Let's be honest

0  2016-04-16 by [deleted]

This sub is comprised of people who would of supported hitler in the 30s.



I did Nazi that comin' psssssst fawk yeah

I condemn the policies of Hitler and I urge him to reconsider his plans for Europe.

No. They'd support Hitler now.

This sub is, above all else, REAL.

I agree with his Selma killing policy.

Bless you.

Probably. Not the socialist parts, though.

Let's be Yannis.

I totally would have rode for my number one nignog and thrown up the H-Dubs.


Made the Jews die on time.

Have. I would have supported Hitler in the 30s. We'd be better off, that's for sure.

I mean, his economic policies were pretty fantastic. He brought the country from majority unemployed to 100% employment in short order. He was praised by world leaders all over the globe for the way he turned around Germany's economy. Then he got a little carried away with the whole Jew thing....

He had it right. Ban unions lower wages and stop non whites from working and suddenly everyone's employed with terrible paying jobs. HEIL HITLER!

Actually Germans supported the moving from unions to the Labour Front and German workers were treated very fairly and compensated well. They set up workers councils where employees and employers would negotiate terms of employment. If an employer was doing something fucked up the employees could report them to the workers council and the employer would get fined or in some cases lose their stores. Because of this, employers were incentivized to be fair. Worked great. That's why America and Britain and every other country who ever had a depression was blowing Hitler and world leaders were flying over to meet with him to understand how he was able to rebound from a depression so quickly. His first couple of years were good for the German people.


What a strange major.

Nope... just recounting some history. Prior to WW2 Hitler was praised for his economy and Germans favored the German Labour Force and by all counts the Workers Council worked well for the employees. You have to take into account that this was relative to the time. They were in shambles after the treaty of Versailles. People were literally starving to death. Measures were taken that wouldn't be taken in a healthy economy but it benefited the country at the time. It's easy to look back now from America in 2016 and say "boy was Germany a pile of shit" but at the time Hitler was declared Time Magazine's man of the year and he was revered by leaders all over the world. Yes, striking was banned but that's what the German Labour Force and workers council was for. Employees could take their employers in front of a Court of Honours and have them fined. There were dozens of cases where businesses were even shut down entirely by the Court of Honours (with the power of the state) for mistreatment of employees. Today companies just outsource work to other countries who mistreat employees. I guess if we don't see it in our backyard it isn't there? Your iPhone was built by a little kid who worked a 20 hour day for about ten cents an hour. Is that better or worse than Nazi Germany's labor practices? But that's just part of capitalism.. it isn't Nazism so we can ignore it, right?

Shutup fag

Oh man.. you offended again?

Always, I'm always upset.

People said Hitler put fluoride in the water to make the population more docile... You'd prob be less upset that way. Turns out that was all a myth but there's nothing to stop you from drinking fluoride now.
