brainwashing someone from being in a cult. They don't want to leave their abuser and they will lie and cover up abuse. You just have no idea what you are talking about but you desperately want your hero to be innocent.

Everything you said may be true, if you (lawyer) can sell the jury on the fact that she is a battered victim. The evidence on the tape when not acting it up (talking into the camera) is so revealing. She may have a documented injury but her behavoir is really off-putting and since the actual injury is not on tape it will be a she-he said case and i dont see a sympathetic victim, but a sympathetic jury when danis antics and behavoir and real motivation (self admitted gold digging snob) are displayed to the jury.

And the medical reports and Anthony's persistence to not deny any of her claims on the video and his admitting that he must have lost his gun during one of their scuffles is all the evidence anyone needs to see that a drunk older man beat up this girl. She doesn't need to be a sympathetic victim. She only needs to be a victim. Criminal cases don't require you to like the person who got attacked. And, again, if all she wanted was money Anthony would have gladly paid her off to shut up. Instead she reported him to the police so clearly money wasn't all she wanted. She was living in a mansion for free. If that's all she cared about she could have continued to do that but it seems like she didn't want to be a punching bag anymore.

To play devils advocate is it possible the scuffles he was talking about was her attacking him and he acting in self defense? At the end of the video she does say "this is both of our faults"

And as far as ant not denying her comments about him hitting her he didn't answer at all.. He was a drunk pill popping mess who was in a panic looking for his gun as opposed to listening to what she was saying.

If he's going to play the self-defense card it's going to be tough if he had no visible injuries like cuts or scratches on his arms or face. I figured that was going to be his defense all along but with him going to rehab that makes it seem like his lawyer sees no other way for him to get out of this. It's tough to say "I have no injuries but that 110 lb girl was attacking me and the only way I could defend myself was by breaking her ribs and tearing a phone out of the wall while she was calling 911." If he didn't file a police report or give a statement the night he was arrested saying that she was attacking him it's a real hard defense. Once he decided to shuffle off to rehab that is basically him telling the court "I acknowledge I fucked up... My drinking was the problem.. I've addressed my drinking and won't fuck up again so no further punishment is necessary." His lawyer wouldn't have suggested he go to rehab unless it was their last ditch effort to get the charges lessened or dropped because they had no other way. Going to rehab is an acknowledgment of fault.

Ray Rice entered rehab voluntarily, had no prior record and the charge of simple assult was expunged after 12 months due to a special pre trial intervention granted by the prosecutor. Ant is also most likely angling to get a similar deal. Should be much more likely after this video is watched by the prosecutor.

I dunno.. This video shows he's drunk, violent, irresponsible and was armed. None of those things are good for him.

She mentions he broke her other hand at some point earlier in the year too. Is this a new revelation or was this something that was known and actually accidental (and not DV)? What's interesting is that Stetten defended Ant saying that he was non-violent and that she could never see him hitting a woman. I guess the changes Ron calls him out affected things other than his politics.

It is difficult to feel sorry for anyone, her for being intolerable and Anthony for even putting up with her for more than a minute.

what a shit show! Any really was out of control.

Cops are supposed to arrest one party or make them leave in DV situations, those cops are shit.

Anthony & Dani got a nigga. Ribs hurtin' today.

They are xanax chasers which is why he's so groggy sounding.

Wash down Xanax with them.

around the time Anthony searches for the gun in the couch

When she mentioned his public image I thought she was lying, but towards the end I think he really did abuse her. She really is unbearable tho.

Nah, I'm good. There were a few of your kind at the convenience store, they were much scarier than Texan negros, with their open disdain to my presence. I don't blame them tho. My sister lives in Jupiter, that's the only reason I went. I fucking hated Florida.

Its crazy im a real tough Brooklyn nigga and never seen shit like i see here it scares me too

Gotta agree. A lot of that is drunken, desperate stalling for time. And he knows his time just ran out. Though he genuinely is far, far more worried about the gun than about her physical condition. He's really worried those cops will be back too. And he was right. I knew he was guilty from the first tape, but damn, he seriously is looking at time. How many times does she bring up DIFFERENT INJURIES and he doesn't deny even one of them? Three or four. Kicked me in the boob, broke BOTH hands (at different times of the year), various contusions on her body that even the cops saw. Not one denial from that fucker. That's not someone new to beating on either side. Dani may be annoying but that girl is beaten and pretty brainwashed. And this isn't Anthony's first rodeo beating a woman either.

Yeah. The chick lived.

Xanex and any booze just knocks me the fuck out.

That is, after I kick the shit outta my girlfriend, call the cops, and lose my handgun.

She absolutely was shunned and she continues to be shunned even on this thread. How many of these posts talk about what a golddigging whore she is or how annoying she is when a bona fide psycho woman-beater with a lost gun is screaming in this video? This is part of the reason why DV charges are not brought and do not stick and even when they do they're punished lighter than any other violent crime.

A spectatorcle


She saved his ass from the first arrest.

She deserved to be smacked around.


I'm of the mind that he totally did beat the shit out of her. She may be many things, and completely un-redeemable to most folks here, but that doesn't make it right to beat her

Yet she made zero effort to leave him. Fuck her. She eggs men on then makes threats. She's as fucked up in the head as he is. She's a mental case.

If her hand was broken she'd be screaming in pain and she wouldn't be using it like she was on camera. I don't doubt a argument turned physical between them, but him just going up to her and breaking her hand is clearly bullshit.

She is pretty atrocious. That's why I think he is in less trouble than people think. He'll probably take probation, cut her a check, and avoid doing any jail time. If it were to go to trial (which I highly doubt) his lawyers could shred her pretty badly on the stand. Any half way decent defense attorney would have a field day with how it looks like she is shaking him down, doesn't tell the police anything when they are first there, and is clearly messed up on pills. It can easily be argued in court that she was the aggressor since she had a broken hand (not usually a defensive injury). I'm not trying to defend Anthony or say she isn't a victim- it's just that it's a weaker case than people are making it out to be.

Hopefully part of any plea deal is that he has to surrender all his guns and can't ever own one again.

Or they will recognize that she is a drunk battered woman and not acting coherently but who decided to do the right thing and report her abuse to the police. And yes, battered women stay with the people who beat them up and defend them and act like idiots like this ALL THE TIME. Any police officer or psychologist or anyone who works in counseling will tell you this. There are groups that help people get out of abusive relationships because it can be like de-brainwashing someone from being in a cult. They don't want to leave their abuser and they will lie and cover up abuse. You just have no idea what you are talking about but you desperately want your hero to be innocent.


The "light" in American light beer refers to carbs, not alchohol.


Honestly, I think my choice to not listen to any O&A clips has been a smart one. Because you don't have to dig deep to find more hints that Ant was a real shitty person. And it's not even funny in a douchechilling way, but it's honestly just rough to even partake in even as a joke.

All bitches are without leadership and direction.


He did seem insincere in his hunt for the missing gun. She's trying to get him to admit things on Periscope and he's distracting and stalling.

link to police report please. Have never seen it. only commenting on the video at the time. No way her ribs were broken. That shit hurts yo.


White Knight!


Not as much as her ribs.


There are two theories, 1) Anthony used cult leader hypnosis to make her stay, 2) she's a fucked up pill addict.

Well you clearly didn't read what I wrote because if you did then you would have seen that I highly doubt Anthony got so angry that he broke her hand. She hurt her herself likely while wailing on Anthony, as evil cunts are apt to do, and then realized it would be a perfect way to get people to feel sorry for her and sue him.

Stay away from those student nurses nutsy.