Jimmy. Where you at with the Pat Dixon and Bonnie fight? (what would Jimmys response be)

2  2016-04-16 by Lilcumia

What fight? (climbs back on fence)


"Ah, you know man…its just a hard line to cross. We all bust balls so much that it's hard to tell when someone takes it like the wrong way. It's like being an addict. You can go for SO long without thinking you'll need a fix without even reallizing that you're using then and there, and you're hurting the ones you care about. It's a rough game, man."

Now that we know what Jims gonna say we should spin the wheel of Opie memes.

"Ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuckin' (spits)Brutal…" (8 seconds of awkward silence that everyone is used to at this point) "We got Pete Correale in studio, later. Jimmy, where we at wid 'da primaries tomorrow?"

The worst part would be how Opie would approach the subject.

"I was getting tweets last night about Bonnie and Pat Dixon. Something about them arguing on Ants.... Is that how you pronounce his name? "Ant"? Well, Ants podcast. I swear to you, I've never hurd or seen any of it. But you know what, good luck to the guy. He'll get some subscribers and do his thing there and I'll do my thing here. We had a good run. Did you know my mom didn't want to dance with me at my wedding? Fucking narca.... narrci.... "Narcissistic"? That how you spell it? Anyway, narcissistic cunt. MY wedding! So Jimmy, Bonnie and Pat Dixon - go."

To be fair I think opie would side with Pats pov.

Bonnie & Rich are literally opie & lynsi's only friends. And if the rumor this sub is peddling that Opie's daughter is a water head I can't fathom that he would side with Pat. He's already done a 180 on having kids effecting the content of the program.

Should we ask Danny about this? u/dannyfromtheshow is Opie's daughter ok or does she have problems?

I know you mean but there has time times Jimmy has tried to pepper the argument about his fellow comics and Opie has always went for they should be allowed to say anything. I think Opie doesn't like UP because he doesn't get it and used the father thing as an excuse. Also Opie doesn't want an adult show anymore.

As a loser who still listens to O&J, poor does mention slow and retarded people, like, he doesn't shy away from it

Very well put.

"I don't have a sub to Ants shit show"

spineless wormy boy takes no sides. On the other haand, if you dont trust yourself enough to take cough syrup, nobody should put weight on anything that person says. The character of "Jim Norton" is by far the worst

"Look, I'm a piece of shit and there's things even I wince at and don't find funny.. that doesn't mean you try to get people fired or strip away their right to say what they want to say.. you just say 'eh, that's not really my thing' and you leave. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that and people trying to make this into a big deal or a free speech issue are monumentally ignorant. They don't understand the business or free speech in general. Obviously I hope they work this out if it's even still an issue with them but I see nothing wrong with anything Bonnie or Rich did and I don't blame Pat for trying to be funny.. that's just what Pat does. This is just another case where the fans are looking for something that isn't there. Do you have any idea how many times when we are sitting at the cellar busting each other's balls one of us crosses a line and we get legitimately angry at each other?! I couldn't tell you how many times I slinked out of the cellar wanting to bite Patrice's face off... but ya know, ya just talk it out and everything is back to normal.. but that's the stuff the fans don't see. They see something like this situation with Bonnie and think it's something that it's not."

"I didn't see it, so I can't comment on it. I would talk about it, absolutely but I just haven't seen it"

To be fair I think opie would side with Pats pov.