I get the feeling Luis is taking shots at a cop turned cum rag picker upper

0  2016-04-17 by Dennyislife


Have a cop & a Puerto Rican in a business relationship. What could go wrong?

The latest FBI crime statistics suggest either a stabbing or a night sticking incident.

Luis is a bridge burning nutcase.

Keith is not a "bridge" to anything except a 400 ft drop.

I guarantee he doesn't speak for Big Jay either. LOS is Luis' fucking life so he takes way too much of it seriously and micro-manages the fuck out of it. Big Jay seems to be all about having as little drama as possible. Plus, Luis is just trying to make money from LOS instead of growing the audience. Rogan doesn't charge for any of his podcasts and makes good money.

He really is. He does this all the time.

Didn't keith say he'd never talk to luis again because of the fans that emailed him about his family?

Which is absolute insanity. Keith really needs to realise who TACS' audience is and learn to disregard troll nonsense.

louis has nothing better to do than fight over 750 obese subscribers

Deleted. What'd it say?

tweeted what experience should someone in charge of a podcast network have and had a poll with the following options Sales Broadcast Skills Technical skills Law enforcement

These catty bitches entertain the shit out of me.

And just when I thought they'd buried the switchblade... :/

he's trying to bury his digital switchblade in keith's @bdomen

Can Luis make a point without a Twitter poll?

  1. Yes (0 Votes)

  2. No (1 Vote)

Luis clearly read your comment and made this poll.


C'mon Luis, you and Zac clearly read this sub. You even talked about a post that was made here on RAP (Popeye Jesus).

Come out of the woodwork.

Also guys , keep it nice. If you get passed first impressions and his ethnic make up he's quite likable in a weird way.


He past. Me future.


This is so weird. He must be constantly monitoring this place.

No. He is a fucking pushy sales cunt who is better at handing out flyers about comedy, than actually making people laugh.

He's not fucking wrong. Keith shouldn't be running shit there.

thats hilarious why the fuck did he delete it :(

And before you know it, it's deleted :(.

haha, that's great. I just wish that last choice was law enforcement/bitchboy

What happens when May rolls around and you mix Ant with access to firearms and the knowledge that Keith has killed TACS while he was gone? The best episode of 'NYC Crime Report' with Pat Dixon.

how great would it be if : anthony sobered up ...and first thing he does is fire keith ....and acknowledges on air, keith was an enabler and likely stole 10's of thousands over the years if not 100's by taking advantage of a 60yr old drug addict

So what will happen to LoS now? Can they even afford to do a weekly podcast anymore? Those BONNIE TRIGGER WARNING AHEADretards were starting to grow on me.

Didn't keith say he'd never talk to luis again because of the fans that emailed him about his family?

The latest FBI crime statistics suggest either a stabbing or a night sticking incident.

Keith is not a "bridge" to anything except a 400 ft drop.

He really is. He does this all the time.

I guarantee he doesn't speak for Big Jay either. LOS is Luis' fucking life so he takes way too much of it seriously and micro-manages the fuck out of it. Big Jay seems to be all about having as little drama as possible. Plus, Luis is just trying to make money from LOS instead of growing the audience. Rogan doesn't charge for any of his podcasts and makes good money.