What is the worst product that was sold on O&A that you bought?

9  2016-04-18 by yzyman

I bought this piece of shit after EVERYONE in the studio was dying during a Lewis Black appearance. After that I couldn't take their opinion and endless fake laughter seriously.


Also Joe Cumia is a faggot.


Jim Norton

for me his unmemorable EPIX special that u had to sign up n see or some shit, and it was all about the PSU scandal i forgot even happened by 2016

Boy Butter



I bought this piece of shit for a friend of mine's birthday:


A friend of mine had this book when we were on a weekend trip with a group. It was a pretty entertaining read when you think of what an asshole someone would look like who does all that shit.

He was just breaking your balls and right away you gotta get fuckin' fresh

It's a very difficult situAtion...

Joey sacks

Is there a clip of them trashing that anywhere on YouTube? I remember the old version got the sound stripped because they were playing some Sinatra.

It was free but Joe Derosa's YouTube series about going to concerts (that featured many O&A people) has gotta be the worst thing an "O&A comic" ever did

But actually, Ron Bennington is the worst at this. I can't tell you how many horrible, piece-of-shit movies & documentaries I watched because he interviewed the filmmakers & slobbered all over their cock

The only two things I've bought were a wow sticker for a buck and a Patrice benefit poster. I have a TACS sticker but Bobo gave it to me on the street

Anyone who spent money on the Chip cartoon? Here's where you speak up.

Jimmy stole $60k, there's a few of you who aren't speaking.

I bought liquid ass.

I didn't buy one but I heard those gold-dipped roses were trashy

You didn't think they were the height of class and sophistication?

surely not.

STACKER 2! That shit made you feel jazzed up and just on the edge of puking. I guess that would help anyone lose weight?

to be honest, that shit worked till they had to change the formula to remove that shit that killed that pitcher.

I don't remember that, who was the pitcher?

Steve Bechler

Cory Lidle

Martha Mitchell

Ephedra, yeah, that shit used to be sweet to get f*ckin zooted off.

I never even paid for Sirius XM to support the show. I certainly wasn't going to buy a dumb rose dipped in gold or...well, that's pretty much the only sponsor they had.

XM subscription.

I remember them gushing about that piece of shit movie.

Sweet release. Just kidding, that shit sounded gross.

I got a "Check out the Empties Maan" shirt.. Yes, I am serious. Too embarrassed to wear it in public though

One of the episodes from audible.

The worst thing I ever bought from the show was a cake. It arrived flat, like someone had stomped on it. I tried to get a refund but to no avail...

Jimmy's second book. Loved the first one, but him trashing public figures was repetitive at best.

I'm sure youve evolved and learned from your mistakes since then but if you were stupid enough to let ANYONE convince you to buy that horseshit youre just kind of a hopeless idiot.

I paid for them using audible lol

That Opie and Anthony had a good relationship

I bought that too. I always wondered why I did, I guess I forgot O&A hyping it.

Actually, fuck that, that wasn't as bad as COP OUT. That movie fucking STUNK. And they sucked Kevin Smith's little fat man dick. Fuck them.

Whatever those intestine blowout pills were

I hate penguins
