So Rich and Bonnie are the new target? I was hoping Keith was

25  2016-04-16 by crookedmile


Trying to get a read on the hivemind so you don't get downvoted?

Naw, threw up an anti-Keith thread a few days ago to little fan fair. Still friends?

Baahhhh cm'here ya little scamp... ahshugahshugahsugah

We're taking on Keith Robinson now? Stroke of genius!

He will be you anxious faggot, shit hasnt even officially gone down with LOS, when it does obviously it will be his turn and probably last a while, remember O&A is dead and shit has to happen to keep this stupid shit running


they stole the show

Aren't you the perceptive one.

we can attack ppl on multiple fronts

He was until we actually witnessed Bonnie bleed from the vagina

Fuck Keith!

We haven't forgotten about Keith. Just like with the Amy Shumer stuff we didn't forget about Anthony and brother joe. Keith's will inevitably fuck something up soon enough and well be right back to trashing him.

keith is a more worth while target, in the "BroJoe sense" in that he is of a quality of person we should not abide in this world ... the vos's however betrayed the unwritten code of "don't take anything personal"

Its a quanspiracy by tacn fans to divert the sub from the true enemy