As a civilian I'd have more respect for these comics if they actively participated on this forum.

0  2016-04-16 by yzyman

Because you know everyone of these motherfuckers is reading it. Vos/Bonnie, LOS, BroJoe, Tits, Anthony/Keith/Staff, Jimmy the worm, Metzger, Derosa, etc.

All of these comedians are reading this yet they block away on Twitter and have convinced themselves it has no impact on their careers.


Come to find out, most of these 1st amendment free speech zealots are oversensitive pussies.

There's no way to argue with the Internet and win. When it's you versus hundreds of people, you always, always lose and look bad doing it.

The majority of the times that people I named have used this subreddit its just to take a shot and leave. Like Jimmy with his "You guys could have called in, I told you ahead of time pussies" topic.

I think we really took that the wrong way. I think he assumed we would accuse him of censoring calls (which of course we would have) and was trying to get out in front of that.

"Amy will be on my show in five minutes". While he sits on Twitter all day. Its just a dishonest radio tactic because neither Jim or Amy were interested in having an actual discussion.

Its on par with Opie tactics or the greatest of all time "Whats he saying Robin?".

You're 100% right. Acknowledging the hate just fuels it. Look at how Metzger looked after engaging through twitter.

It's like they say when a comic gets media attention for saying something offensive. If you acknowledge it, it gives it more attention. Ignore it and it will go away.

Opie is bad at many things, but I give him credit for giving very little public attention to this place. He very rarely acknowledges internet hate.

Luis J. Gomez is active on the LOS subreddit, he's a real ass dude

He reads this shit

"You're a sccchhivillian. You're the audience. Who gives a fuck what you think? I'll be appearing at Giggles and Gags in Ames, Iowa on the 27th."- Vos

Every time Anthony comes here it doesn't end well. He makes an ass of himself and it bums me out because I want to like him.


Jimmy was here briefly, then he was smart enough to realize he was only making it worse by coming here and crying like a baby. Vos used to post in Wackbag before he got run off not soon after.

Im sure all of these rich 50+ yo comedians are dying for YOUR respect

Yet they know every detail of this subreddit. All signs point to them being obsessed with the opinions of the "haters".