The real reason for tacs being so anti-piracy.

24  2016-04-17 by JoeCumiaSr

If the shows were uploaded to YouTube of just tranthiny sitting alone in front of a green screen complaining (mostly about black people) the amount of views and dislikes would be embarrassing. They'd rather appear to be successful and have no one see the numbers. The torrents have 10 seeders at their peak ffs. O&J stinks too, obviously not as bad, but their full shows on YouTube still get 4k views or more. The numbers are embarrassing for tacs. Don't forget to sign up to deep discount to have a box of dvds from 1960-1985 delivered to your door weekly!


Gotta love how the guy that constantly bragged about watching new movies in his home movie theater (constantly alluding to them being pirated as he coyly winks at the camera)has suddenly taken a hardline stance against piracy like his name is Lars

Watching low res cam rips in your elaborate home theater is so perfectly Anthony.

Didn't he brag once about getting to see an early, pirated version of JJ Abrams' Star Trek that had the bottom half of the picture cut off?

Oh wow and all this time I thought he meant that the movie theatres were pausing movies so he could go to the bathroom because he was such a high profile celebrity.

Fucking haters just wait until we get the NYC studio, and get Ronny B.

Shit will be fucking unicorns and cupcakes.


He probably would have, had Ant not decided to use Dani like a Rock 'Em Sock 'Em robot

With those dry parkinsons thumbs what do you think he was prepping for?

Moisturising them in Jim's ass funk.

Or how about that new desk? Fuck yeah! We are truely experiencing the 'Steve Jobs' game changers in the podcast world.#Blessed

The new desk will change EVERYTHING.

A guy started putting the Gavin Mcinnes podcasts on you tube, and it didn't get taken down for about 2 weeks. And within 2 weeks his channel already had over 5,000 subscribers. And that is without any advertising or anything.

Gavin has a very big 4chan fan base. I'd would even go so far as to say he is the real bread winner of the network . Personally I wouldn't give a dime for any shit on there.

Gavin is the only real "celebrity" on the network. Nobody knows who the fuck Pat Dixon or Luis J. Gomez is. Even Anthony is pretty unknown among most people my age.

How does Gavin put up with the shit audio/video quality on the network? He's seen what professional quality production looks like on VICE.



TACS worrying about piracy is like when a monster sues for sexual harassment because someone smiled at her. No one wants what you got Anthony.

No. The ones they do release do well. He is trying to build a successful platform.

It isn't working

I've been going through some O&J clips recently and they aren't all that terrible tbh. Just shows how low I've sunk.

Anyone who ever paid for that shit should be ashamed

anthony cumia is by far the worst show on his own network besides finoia... he is boring, and whining all the time. the only reason to watch is if he has a comedian guest or is going to smash opie.

The last tacs clip I listened to is the Opie bashing 2

i listened to some segments co-hosted by some comics (quinn, norton, kelly, soder,gomez&smith,dipaolo) Ant was the obvious weak link every time, seemed discombobulated and out paced by guys he once ebbed and flowed with ... but the only full TACS episodes ive ever been able to complete are opie attacks

He shouldn't have his own show. He should be a blend of M.C. for the network, have a few specials (i'm thinking of back in the day when they did BTFF) and a pop-in guest across the network properties. Thats the best fit for his talents.

i agree

thanks for getting to the bottom of it.

Or a subscription based show requires paid memberships to be financially profitable for those who choose to live in reality

Meanwhile dozens of other successful podcasts run without subscriptions and less advertising than TACS because they get more viewers/listeners.

TACS is becoming irrelevant. O&A used to complain about being on a subscription channel on XM because they knew the only way to grow was to have new people listen. TACS can't grow because nobody is going to pay a subscription fee because they liked a 3 minute clip they heard on YouTube.


Look at the fucking Wharton grad over here. Stop acting like you know what you are talking about. Any industry that thought it could combat piracy by simply trying to play whack a mole when their shit popped up on the internet took huge losses. Ask the RIAA how that went. The only thing that saved those industries was them realizing they had to start changing their business model to mitigate losses from piracy... you fucking faggot.

tl;dr you're stupid

I bet you smell like sour milk and viginity.

Sirius isn't free

But Sirius has far more value than TACN. There is more at stake for TACN, because it offers considerably less bang for the buck, so they have to protect what little they have to offer. (I'm not a subscriber of either.)


Sirius isn't available outside N.America, but that hasn't stopped me from listening in.

Yes, brilliantly bring up two multi billion dollar corporations to show how ignorant you are about how capitalism works.


A subscription show still needs to get its face out there. HBO is a subscription service but it still allows clips of Game Of Thrones on YouTube (to a limit)

Put an old, outdated full episode of Game of Thrones on YouTube and see how fast you get a copyright claim against you. Your argument is shit.

Its strange how you read the word "clip" as "full episode". And I don't think that they would put a copyright claim against me, I think they would probably save themselves a lawyer and take the video down instead

Are you that dumb? HBO doesn't have the ability to take videos down from YouTube. They have to put a copyright claim against you, then YouTube would pull the video. It's how it works and 99% of the time doesn't take a lawyer.. And even with "clips" I guarantee TACS is way more forgiving than HBO. You're talking about a network that threw a huge bitch fit when people were periscoping Games of Thrones.. You couldn't have picked a worse comparison..

Calm down!

YouTube has software that is able to map copyrighted content. That's why every so often, you can watch a Family Guy episode on YouTube but it's super zoomed in and flipped. Sometimes you upload a video of whatever (i.e, you dancing in the mirror to Duran Duran) and it won't allow the upload because it recognises that a copyrighted song is being used. Periscope doesn't have that software and that is a pretty genius idea.

Yes, "financially profitable"...