Are there any podcast's/radio shows where comedians talk about the craft?

145  2016-04-17 by EskimoEscrow

I'm tired of comedians trying to make people laugh, I'd rather hear the inside scoop on what they think is funny. Especially D-listers.

Extra points if they mention how long they've been comedians.


I really like hearing about the differences between the NY and LA comedy scenes at length.

A nice 2-3 hour block

Idk if it's on anymore but 'the craftsmen' with Duncan trussel & brendan Walsh

Amazing podcast, shame there haven't been any new episodes lately

Twas what I thought. Duncan was indeed a gem to come out of the jre shit

Duncan is the worst one...

Brandon Walsh is dreamy, but his sister is such a bitch!

Give Joe Rogan a try if you would like to learn the ins and outs of the Boston comedy scene.

Pay extra attention when Greg Fitzsimmions is on.

Take alphabrain Pay extra attention when Greg Fitzsimmions is on.

Also check for any DiPaolo or Burr eps

That dumb irrea guy is shit

Their secret science of comedy isn't meant for the likes of civilians.

Comedy alchemists.

I heard the freemasons hold all of their meetings at Zanies

If I have to hear Rogan tell the Sam Kinison story from the 80s one more fucking time.... WE HEARD YOU!

Do we also have to agree that he was a good comedian? I have never laughed at any of his stuff.

Yea the "genius" of incoherent screaming.


Pure mastery of the craft.

He's like an act of a horrible comedian. Offends everyone just for the sake of offending them. Which isn't funny if you went to pay to see jokes but is funny if you have a fourth person perspective.

Think Joe will say this : "he was the best comedian in the world for about a month"

I love hearing Joe remind me for the 10th time that Kinison bumped his head. Horse's ass.

This chick at work was acting it out...fock yea

Does he talk about the Outlaws and Jimmy Pineapple?

I know you guys are goofing on this kind of shit but here is Maron telling a story about Kinison pissing on his bed.

I really wish Maron wasn't an insufferable twat so I could enjoy listening to the people he interviews.

Everyone I know who follows Maron religiously is a pseudo intellectial hipster douche. Says enough to know I was never wrong to hate him.

sounds like a personal problem

"As a comedian..." click

*comic. Only civilians use comedian. Which makes it even worse.

Especially if it's about the Boston comedy scene in the 80s.

The black clubs were very difficult for white comics starting out. You may have heard.


Don't forget about Houston!

I don't think there is unfortunately. However, if you would like to hear a group of mediocre comedians trying to get to the bottom of what's been bothering Kurt Metzger on Twitter for the past week you can check out Race Wars.

Yes I know you're black. Oh you're black? Yeah black. oh really? Do white people have that particular habit oh hahahahah oohh fucking stupid piece of shit white cunts.

Race Wars used to be fairly decent, so I checked in a few episodes back, and they had a girl in studio and a guy on the phone (or something) who got in a facebook tiff, and Kurt got in the middle of it. They had them on to hash it out, which made less sense than the first time Kurt explained it. Nothing was accomplished, no jokes were made. Literally, just people explaining the mechanics of posting something on facebook and who commented, and who got mad and took stuff down.

Fucking sjw feminazi huh guys

No no no no I think you are mistaken, there are many comedians on podcasts taking about comedy

Oh, literal BlandOld.

+50 stamina if they once met Carlin

Guys did you know Bill Hicks is the only comedian that could clear a room out a truly not care. He was a comics comic!

Oh man. He was SOOOOO good. Remember how he would say things? All edgy and what not.

Better to be dead Bill Hicks:

Joke all you want but he basically invented walking a room correctly.

I respect Hicks as much as anyone, but Rogan tells the same story about Hicks clearing a room in just about every podcast he does with another comedian. Hicks is a legend no doubt about it.

I have never heard Joe Rogan say anything funny. I'm convinced his fanbase comes from mma fanboys who think he has a hot bod, not comedy fans.

I became a fan of Rogan's when he admitted what I thought of him: he called himself a "meathead intellectual."

I respected his self-awareness.

I think we can all agree when I say any man in his late 40s who's in a crew called deathsquad is pretty much a faggot. That's something my friends and I would call ourselves in maybe grade school. Not as adults.

Deathsquad sounds like a crew that Joseph Cumia would create.

Believe it or not, Opie came up with it. Joe has mentioned that before. Opie said "Here comes the Deathsquad" one time when Joe and Brian (I think) were coming on O&A and Joe and Brian went with that. Joe has pretty much abandoned it at this point, but I think Redban still uses it.

Oh I got you, haven't listened to more than a couple of Rogan's podcasts but it seemed like you genuinely didn't think Hicks could fire bomb a room like nobody else, which he could. My apologies.

Yeah, I just love it when professional comics talk about what room they like to work and how different the vibes are in the cellar and the store compared to regular clubs maaan. Just a bunch of hardened funny people shooting the shit like no regular person ever could. They honed their craft in the trenches of funny and they came out veteran comedians who can work any crowd any time without EVER being repetitive or lame not that any of use could ever tell anyway.

They once killed so much that they were using the bodies as sandbags, stacked them 5 storeys high, then Rogan came and dropped 4 nuclear bombs on everybody, scorched earth policy style, they had to call the U.N. to stop the massacre

Did they not realize that by talking at length about comedy they removed all the mystery behind it? Now we know its a fraudulent gay art form.

Is there a podcast out there where 2 comedians nervously fake laugh at each other's jokes?

I feel like this is what most of these "comedians" do full time. I don't think i've ever heard people like Luis J. Gomez, Bonnie or Dave Smith actually tell a joke.

Circlejerking motherfuckers.

Great point. I thought this last week about Bonnie and googled her stand up. The only footage seems to be an attempt at a special with a camera doing a constant slow and uncomfortable pan of the stage.

The second I noticed this was all podcasts are it made it alot harder to enjoy them. Then I discovered Florentine's which was great until he decided to dedicate his life to Facebook posts and license plates.

Dude, comedy was how I got into the idea of podcasts. Now, the closest thing to a comedy podcast I listen to is cracked or I Was There Too. I just don't give a shit about "comedy" as a genre anymore.

Yeah, its weird how little I even care about any of this shit anymore. A few years ago if you told me Louis CK had a new Stern interview I'd break the sound barrier getting to a laptop. Now he does one a few days ago and I still havent listened and probaby never will.

I'm typically a Louis fag and it was so unbelievably boring that I turned it off.

This weekend I listened to something called "The Best of the Anthony Cumia Show Podcast" (the title is deceptive to say the least) with it's the cavalcade of guest hosts filling in...

About 30 minutes in you'll find a podcast that's exactly what you're looking for; it's called Legion of Before Photo Models. Not only will you hear "comedians" endlessly analyze a craft that they have yet to master, they'll also share their heroic endeavors. For example, one of them called Luis (he's the one who looks like a crack addict and meth addict had a kid together) discussed something he posted on Facebook about a comedy club that has made him a hero in the eyes of all the comedians who allegedly private messaged him their thanks. Apparently this is their "best" material...oh boy.

These words were actually said in a serious manner: "you've been killing it on Facebook lately."

when did DAVE ATTELL gain a ton of weight.....and lose the fingers on his gloves??

Especially from Luis j Gomez and Dave smith

Dave will teach you about politics too

It really convinced me that everyone can call himself an expert and go on tv and preach.

Marc Maron's WTF will tell you EVERYTHING you wanna know....

....about being a super-prolific, Jewish intellectual

(you know, to understand how UNIQUE their diaspora is....& how much better they are than you)

I have heard so much about the insides of working as a comic. I would rather listen to a podcast with train operators talking about trains. When they go in to how it is working as a comedian i fast forward and hope they end the discussion. Usually about 1 hour forward.

I'd rather hear a recording studio engineer explain in excruciating detail why one soundproofing panel is better than another foam, than to hear about why one comedy room has a better vibe than another one. We get it, different places have different sizes and crowds, it's not a mystic art.

I know/suspect that unless a comic is big enough to go out each weekend OR has consistent or high paying acting work, THEY HAVE TO HAVE $ COMING FROM SOMEWHERE. So many comics PRETEND to be banging it out, grinding however you want to put it, but i dont believe them. Then you usually find out "my dad was a dentist" or lawyer or whatever... c'mon man, you may not have had Trump money but you had enough for LA or NY rent while u smoke weed and try to get on stage. Knock it off.

NYC is only dumb expensive now. It wasnt like that 10 years ago.

I never understand why a guy who calls themselves a comedian but then will go on "you know what dude" & not say anything funny whatsoever. Like, not even attempt anything funny. Why wouldn't all of them just go for it, even if people hate them? So many guys go on & just contribute a "..this is crazy".

Nah man, YKWD is like... the cool kids table at the comedy club. Invite only, for cool kids only. If you don't 'get it' then you're obviously not a cool kid.



This. I'm tired of comedians brushing off the fact they make people laugh for a living. Have they ever thought about that? I mean really thought about that? Even in places like comedy clubs where no one is ever in the mood to laugh - how do they do it?

So, comics, (did I say that right?) spill the beans! What makes you guys tick!? We're all dying to know! Is it a frequency us civilians can one day hope to be in tune with? Or are you comedians just such a special breed of people us civilians can only stand back in awe and jump on the crumbs of knowledge you guys generously drop on us from time to time??

As soon as I hear the word funny used as a noun I fucking switch off.

Sure but we are taking a look at a world where comedy is serious business!


Are there any people who know how to use apostrophes?

Without comedians telling us civilians what's funny how would we know. The Chip Chipperson Show is obviously so funny and brilliant only comedians can appreciate it

I recommend TJ Miller's unmasked. He informs us that comedians are the modern day philosophers, and that he doesn't just tell jokes, but he reveals the inner workings of human psychology

Yes would love to hear more about how Gilbert Gotfried did a really corny routine at a celebrity roast and only the comedians in the crowd were laughing because only they got it

I love inside humor from comedians that is just for other comedians, because we civilians don't get satire.

I've heard Joe Rogan is a good off the dome comic.

Honestly? You civilians just don't get it...

Seriously I thought this was meant to be sarcasm commenting on the 1000 podcasts by lesser (and greater, in between) comedians interviewing other comedians talking about the comedy world.

Marc Maron and Carolla

Then got over to or and pretty much type in the names of any comedians if you don't immediately see 1000 comedians talking comedy world.

Personally, I'm not a big huge fan of a lot of Earwolf's Trust Fund Hipster comedians HOWEVER one 'comedians talking comedy' is: Just the ones where he blindfolds another comic then takes them on a mystery roadtrip.

but if you have a few 'sheckles' (apparently thats money) Maron's WTF archives are absolutely astonishing fucking legend with gritty, real, hilarious awesome 1-on-1 interviews with everyone you'd ever want to hear talk.

The best one (to save you time) is Rich Vos. Its actually better than President Obama.

You can just shorten it to LA Comedian. Because really the best podcasts are by LA Comedians who only play 'safe rooms' in LA, and only to audiences known for being 'Comedy Nerds' who 'get it.'

What I would like are some podcasts from underground comedians I've never heard of. I want to know their thoughts on the craft. What would be really cool is if they could either do a show by themselves and not really have any material prepared and just sort of go off the cuff on whatever strikes their fancy. That's why podcasts are killing radio. Nobody wants to hear prepared bits and background knowledge on an issue. Just wing it! It will be great practice for playing The Chuckle Hut in front of 13 people someday.

I like when they refer to doing open mics and low level shows as being "in the trenches."

I know OP is steeped in sarcasm, but The Comedy Store podcast hosted by the great and miserable Rick Ingraham is fucking insanely good if you're into stand up and the mechanics of stand up in general. (I am)

It's unpretentious, completely self effacing, and bare bones honest. So many great stories and weird shit, he even knocks a lot of other comics and the management who obviously don't even listen to their own fucking show. He just had Jon Caparulo on to tell his whole side of the Joey Diaz beef from Christmas time, but accidentally re-ignited the whole feud again, lolz. It's an interesting little feud.

If you're looking for new shit, check it out. It's one of my favorite podcasts, period. Sniff.

Go ahead and come clean. Let everyone know that you're the user formerly known as /u/weirdfellas. This charade is killing me.

I don't know what the big deal is, or why you're so obsessed with it. I got kicked out of r/movies for saying "fag," and had to change my account because I like posting/arguing there. Fuck do you care?

It's not a big deal, I just pay attention. And you changed your account because of the idiotic move you made with trying to return a 3000 dollar prop and posting on reddit about it. Not because you said "fag" in /r/movies. For what it's worth, I always thought you were pretty funny. Until you started parroting Ant.

You're entitled to your opinion, sir. You do have your facts wrong though, I never "came on Reddit posting about a $3000 item," the thread was to plug the skit and it got mentioned in there. We all make mistakes.

So what happened to the whole thing? Did they give you a full refund? You are a shit head btw

Last Podcast On The Left. They review a lot of horror movies.

Bert Kreischer's Bertcast

Until reading the comments I thought you were being serious. I'm a moron.


YKWD is a conceptual piece whereby 5 different comedy podcasts are played simultaneously. The resultant din is then broadcast by Bob Kelly

That's not how it started, listen to everything up to 2-3 years ago

On LOS they tend to focus on the latest gossip from the comedy community. They touch on their craft occasionally, stuff like the latest definition of rape and what that means to their rape material.

Ari has done a few Skeptic Tank episodes with comics where they focused on the art.

Oh literal rahtin.



Todd Barry's podcast. His sarcastic delivery is worth the listen on its own, plus he typically has comedians (great and awful ones) who talk about how they came up, different scenes, influencers, etc.

Why? That movie sucked

In all honesty I can recommend Your Moms house podcast.
The topic comes up but they mainly talk about shitting farting dental updates and porn... its real classy.

The Nerdist, You Made It Weird