Attention: Calling all comedy experts

0  2016-04-15 by Ant_Sucks

You were there for me when I told you to explain what was funny about Ant's Dice impressions. I need you now more than ever. I'm told there were some jokes in these sentences, but I'm having trouble finding them

  • "Retards can't get pregnant"
  • "They should put retards in cages."

You guys know how to break down humor. Let's get to the bottom of this and find these jokes!


Someone get comedy expert, Kurt Metzger, on the phone.

We paged him but Dr Metzger must be doing his rounds.

Well the first one I don't think he was trying to make a joke, he was stating that as a fact. When Bonnie said he's stupid it seemed like he was actually asking her if he was wrong.

The 2nd one I'd say would fall under the category of saying something mean and outrageous for shock value.

Something about the tone of his voice made it seem like he was saying it intentionally to hurt Bonnie, which is fucked up but she should have been able to handle it. She seemed more hurt that vos wasn't sticking up for her.

Pat seemed like he felt cornered the entire episode, like he didn't even trust joking with Luis and Vos. I love how no one laughed when dumb Pat kept going to dumb videos out of desperation. I love never seen pats stand up but he seems to be more of a joke writer than a witty, off the cuff comedian. Luis and Vos are good with zingers and I think pat was scared.

Well I'd agree that Pat definitely isn't the back and forth zinger guy, I think he was planning on running that episode similar to his podcast

Where are you getting that he said "they should put retards in cages" ? In a passing statement about mentally handicapped being prevented from having sex in their facilities, he casually slipped that they were kept in their 'cages' away from each other if they ever tried to get sexual with another patient. The combination of casual ignorance and highly offensive nature was generally what he was going for there, if you really need that explained to you. Not everything funny has to be in setup/punchline joke form.

Lol this guy thinks hes all high and mighty and has this great point and then wont respond to anyone...whats the matter? Did the mean mans comments hit a little too close to home?

first lesson : you should always provide context.

For ex same would apply if I asked you to explain me why this song is cool

"I am killing/popping niggers ... niggers can suck my dick ... I will fuck you niggers bitches ... you niggers can not touch me... "

or something along those lines : without providing context that it is lets say a rap song sang by black rap artist , who sings about growing up in his neighborhood and fighting his way up the only way he could/knew while other people of his race were trying to do the same or were trying to hold him down , or something like that

so "Retards can't get pregnant" - as a stand alone fruit - is of course not funny. Within proper context it can be hilarious

also "They should put retards in cages." is under same rule

Further more

"Retards can't get pregnant" was not said as a joke but afair was statement , so not intended to be funny , and you can not ask why it is funny.

"They should put retards in cages." - is not the exact quote iirc , so you are trying something here . I believe he said that they are kept separate and kept in cages. Not that they should be kept but that they are (it is not his fault if they are). But anyway I believe this was (within context) a joke iirc. Maybe not a good one (not because it is offensive) , maybe just a decent one , but still a joke.

"I am killing/popping niggers ... niggers can suck my dick ... I will fuck you niggers bitches ... you niggers can not touch me... "

Never heard that song before. It's got a real 2U vibe.

I don't think they really hit the ER's that song

Not sure if those rapper fellas are dropping those with that--ER.....foolish nigga. I know most ppl hate to hear this but he really is a different fucking word in those 2 versions.

But aside from my dumb fucking point on how that word is used....your spot on re: context. some of the funniest shit you've ever heard - of taken out of context - looks terrible. Ppl taking things out of context is probably killing free speech more than anything else in laat 10-15 years.

He never said they should put retards in cages.

This is obsurd and all of you making this point are knuckleheads.


They should put retards in cages.


-The midwife to your mother

That don't make no sense.

-The midwife to your mother