Someone brought up Anthony Cumia in another thread.

58  2016-04-16 by Jackthejew


Being pushed by far left agenda sites lol. You goof.

Just a goof and a gaff.


A funny spoof and a goof

The O&A brand is well respected among the general public


Listen not everything is going to be breaking news. Once in awhile we run a puff piece.

Tss why don't you puff on dis piece tsssss

That was a little too funny for chip

Fawkin home run!!

Fawk yeah chipperson!!!

u fuckin pecka'd that muddafucka

"Peckas" is like our "forgetaboutit"

Vurrry good!!!


We are everywhere.

nice move jackthejew...nice move

'Peckahs' is one of the funniest fucking things on earth. I laugh every time I read this. Holy shiiiiiit!

To be honest, i'm not a fan of it when i see it posted on this sub, but i find it quite jocular when it pops up elsewhere.

peckas ?

Nice photoshop