I was giving Rich and Bonnie the benefit of the doubt...

66  2016-04-16 by JeremyACrosby

for acting like such irrational hypocrites, I just chalked it up to being in the heat of the moment. But after listening to the last podcast where they had time to cool down and assess what happened they came off even worse. The pulling the podcast down, trying to bury it and blocking everyone instead of taking their lumps and at least admitting a tiny bit of wrong is really shitty and gross on their part. Comedy is dying and comedians are killing it.


Comedy isn't dying. Its just Bonnie has convinced Rich there is a line you can't cross which now makes his and her jokes hypocritical. They attack Pat because, I presume deep down they know they're wrong, but won't admit it to save face. The real tragedy is other comics won't call Bonnie or Rich out cause they like them. The same reason they gave Amy a pass. "Civilians" called them out but shouldn't be acknowledged because they're not comics

I hate to say it, and I was raised not to think it, but the evidence is clear: women are utterly irrational. It boggles the mind that she could possibly believe that her pet issue is unassailable. There are plenty of joke targets who can't fight back. When did this arbitrary line get drawn? Hell, I grew up with dead baby jokes. They can't fight back. Or animal jokes. They can't fight back.

Women are all emotion and status. But zero logic. I hate to say it, but Bonnie was sort of my last hope.

welcome to the team.

i think there's a spectrum. women tend to lean more towards what you're saying, but there are men too that are ruled by their emotions and base drives. i've known some calculating women, but there were still things that they'd get needlessly upset about and allow themselves to live in a cycle of emotion-fueled outrage.

but you can look at any internet discussion and see the same shit between men. literally someone saying something logical and another person going off on some dumbass tangent because it touches on something personal for them and the original comment said nothing of the sort. it's almost more common than people having quality discussions.

To normal society there is a line. Only in the tiny fringe comedy scene are you not attacked for being a cunt because of poetic licence.

You go up to a cop or a construction worker a regular guy and say the shit pat did when they say they have a retard relative. You are getting the shit beaten out of you.

There is no absolute free speech. It gets met with violence. It's how we keep cunt in check.

Hey moron, of course if you walk up to a stranger on the street and insult their family you'll get your ass beat. Don't disregard the incredibly important context of the incident taking place on a comedy podcast, and don't forget that Pat never made direct insults towards Bonnie's sister but rather general comments about the mentally deficient.

Have another swing at that straw man if you want though.

Buried dat cawksucka

You missed my point. Even in comedy that line does get crossed hence why comedians fall out over this shit all the time. My point was its natural to get upset snd offended. Even patrice got offended St some of smy schumers jokes, he said that on o&a.

My point is even in a comedy setting human nature comes out. I think that to demonise a comic for getting upset is as dumb as getting upset at a construction worker for being offended at a blue joke that crossed ghe line.

Bonnie was in the wrong. But so what. She got upset over a sensitive issue. Why is everyone so upset at her. Rich came off worse than bonnie imo.

Which is fine. Until you have time to reflect on it, then double down on the offended bullshit and throwing your weight around.

But we're not talking about that. We're talking about a comedy show on a comedy network and the guy was clearly joking. And even in your example the cop or whoever would still be in the wrong. Jokes are jokes. Buck the fuck up.

Jokes have never been just jokes. Plenty of people get their lights knocked out for them. Some woman stormed off on your dhow. Big deal, buck up.

Why are you even in this sub?

Why can't stand different opinions? Hypocritical anti free speech ass hole ZOMG!

This is a comedy sub that values free speech.

No one's free speech has been violated. It's hysteria.

They are trying to say their pet issue shouldn't be joked about.

No she said it upset me do I left. That's what you do. You don't try and get someone fired or harassed you leave. Having your pet subject banned is censorship. Walking out and telling someone they are stupid isn't.

I'm giving her that. But rather than admitting she's being irrational they doubled down on it.

Enough with the shows about "being a comedian" and more "be a comedian". yap, yap, yap.....just bring the funny

its a craft tho

Civilians just don't understand.

Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks.

WOMEN are killing it.

Don't forget that massive faggot Jamie Kilstein.


You shouldn't expect them to admit they were wrong, it's their argument they can say what they want and stand by it. The problem is that they are misrepresenting everything to manipulate the situation and shit on Pat because they felt insulted by him. They are edgy comedians acting like children

I'm sorry but I expected better from Bonnie.

I hope Ant is quarantined from all this shit hitting the fan, gets all the news at once then goes on a bud light and Xanax bender.


And then they find his lifeless body lying in a pool of blood.

It's threads like this that tell me exactly where the line is here

What the fuck now this sub is growing a vagina too? I thought this was a safe place to release psychotic rage.

I wasn't offended and didn't downvote you, just thought it was pretty funny that Ant going on a bender freaking out was upvoted and your followup was downvoted.

A quick death wouldn't be entertaining enough for the animals on this sub. They'd rather he slowly self destruct publicly for entertainment purposes. I think I'm in the right place.

Shut up, faggot. Go back to playing Magic:The Faggorty. Fuck you.


I say we carry on supporting Rich like normal and continue to destroy Bonnie. The ol divide and conquer.

you can disagree with someone without destroying them sir.

You do realize this is R/opieandanthony?

I'll have you know that I can't do anything.

I like that people turned on one of the most delightfully bitter, morose and cunty comics on earth for being cunty and one of the stupidest savant comics for being stupid.

Oh Bonnie, hypothetical situations hurt don't they? Fuck you and your waterhead sister.

What did I miss? What did they say?

The deleted podcast was so much worse than the original incident: Bonnie lied, and Rich pitifully tried to big time Dixon, but couldn't push that boulder up the hill.

I would love to hear Rich say "Myth of Sisyphus", tho.

Vos can't big time anyone in this business. The guy recently did a comedy club in my city and tickets were only $10. He did like 5 shows and I think he only sold 1 out.

He's basically giving the tickets away and he still can't fill up the clubs.

I'm surprised someone booked him for 5 shows anywhere.

But he's great at crowd work! Right?!?!

I don't know the whole story here, but did the original incident happen on TACS? Does Bonnie not realize that Ant has made fun of retarded people before?

Apparently, Bonnie has made fun of retarded people before. According to someone here, on Maron's podcast she talked about ridiculing her sister growing up. Really mean shit. Pat didn't ridicule specific retards; only retards in general.

So basically, Bonnie doesn't have a cunt to stand on, and the "they can't fight back" argument is, well, retarded. By that logic, you shouldn't be able to make fun of the merely stupid, or the drunk, either, because they can't really fight back, either.

Also, joking about the retarded isn't aimed at the retarded; as Pat implied on his episode of TACS, they aren't watching. Retard jokes are aimed at people who are overly sensitive to people ridiculing them. So Pat hit the bullseye there, but only because Rich and Bonnie helped him do it.

His comments turned them into anti-comedians. Or, more specifically, they (retardedly) allowed his comments to turn them into anti-comedians.

That would be, for him, a task of Sisyphean proportion.

Double Mythology cocksucker.

I listened to the podcast they pulled and it didnt seem like they said anything too crazy that required them to not release the episode

You probably listened to the other one. The pulled one has Vos shitting on pats career, calling him a misogynist with bonnie completely lying about what pat said to her. If you only listened to mwhm and nottacs, you would be under the impression pat said her sister deserves to be raped in a cage, which is kind of fucked.

The one i listened to was like 44 minutes or so and was going around here as the one that was deleted. Maybe i had the wrong one, maybe i didnt. When i posted this i pretty much already forgotten what was said on that episode

Tss well if Ben can't fit into that tell him to go on a diet or something

All this phoniness and realization is fucking up my shit. I was listening to around 15-20 different podcasts for the last couple years. I'm down to about 3. Buncha fuckin cunts

same here. I'm getting annoyed at everything these days. I don't listen to anything related to O&A anymore. I used to listen to wrestlers' podcasts, but I'm annoyed at them too. I'm down to 2 podcasts: No Sleep Podcast (which I'm beginning to get annoyed at), and Welcome To Deadcast, which is a Goosebumps-themed podcast hosted by 2 gay twin brothers.

Link to the deleted podcast?



both are overrated by this sub. average routines at best (Vos sucks on stage terrible premises worse tags, Bonnie is above avg for a woman)... certainly a pair of entertaining radio guests sometimes... but Vos is as much of an irrational coward as any alt comic (like Bonnie)... however he is a fine counter puncher sometimes...

Yeah what a shame to see whats happened to them

Preach brother

I must be the only one that changed his mind after hearing the podcast. I totally understand why Rich is pissed off. If Pat was going for a joke that's one thing, but there wasn't really anything that funny about the retard stuff. Its like he was doing it just to get bonny mad like he didn't want her there and was being passive aggressive about it. Its like if your friend is married to a fat broad and you're just talking shit about fat people to her face, you're going to be told to go fuck off. I mean I'm sure this sub is full of obnoxious losers with no social acumen so this is probably lost on most of you... \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ <-click away fags

Stop it, just because you didn't find it funny doesn't mean there wasn't anything funny about it. It's hyperbole a basic tenant of comedy no one really thinks they are kept in cages.

the last sentence of my original statement applies here.

Pat who?


I don't understand the hypocrisy... If they don't agree that everything offensive is also inherently funny they are hypocrites? They didn't try to have Pat's microphone cut or shut down the show... they left. That's all. If they left and then told Keith "Get rid of Pat Dixon or I'll never come on Anthony's show again" that would be hypocritical. As far as we know they didn't do that.

Also, upon second watch it is kinda funny that when Pat Dixon said "if you have retards watching please get them out of the room" and Bonnie stood up and said "Ok.. come on Rich.. let's go." She was literally making a "rich is a retard" joke right there even though she was pissed. Everyone just missed that it was a joke.

Parroting the same absurd argument they pushed on "My Wife hates me"?

You don't have to think its funny. But if a joke by a comedian and friend triggers you enough that you have to call them stupid, like a 14 year old girl, and walk out of the room... its pathetic.

The podcast they did after was not funny in any way and just made them come off as to whiny bitches.

It doesn't matter if it was funny or not. They weren't trying to be funny in their podcast. And that argument isn't absurd.. it's correct. There is nothing hypocritical about what they did. You can call it annoying or pathetic, as you just did, but where is the hypocrisy? If they said "nobody should ever get mad about somebody saying offensive shit" and then they got mad, that would be hypocritical. That's not what happened though.

And she called him stupid because he wasn't making a joke. He honestly thought that retards can't get pregnant... so much so that they fact checked it on the internet. That is stupid. She wasn't calling him stupid for the jokes he made. She was calling him stupid for saying something stupid. If Opie said "mentally retarded women can't get pregnant" people here would start threads about how stupid he is (rightfully so).

It does mater. They are comedians doing a comedy podcast and responded to another comedians jokes by getting triggered and storming off in a huff, Bonnie grabbing her husband, Rich talking about how hes further in comedy and then did a shitty/non funny podcast that they took down themselves b/c of how pathetic they realized it was. (Rightfully so)

They didn't respond to Pat's jokes by being offended... Bonnie was offended by his ignorance when he said, in all seriousness, that retards can't get pregnant. She then, as she said, realized that Pat was ignorant AND intentionally trying to offend her so she left. What should she have done? Stayed there even though she didn't want to be there anymore so the hundred people who watch TACS don't think she's a "hypocrite" because they don't know what that word means?

No. He wasn't seriously saying that its physically impossible for retards to pro create. He also didn't seriously think that retards are kept in cages. If you don't realize that you're either autistic or just have zero understanding of comedy.

Your only defense is of the word "hypocrite" but im sure everyone in here would gladly settle for "pathetic, and completely anti comedy".

Pathetic works. I'm saying she wasn't hypocritical. That is exactly what I'm defending so that's the part I'm talking about. I don't give a shit about Bonnie personally but everyone is saying she's a hypocrite when she wasn't.

And Pat was serious when he said that retards can't have kids. Gavin even googled it because they both actually thought that. The cage thing was a joke. We all saw Borat though so it was a joke everyone has heard a million times. The "retards can't get pregnant" was him just being wrong about something that he tried to build a joke around.

The only thing that was hypocritical is that she often goes at ppl that she considers friends very aggressively.

Pete Davidson and Luis J both joke about their dead dads. Most comedians aren't sensitive enough to leave a room b/c they are so offended by a topic.

If any guy comic left a room and stormed off they would be made fun of by all the rest of the comedians they are friends with. But its Bonnie, so she has to be coddled.

If you really think he thought retards live in cages or can't get pregnant... you probably belong in one of those cages.

I literally just said that the cage thing was a joke... It was a joke from Borat, in fact. He really did think retards can't get pregnant though. So did Gavin. Gavin came onto the show and said that he also believed that to be true... he googled it.. and because of googling it he found out, what do ya know, retards can get pregnant and a larger percentage of retarded men are sterile. To this Pat said "well I was half right then."

The exact transcript: Pat: ALso, the retarded person is not gonna reproduce.

Triggered Bonnie: "Are you out of your fucking mind? Do you really not understand how humans work?"

Pat Dixon: Are retarded people encouraged to reproduce?

Triggered Bonnie: You're so fucking dumb its unbelievable

There is zero chance you will be able to convince any non retard with eyes and ears that he was saying "It is physically impossible for retards to reproduce".

Keep going with the transcript to where Gavin comes in with his laptop opened and says "when I heard you say that and Bonnie argued it I actually believed that retards can't have kids also so I googled it. It turns out retarded women can get pregnant but retarded men are sterile more often than not so you are kind of right." and Pat says "yeah.. so I was 50% right."

Also the transcript doesn't do it justice because when Pat originally made the comment, as Gavin also interpreted it, he was talking about them being physically incapable of reproducing.. then when Bonnie questioned him he changed to "are they encouraged to?" to defend his stupidity. The joke he was making was that you can rape a retard because they can't get pregnant. How does that joke make sense unless you are talking about how they physically can't get pregnant? He was saying if you cum in a retard after raping them you don't need to worry about them getting pregnant... that was the joke that he based around not knowing that retards can, in fact, get pregnant.

Its hard to teach comedy to autistic people. You are embarrassing yourself...

Oh am I just a civilian and you are a teacher of comedy? You should go on a podcast and tell us a little about your craft. Yuck, you fuckin douche.

You are taking someones jokes and portraying them as serious in order to fit in with your pathetic agenda. Its obvious and everyone here can see it. If you think they were serious its because youre a fucking retard.

No, dipshit... Pat made a rape joke based on a flawed premise. He actually thought retards can't get pregnant. His joke was that they are better to rape because they can't get pregnant. The joke was supposed to be that since they can't get pregnant you can cum in them while raping them. The joke wasn't that he is stupid and thinks retards can't get pregnant. The rape part was the joke. That is why Gavin literally Googled it. He also thought retards can't get pregnant and thought he was going to prove Bonnie wrong about it.

You being a retard that doesn't understand deadpan doesn't change the reality for the rest of us non autistic people that can.

You told him to "keep going with the transcript". But that is irrelevant because Bonnie was already triggered and leaving once Pat said "Is it encouraged for retards to get pregnant".

It he really thought they physically couldn't get pregnant why would he say "is it encouraged"? That would make no sense if he truly thought it was physically impossible.

Stop embarrassing yourself, take a stop back from the computer and kill yourself.

The reason he said that is because when Bonnie called out the premise of his joke (that retards cant physically get pregnant) he realized he was wrong. The rape joke makes 0 sense without the premise being retards can't get pregnant. When he said "is it encouraged" he meant are retards encouraged to get pregnant because if they do it will be a miscarriage. Again, saying they physically can't have a baby. He just shifted from they can't get pregnant to "it's not encouraged because they can't carry a baby to term." Explain how his rape joke makes any sense otherwise, oh non-autistic comic genius?

There is nothing "deadpan" about Gavin running in with his laptop open to Google giggling saying "I actually thought retards couldn't get pregnant either so I googled it and it turns out they can but male retards are often sterile so you are partially right." So was Gavin joking too? He didn't actually google that because he thought retards couldn't get pregnant?

"There is nothing "deadpan" about Gavin running in with his laptop open to Google giggling..." "So was Gavin joking too? "

Well, hmmmmm.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRDXeinEUJQ&amp;feature=youtu.be Oh look how Luis CK thinks the term Nigger seriously originated!

Hmmm... you said that I don't understand deadpan humor because I'm autistic. I pointed out to you that Gavin running out to a microphone giggling isn't deadpan (because by definition it isn't deadpan) and now you are showing me a link that has nothing to do with the point you highlighted that I made. Good stuff.

Yeah, I never said gavin was deadpan. You used a strawman to change the topic. But even when you did that you made yourself look foolish b/c you said "he was giggling" and followed that up with "do you really think he was joking"? Well, yes. He was giggling.

Pat, on the other hand, was using the same deadpan he uses on his own show every single time. Only humorless retards would think he was serious.

Gavin was giggling because he was caught off guard by Bonnie storming out and he thought it was funny that he actually thought that retards couldn't get pregnant and had to look it up. I brought up Gavin because you said I didn't understand the joke and that nobody was serious about thinking that retards can't get pregnant.. that's not true. Gavin openly admitted that he thought that... but, of course, that was all part of the joke. lolol.

And I'm aware of Pat's style of delivery but the only way his joke made any sense at all is if he is using the premise that retards can't get pregnant which is what triggered the whole thing and what made Gavin Google search it because he also believed that. I don't think Pat actually believes Retards are good rape victims (that was the joke).. I do believe that he, like Gavin, thought retards can't get pregnant.

Gavin was giggling b/c everyone was in on the joke except for you and Bonnie...

There was nothing to be "in on" at that point. Do you actually think that Gavin and Pat made a plan to try to piss Bonnie off and make her storm out? Gavin was genuinely surprised. That's why he was giggling. He couldn't believe that what happened just happened. Luis was also shocked and uncomfortable. These weren't people "in on" anything. They were stunned by what happened.

Exactly. There was nothing to be in on. The joke was obvious. The only people that thought he was serious was you and Bonnie. No one else did. Everyone else is laughing in your white knight face.

Yes. The rape joke was obvious.

Im wondering if you take all comedy this literally. Pretty scary that people can be this clueless.

That was comedy? Gavin was doing a little off-the-cuff shtick? His laptop probably wasn't even on, was it? He was just pretending that he was Googling stuff. That's a real knee-slapper. I dunno how I missed it.

Pat was making a rape joke based on a false premise. That's what happened. He genuinely thought retards can't get pregnant and that was the premise of his joke for why they are better to rape. The joke makes no sense without the idea that retards can't get pregnant.

Yes. It was. Autistic people often have trouble deciphering satire.. That is probably why you are coming across as so foolish on your current meltdown.

Can autistic people get pregnant?

WOW! You seriously have to ask that? How stupid can you be? Thats it, im leaving. Conversation over. You really don't know if autistic people can get pregnant, how sad.

The hypocrisy is in the argument that they made, which is that you can't make jokes about retards because they can't fight back. Bullshit. Since when is that a rule? Hell, the reason comics hate hecklers is because they're trying to fight back!

They didn't say that's a rule. Vos said that is where he draws the line. He didn't say no comic should ever pick on retards... in fact, he said that other comics can do whatever they want but he, personally, draws the line at retards since they are a defenseless target.

And then they walked off the show because pat made retard jokes. Then they doubled down on it on their podcast.

And then they walked off the show because pat made retard jokes. Then they doubled down on it on their podcast.

That's a good point, personal boundary is much different to tolerance,/acceptance or getting outright offended and getting all pissy.

I made a joke about my dog once and he can't fight back, I guess I shouldn't have done that.

You can do whatever you want. Vos said where he draws the line. Not where he expects other people to.

No the hypocrisy would be if they did a joke right after at the expense of someone that can't fight back. I don't think hypocrisy means what you think it means

No the hypocrisy would be if they did a joke right after at the expense of someone that can't fight back. I don't think hypocrisy means what you think it means

The hypocrisy is that they were literally in a conversation where they said anyone can joke about whatever they want and then immediately started talking about how you can't make fun of retards. That is a contradiction.

People find it hypocritical because of the dishonesty. They felt aggrieved that Pat talked to them like that, and want to hurt him by saying he is "anti-female", unsuccessful, and said her sister should be raped in a cage.

Bonnie has the mix of a huge ego and insecurity. All of her humour is based around rolling her eyes at someone else, and she can't stand it when she's opened up to other people doing the same to her. She disassociates herself from every opinion and just jumps the fence and throws stones at people. She jumped off the fence for once and didn't like it.

And yeah Pat's hardly raking it in, and he might not be headlining McGooby's, but he has a funny show and isn't tripping over himself to tell his twitter followers what he thinks of Rich Vos and Bonnie McFarlane.

That's still not hypocritical though.... If Bonnie and Rich said "nobody should ever complain about a joke" then that would be hypocritical...

I don't see your point, I made no reference to the free speech angle because it's stupid. Anyone who thinks she's trying to censor Pat is just giving her a way to deflect attention from her bullshit into a boring free speech argument.

It's completely personal, she felt disrespected and lashed out and continued to lash out with lies while trying to frame herself as a spectator to the whole thing.

I don't see anything wrong with her walking out, but storming out and saying you didn't, saying it was because pat was saying her sister should be raped and in a cage when he didn't, and complaining that people take her jokes literally when that's what she's doing. She could just own it and say fuck Pat, but she twots it up and keeps trying to nonchalantly pass it off like she doesn't care.

My only argument is that it isn't hypocritical. If people wanna trash Bonnie for storming out then I agree that she was being a sensitive pussy. But hypocritical doesn't apply. People seem to be arguing that because she didn't sit there and pretend not to care she is a hypocrite since just before this happened they were having a discussion about free speech in comedy. My point is that that is retarded. If you wanna say she was oversensitive and a liar then those are fair points.

That's fair.

They did say no one should make fun of retards though.

No they said that they wouldn't attack a retard in the audience because a retard can't defend himself. Vos was saying that is where he draws the line.

I'll have to listen again because it didn't come across that way.

It was either on TACS or the podcast that they tried to erase that Vos said he, personally, would go after anyone except for the retard. Race, religion, blind, wheelchair bound, etc. all are on the table for him. He wouldn't make jokes at a retard's expense because they are unable to defend themselves verbally and might not even understand that you are making fun of them. You can make a joke about retards in general... Vos has done that on O&A and he's often called a retard or water-head. He just wouldn't attack a retard in his audience.

I can understand that. The reasoning is still flawed though. He's the one on stage with a microphone. No one can really fight back. And you can't always tell if someone is a warhead just by looking.

Doesn't that somewhat demean some who are slightly retarded by saying they are fully incapable of being insulted/firing back?

Good point. Proving anyone can be offended by anything because reasons.

Yeah so, all I'm saying, to be clear to those who read this, is that if you are going to treat handicapped people with the same respect and rights you give others, they should not be exempt from the normal proceedings of society, including being made fun of. I've met plenty of handicapped people of various kinds who only wish to feel kind of normal. Being "sheltered" is not something they tend to like - the one's I've met and worked with.

So Bonnie was being a hypocrite, giving Pat Dixon shit for making fun of retards but then essentially calling a Rich a retard? I bet if someone called her on it she'd pull the "You're just a civilian" bullshit so many of the sensitive jackass comedians are pulling more and more lately.

I don't think she necessarily meant it as a joke myself but if she did mean it as a joke then she was being just as insensitive towards mongoloids as she claims Pat Dixon was being. If I were a retard I wouldn't want to be lumped in with Rich Vos. That's straight up offensive.

It was less a joke and more smart-ass comment IMO. There's a difference, although a subtle one sometimes

She wasn't giving him shit for making a joke. She was giving him shit for being stupid.

That's not true at all, she is straight up lying about that

Lying about what? Saying "Ok, come on rich.. let's go"? She did say that... right after Pat said to get your retards out of the room. So this was just a happy accident? And you know this because you are able to sense her intentions?

Well she did leave right?

Yes... but what does that have to do with it? She was genuinely offended. She admits that. Why should she have stayed if she didn't want to be there? And just because she left doesn't mean that she couldn't make a joke before walking out the door just the same way Vos cracked a joke by giving out his stand up dates before he walked out too (and then he returned).

She showed up and grabbed a mix on a show she admits she wasn't invited to then proceeded to slam on the breaks, derailing an entire comedy show because of something she took personally. She then proceeded to get on her own podcast and mother fuck the host of that show (who couldn't defend himself) and completely misrepresent what he actually said. Which she didn't even have to do, because what he said was offensive enough on its own. There are like a dozen instances during this that she could have chosen a different course of action.

So what should she have done differently? Plenty. Maybe try a fucking joke rather than tank the entire energy of a show because you are bothered. That isn't how a good comedian works. Do you think bonnie was the first time a comedian got offended? They don't all act like fucking babies.

If it wasn't for Bonnie storming out nobody would be talking about the show at all. It was the only interesting thing that happened on that show and people haven't shut up about it so it is generating a lot of entertainment for people.

And as for her podcast, they did decide not to release it after recording it so apparently they did decide that trashing the guy when he couldn't defend himself was the wrong thing to do. It just happened to get out anyways.

Not really sure what your first paragraph has to do with anything, are you suggesting that her throwing a tantrum was actually just a way to make interesting broadcasting? Because that is obviously not what happened. You asks what she could have done differently, presumably to avoid the back lash she is getting. She doesn't get a pat on the back for her acting like a sapz being interesting.

As for their podcast, they did release it but pulled it. Probably due to the negative reactions, not because they thought it was fucked to explicitly state that Dixon said her sister deserved to be raped in a cage.

My first paragraph has to do with the fact that the show is, presumably, meant to be entertaining and if Bonnie didn't storm off it would have been much less entertaining. She didn't do it to be entertaining but I'm glad she did do it because otherwise it would have been just 2 hours of comics/podcasters talking about their philosophies about comedy.

I don't give a shit about the backlash she is getting as long as it makes sense. If you wanna trash her for being a sensitive pussy or for being a liar or for handling her own podcast stupidly that's all fair criticism. The whole point of my original comment was about how people are calling her hypocritical for walking off the show right after talking about free speech when that isn't hypocritical of her to do. There are plenty of ways to criticize what she did but calling her "hypocritical" doesn't apply.

Which I never brought up. You asked what she should have done differently, I was just saying plenty. I agree hypocrit is a bit of a stretch but it could easily be argued that while she didn't start a letter campaign to have the chord cut on dixon, she and cos did try to mother fuck his career over a joke by saying blatant lies to their listenership about what happened. It seems to have bs fired but they did indirectly attempt to effect dixons ability to do his job by trashing him, over a joke she was offended by.

And now everyone here who goes on twitter and trashes Vos and Bonnie will try to negatively impact their careers.

So? If the discussion is about hypocrisy, you can't be a public making public statements about defending humor that is taboo and say you don't think comedians should be hurt financial over a joke then do exactly that when it happens to be your sacred cow. That makes you look at the least inconsistent and at worst a hypocrite. The people trashing them on twitter are doing so not over being offended, but because of inconsistency. Furthermore they haven't claimed a hard line stance about protecting comedians from backlash, rather they have repeatedly had the opposite stabce. A lack of consistency in the application of your morals is what makes someone a hypocrite. Plenty of consistency here for calling out and trashing comedians. It's different because bonnie and rich's are in a different context than the civilians shitting on their childish behavior.

How did they try to hurt Pat financially? By saying they are mad at him on a podcast that nobody listens to and that they immediately tried to remove from the internet? When they were on their Sirius show they didn't trash Pat and that would have been the place to do it if they actually wanted to try to hurt his career. Anyone who likes Pat Dixon knows what kinda comedy he does and if anything they'd just like him more if they heard he said something so offensive that it made Bonnie and Rich walk off a show.

Uh they trashed his career, not in a joking way at all and told their listners that he said bonnies sister deserved to be raped in a cage. Like, not sure how that doesn't seem like an obvious way you would be fucking a fellow comedian over a joke. Just because the opposite outcome was achieved really does nothing for the fact that they still did the actions.

It isn't like this happened behind closed doors and people couldn't see for themselves what really went down. And Bonnie and Rich both, on their podcast, said that they both have seen Pat do his standup live and they both thought it was hilarious. So it isn't even like they tried to say he stinks and not to go and see him. They actually said his act is hilarious but they don't think he was funny when he was picking on retards.

And, again, they decided to remove the show after posting it. If it wasn't for some people digging it up nobody would have even heard it.

yes. That is the point. This entire subreddit saw the video and came to the same, obvious conclusion.

You are just parroting the exact BS that Bonnie spewed on her podcast and then took down.

Oh god what are you the mayor of this subreddit? I could give a shit if "the entire subreddit" reached the same conclusion. Just downvote my comment and stick up for free speech in comedy, mr. mayor.

Yes, Im the mayor of this subreddit just like you are Bonnies pathetic White Knight in shining armour. Lay down your sword and stop making a fool of yourself.

I don't give a shit about Bonnie or Rich. I never found either of them funny. Maybe Rich a couple of times on O&A but I never laughed at Bonnie. I just have a hard time getting "outraged" over shit. She stormed off a show. Who cares?

No one is outraged except you. We are laughing at how pathetic she is... You are trying to twist the actual events that we can all see with our own eyes. Its quite obvious and quite comical.

Twist it how? What the hell am I twisting? I originally commented that I don't understand how she is being called a hypocrite because storming off the show might be pathetic but it wasn't hypocritical and then people argued with me about it. As I said to people (and probably you), calling her pathetic is a fair point.

Umm. You keep repeating that "Pat Dixon seriously thought retards couldn't procreate. When its quite obvious to everyone else that he was joking and that you are just parroting what you heard Bonnie say on her podcast and not what actually took place in the video.

No I definitely think he thought that retards can't get pregnant. That was the premise of his rape joke, after all. Gavin thought that too. I guarantee you that if you call into Gavin's show on Monday and ask him about it he will tell you that he seriously googled that because he really did think retards can't get pregnant. I'm not basing that on anything at all but what I saw in the video. Gavin and Pat didn't work out some bit. Gavin was surprised when Bonnie stormed out and he came in with his laptop and google opened because he really did google that and thought that Bonnie was incorrect. A lot of people think retards can't get pregnant because male retards are sterile a lot of the time. That point is almost irrelevant to the conversation anyways.

You simply lack the ability to understand satire in any way. Theres nothing really more to say.

Call into Gavin's show and prove me wrong. Or will he just be partaking in a little more satire when he tells you that he really did think retards can't get pregnant?

What do you think would happen in a comedic show "Sorry guys, I just want to take a little break to talk about something important. The other day when I said retards can't get pregnant, I was joking. Im so sorry for the confusion".

You are delusional.

"Hey Gavin.. Trump is awesome! Great Mustache! By the way, did you really have to google whether or not retards can get pregnant?" And he would say "I kid you not, I really did think retards can't get pregnant and I am 50% right because most men retards are sterile!"

And you'd be like "See, he said it! And if something comes out of someones mouth it means they believe it. If someone is being satirical and you call them on it, they will usually just break character and tell the truth."

Look if I tell the world you are a rapist, it doesn't matter if no one believes me. It doesn't matter if it totally backfires on me. I'm attempting to jack with your life. I should probably apologize for telling the world that you are a rapist unless I want people to correctly criticize me for being a dishonest and inconsistent jackass.

Well she didn't say that he was being serious... She classified what he was saying as "hate jokes" which is kinda gay but she did at least acknowledge that he was making jokes.

Right, I certainly don't speak for everyone but it is certainly my biggest gripe with the situation. I enjoyed the unintentionally compelling radio. I am enjoying the aftermath. The thing that justifies the aftermath to me is the lack of honesty. I even "get" that the most hardened comedian is going to have a sacred cow that hits a little too close to home. I get why they would be a spaz about it in the moment, don't condone it and would wish they didn't "die on that sword". This sub always likes to say that if they took their "licks" then it would be over and I don't even think that is true for the most part, lots of us are vicious.

All that said, whether she acknowledged they were jokes or not isn't relevant (well maybe to some). If you are having a serious podcast on the issue, you can't misrepresent one side that hardcore and have me feel anything for you. You see it in politics mostly, it is ok to stoop to your opponents level because they went that low first. If the average person heard what Pat actually said, they would certainly call it tasteless. What Bonnie said he said was another level and never even implied by Pat. If your argument against someone is good enough, you wouldn't need deception to sway people to your side and you would just say his words. Her point is not that strong though, she has been in the presence of plenty of jokes attacking people that were fine. It would have to be egregious and personal, and so when you make the person you are fighting with sound considerably more egregious and the attack considerably more personal you are being a cunt.

And you will shed tears about it and continue to defend them till the death..

I could give a shit about their careers. I never went to any of their shows, I don't like either of their standups and I would never pay a penny for any of their work. Be outraged all you want about Bonnie storming off. You show them!

Im not outraged. I am mocking them. You very clearly plan to spend your entire day white knighting Bonnie like the pathetic faggot that you are. Its quite amusing.

How am I white knighting her? I think she sucks. I just don't think she's a hypocrite. There are plenty of ways to trash what she did but calling her a hypocrite isn't one of them.

You have 650 diff conversations on one thread attempting to mislead ppl about the actual events. You are not fooling anyone. Its quite transparent, and quite frankly, sad.

Mislead people how? Everyone has seen the fuckin video. I don't see it the same way as you do.

Yes. We all saw the video and we all see your comments trying to play it off like Pat was serious and Bonnie was just angry b/c it was such hateful speech and he wasn't joking.

Anyone that watches the video can tell that you and her are fools.

I'm not saying pat was serious. Can you read. His joke was a rape joke. That was the joke. I don't think he was serious about retards getting raped. I think he is stupid and actually believed that retards can't get pregnant. Gavin also really believed that. Call into his show Monday morning and I guarantee you he tells you that he really did think retards couldn't get pregnant until he googled it.

Agreed. The most interesting thing was certainly seeing a once respected comedian be triggered by another comedians funny jokes into losing her credibility and embarrassing herself, her fans and her family.

People sure seem to be talking about it... Must have been interesting because it was a couple of days ago and it's the main focus of this subreddit now. Would everyone be talking about that show if it was youtube clips and pontificating about the comedic process for the 10,000th time?

Yep. America loves a train wreck embarrassing themselves. Thats for sure...

She didn't even realize she said it until someone called in later. She said it out of menstraul rage and she meant it. It was not a joke.

To normal society there is a line. Only in the tiny fringe comedy scene are you not attacked for being a cunt because of poetic licence.

You go up to a cop or a construction worker a regular guy and say the shit pat did when they say they have a retard relative. You are getting the shit beaten out of you.

There is no absolute free speech. It gets met with violence. It's how we keep cunt in check.

Buried dat cawksucka

You missed my point. Even in comedy that line does get crossed hence why comedians fall out over this shit all the time. My point was its natural to get upset snd offended. Even patrice got offended St some of smy schumers jokes, he said that on o&a.

My point is even in a comedy setting human nature comes out. I think that to demonise a comic for getting upset is as dumb as getting upset at a construction worker for being offended at a blue joke that crossed ghe line.

Bonnie was in the wrong. But so what. She got upset over a sensitive issue. Why is everyone so upset at her. Rich came off worse than bonnie imo.

I hate to say it, and I was raised not to think it, but the evidence is clear: women are utterly irrational. It boggles the mind that she could possibly believe that her pet issue is unassailable. There are plenty of joke targets who can't fight back. When did this arbitrary line get drawn? Hell, I grew up with dead baby jokes. They can't fight back. Or animal jokes. They can't fight back.

Women are all emotion and status. But zero logic. I hate to say it, but Bonnie was sort of my last hope.

The exact transcript: Pat: ALso, the retarded person is not gonna reproduce.

Triggered Bonnie: "Are you out of your fucking mind? Do you really not understand how humans work?"

Pat Dixon: Are retarded people encouraged to reproduce?

Triggered Bonnie: You're so fucking dumb its unbelievable

There is zero chance you will be able to convince any non retard with eyes and ears that he was saying "It is physically impossible for retards to reproduce".

It was either on TACS or the podcast that they tried to erase that Vos said he, personally, would go after anyone except for the retard. Race, religion, blind, wheelchair bound, etc. all are on the table for him. He wouldn't make jokes at a retard's expense because they are unable to defend themselves verbally and might not even understand that you are making fun of them. You can make a joke about retards in general... Vos has done that on O&A and he's often called a retard or water-head. He just wouldn't attack a retard in his audience.

The hypocrisy is that they were literally in a conversation where they said anyone can joke about whatever they want and then immediately started talking about how you can't make fun of retards. That is a contradiction.

If it wasn't for Bonnie storming out nobody would be talking about the show at all. It was the only interesting thing that happened on that show and people haven't shut up about it so it is generating a lot of entertainment for people.

And as for her podcast, they did decide not to release it after recording it so apparently they did decide that trashing the guy when he couldn't defend himself was the wrong thing to do. It just happened to get out anyways.

You have 650 diff conversations on one thread attempting to mislead ppl about the actual events. You are not fooling anyone. Its quite transparent, and quite frankly, sad.

It isn't like this happened behind closed doors and people couldn't see for themselves what really went down. And Bonnie and Rich both, on their podcast, said that they both have seen Pat do his standup live and they both thought it was hilarious. So it isn't even like they tried to say he stinks and not to go and see him. They actually said his act is hilarious but they don't think he was funny when he was picking on retards.

And, again, they decided to remove the show after posting it. If it wasn't for some people digging it up nobody would have even heard it.

No one's free speech has been violated. It's hysteria.

I don't give a shit about Bonnie or Rich. I never found either of them funny. Maybe Rich a couple of times on O&A but I never laughed at Bonnie. I just have a hard time getting "outraged" over shit. She stormed off a show. Who cares?

You simply lack the ability to understand satire in any way. Theres nothing really more to say.

Civilians just don't understand.