Don't you guys realise you're just listeners?

50  2016-04-15 by [deleted]



I'm really getting tired of comedians thinking their "industry" is so hard and no one understands.

You repeat the same 40 minute bull shit for half a year then work some new stuff in. You blab about the "industry" for a few hours a week on a podcast.

Fuck off, all you selfish fucks. Try doing real actual work.

I suppose it'd be a bad time to mention that he'll be at the stress factory in New Brunswick April 21-23

only a retard would go see vos

No r words. Mods ban please.

user reports:

1: triggered

That's funny.

The only reason they chose to become entertainers is they didn't want to get a real job. They get paid to come speak, and when you can barely get people to buy tickets and you're only getting booked at shitty little rinky dink comedy clubs in awful no-name cities, you might as well have just gotten a real job because clearly your talent level is about even with the "civilians" who don't understand comedy either.

If Vos wasn't a comedian, we'd probably see him on O&A doing stuff like Bobo or Stalker Patti exclusively under the name Rich the Retard.

Rich Vos, self labeled Legend, as recently as a couple of years ago was booked to perform at the back of a diner in central Jersey. His career is enviable.

Rich Vos is the type of comedian who still needs to triple check before a show that he gets "a hot meal."

Yes, fucking exactly!

Why would anybody do real actual work when they can get paid to do something else?

I like jacking off, I'm pretty good at it, if somebody paid me to do it on a stage I certainly wouldn't work. Work is not fun.

You're missing my point. I'm all for easy work. I'm tired of hearing how "tough" this easy work is.

I'd love to put Vos in a 30 story building welding in the middle of winter with 25mph gusts. "Theresch da ting, maybe a boat act ain't scho bad."

Nah I get your point man, and there is definitely some validity to it...I'm pretty sure anybody on earth would choose being a working comic over some actual physical labor, or even an office job because yeah it's relatively easy in theory to just get on a stage and do something, but on the flipside if being able to do something creative/fun was so easy we would ALL do it...and tons of people try, yet very few ever make a living out of it.

Hell, people in the entertainment industry already seem to fail pretty frequently at even doing other entertainment industry gigs. Poor Yimmy will probably never have a bigger acting role than his five second cameo in Spider-Man, and we can all look at Breuers embarrassing attempt to be a rock star to see just how "easy" it is to be a success in that field regardless of his connections

You know of chaturbate, right

My dick is not big enough for that and my gut is unsightly

Fuck, I'm lost. Are we still talking about jacking off on stage or Rich and Bonnie's careers?

You would jack off on stage in front of an audience every night?

If for some strange reason people would pay to see it, yes

Comedians are worse than teachers in the "I'm special because I have to exert effort at my job" category.

Turning on Vos may be the quickest 360 in this subs history.


One word brilliant post


Hearing him say "freedom of spleech" was totally worth it.


Ant is gone, this sub just found a new victim, im sure by the end of this the only one left not destroyed will be bobo. Lucky for vos and bonnie when ant gets out of rehab people will turn back to ant.

They do this every time one of their idols hold up a mirror. Same happened with Ant and Joe.

The title reminds me of shit Opie (and some times Ant) would say when he'd get pissed and say something like "you (the listeners) don't know us". You spend 4 hours a day for 20 years talking on the radio, guess what? Your personality shows, your idiosyncrasies show, your "you" shows. Do we know you personally? No, but we sure as fuck know how you spent your childhood, what you think of your mother, how you feel about your ex's, how your wedding went, how your divorce went, what pisses you off, what makes you happy, etc, etc. Yes, we fucking know you.

Most of the people here on this sub are die-hard fans that have spent countless hours listening to these jackasses talk to their friends about their life. The fact that they don't know us doesn't make it any less real.

So, are we "just listeners"? Yes. But if not for these fucking listeners, Vos would be in some shit tin-knocking job probably as Ant's trainee.

True, we also don't have to know them personally to comment on information they readily gave up to us. If you present yourself as something somewhere, and someone comments on it, you don't get to "take it all back" and say the criticism isn't valid because we don't know your personal life. For the most part, people here only comment on personal lives in a joking manner. The "serious" drama posts on here are always about behavior and activities that the person in question did in public, for others to hear. Present yourself to the public one way and be prepared to get people judging what you did publicly. Your personal life doesn't even factor in.

And he's just an eater whenever he comes to my Panera.

Jew fuck.

Jew fuck her?

I'm most bothered by Vos using "G-D" instead of "God".

That's an odd thing for someone like Vos to do since he seems to ignore most every other Jewish tradition.

He's covered in tats and lecturing people on Jewish law. kek. Have fun not getting to the promised land because you defaced your body Rich.

I thought he was talking about Josh Gad.


Oh, Rich, don't understand the sociopaths in the O&A community that only feel happiness when they're destroying the lives of moderately successful people associated with the show.


Well, Brother Joe's cover band does seem to always be working.

Always working is not necessarily a sign of success. I always see the same subway musicians at the same stations. A 2U cover band isn't much of a step above that.

They have contracted gigs dude...HELLO


I get it, but all you "civilians" may have a hard time understanding the complex nature of what Rich is dealing with and the decisions made therein.

I don't think these comedians understand our craft. They are the civilians in my book. Right gang?

#ilikeany - uhhh, what?


Really curious what he meant by that.

I like any?

Il Ikea Ny?

How are his tweets as mangled as his speech?

I used to think Vos was hilarious when he'd say stuff like that. I laughed for ages once when someone tweeted him to say there was a (positive) video or something about him on reddit and he replied "They'll be hearing from my lawyer". I didn't realise this whole time he's been 100% serious.

Lol, Rich is such a kike he can't spell "God".

Jesus christ, what a stupid occupation to be snobby about

When are we going to start referring to him as Rich McFarlane


These kind of situations I begin to appreciate Gavin. He's normally a full blown characature of the new right wing, but he's very good at calling comedians on their bullshit and I hope he addresses this very issue. He sits arm to arm with comedians every week and has been very open about how their "industry" speak is nothing more than horseshit.

Here's why Pat was angry: he was the host and felt disrespected when Bonnie and Rich, his guests, left. Bonnie leaving was unprofessional and undignified for someone preaching free speech. And yes, I get it, this doesn't fit the exact stoop that all comedians love to preach from, but it still fits the spirit of yacking about free speech issues. Then she and Rich go and rant on an "unreleased" podcast and misquote Pat and turn it into some bitch fest about how he's a lesser comedian. I may not be in the "industry", but I can see that this serves to help no one on the end. Airing all your dirty laundry is entertaining for fans momentarily but it turns the air sour and the first person to shut up ends up winning. That's just some advice from a "civilian". I was in the military and still never took myself so seriously to talk down to people not active duty. A lesson in humility would really help these low tier comics.

Bring it on ? OK


but I listened to that deleted podcast. does that counts as bts?

Unless it's unadulterated adoration, Vos/Bonnie/Anthony/Opie/Jimmy don't give a fuck what you have to say unless you're a fellow comedian or a celebrity.

Calling people "civilians" or just "listeners" is sadly the most honest thing I've heard out of any of them in awhile.

We listen constantly, you disclose more than nessecary about your personal lives.. you radio fags tweet by the second to the point where you put your own careers in jeopardy, we have ex-staff members of the show on here telling us inside details about anything and everything.. yeah, I think we know a thing or two about ya and the show Rich

remember that time you used to doll yourself up for your gay crack dealers? i do. cause you told us

Maybe if more civilian listeners actually understood his humor, he would have a podcast/radio gig instead of recording chats with his wife. Why would you only do jokes that other "professionals" get?

I'm gonna come out and say it. Vos and Bonnie both are good comedians, but together they FUCKING STINK. I'm so tired of this contrived package deal. What a mistake.

I don't think Vos realizes that the good press he got from Reddit pushing McGooby's and his other gigs was done by the same people that made Brother Joe double-up his nitroglycerin pills because they decided he shant be working as a paid guitar player any longer.

"Thosh guys ain't scho bad. They recognizsh talent and want me to schuscheed."

No, Rich. Someone took a bit and ran with it. The roles can easily be switched.


The greatest thing about Vos is when he'd talk about his condo like it was some sort of brick and stone townhouse. When it burned, you found out it was some 1980s wood paneled piece of shit like you'd find East Industrial, New Jersey.

By the way they're talking Rich and Bonnie don't even have a full comprehension of the infront-of-the-scenes happenings. Their revisionist history on that podcast was Soviet like.

In Soviet Russia, crime reports you!


As the manufacturer of mirth, and the weaver of dreams, Rich Vos has a point.

I'd like to see him butcher 'civilian'.


This is the end of the Vos plugs.

They have contracted gigs dude...HELLO

If for some strange reason people would pay to see it, yes