I'm Team Bonnie. Fuck Pat Dixon and his widow's peak

0  2016-04-15 by Ant_Sucks

Anthony has gone on angry unfunny rants his whole career and people gave him a pass. His entire network is full of unfunny douches who say things out of anger all the time and they get a pass. I've lost count of the number of times they've all gotten angry at people trying to be comedians on twitter and just insulting them.

Bonnie has been consistently funny for years, gets angry one time and people go after her. How fair is that? She should have gotten angry for Pat wasting her time with such a shitty joke. She wasn't even being paid to be there. Why the fuck should she stay? What's funny about saying retards can't get pregnant? Where's the joke there? Even Pat said he wasn't joking. So she got mad him just saying something unfunny and stupid.

Fuck Pat. He stinks. He can't even go bald properly.


I'm team "all of you are fucking stupid"

I was on the fence about the retard thing, but the leaked podcast was really embarrassing, for Vos especially. That's why he deleted it. Fuck them both.

I listened to it already and don't see it that way at all. They're two seasoned comics irritated that they were drawn into a pointless argument with a nobody.

I watched the episode several times because it was so uncomfortable and awesome. Bonnie had a shit attitude the moment she got on camera. Vos even says at one point, since they didn't know she was coming and Luis Gomez was sitting in that Bonnie had to sit on the couch and was annoyed by it. I applaud Pat for busting a visibly annoyed cunt's balls into having a meltdown. Don't go into a comedy show with a bug up your ass and expect a bunch of mean comics to not bust your balls. Pat Dixon rules.

She wasn't a paid guest and wasn't even meant to be there. The guests were Vos and Luis. Bonnie was just there as an audience member with Rich and wasn't even planning to stay long. Maybe people are just in different moods when they know they're being paid to perform and when they think they're just there to watch the show. She reacted exactly as I would have as an audience member listening to Pat Dixon's unfunny shit and Seinfelded the hell out of there. Her angry exit jokes were funnier than anything Pat said the entire episode.

She wasn't a paid guest and wasn't even meant to be there.

then she should have politely decline mic and say "I do not want to jump in , I am just audience , I have to go in a half an hour anyway" or something along those lines

She reacted exactly

You do not react when you listen to stand up show or talk show if you do not like the topic. You take your things and walk out without saying anything. She was audience member - remember ?


good one chipah , fawk yeah

you are actually accidentally pretty close - I am slavic , not exactly a russian but same "tribe" I guess

Come on now. You know Vos rarely does appearances without her. Bonnie's only redeeming quality is her juicy dumper. You can't be a comic and throw a tantrum when someone says something you don't like. Watch the video of Aaron berg dressed like Luis gomez's murdered dad with a fucking knife sticking out of his chest. Having a downsy sister is nowhere near as brutal but Luis didn't act like a bitch. He's a goddamn rattlesnake. You fucking simp.

You can't be a comic and throw a tantrum when someone says something you don't like.

My point is that people on TACS and OpieRadio and Joe Rogan do that all the time and they get a free pass. Legion of Skanks is 90% unfunny anger over something (and 10% unfunny attempts at jokes).

And yes, Luis did act like a bitch. When we made fun of him.

My point is that people on TACS and OpieRadio and Joe Rogan do that all the time and they get a free pass. Legion of Skanks is 90% unfunny anger over something (and 10% unfunny attempts at jokes).

than do not watch it if that is your opinion.

I do not like opera , but I do not go to opera house just to stand up in the middle of the show and scream "You suck , you suck big time , this is all shit!!!"

I haven't done that on Legion of Skanks, but I guarantee it'll be their best episode ever if I do.

looking forward - pm me before, I want to capture it live in case they delete it . just in case

Yet, on the deleted podcast Vos made a point of Pat disrespecting Bonnie by treating her like an audience member.

I lean toward Dixon on the whole argument between Dixon and Bonnie/Rich but overall I am pretty annoyed by some of these assholes on TACS. People seem to like Gavis McInnis but I really hate how he and some of his guys act like they're experts at comedy even though they're not really that funny, just bitchy. That dude Mike David spent the whole show saying how all comedians are pieces of shit and pussies, Bill Burr's not funny and his wife is ugly etc, all while not being funny at all. It reminds me of why I hated Red Eye in the beginning, they're all smug libertarian hipsters. Ant and Jimmy can say whatever bitchy stuff they want to about people because its fucking hilarious.

I'm actually on your side with this one; and find all the outrage over her being angry or not lining up 100% with something she said in a documentary, or whatever kind of retarded. That said, when the sub turns against someone, it turns hard, so whatcha gonna do. It happens.

I can't stick up for Bonnie on this one, but she's been funnier than Pat tens of thousands of times. Dixon's a cunt and the only thing he has ever contributed is a desire to punch him in the mouth.

I watched it a few times. NYCCR and LOS are the best shows on that network and this was the best TACS in as long a time as I can remember. Bonnie came in with her Hollywood fucking glasses determined to make a comedy show unfunny. It was painful but entertaining. And it was only entertaining because of Pat, Rich and Luis.

first fuck pat Dixon I do not even watch this show but in all this matter he is right and she is wrong.

I even loved Bonnie for few years now - but she turned into a definition of a hole in past few months - the only explanation I can come up with is that she is pregnant or on some hormone therapy or something


TIL: Australians have an awful sense of humor

U mad bro?

I'm team Bonnie if I can eat her ass

I guarantee you are only saying this because you think she's hot.

Agree with the exception of she's "been consistently funny for years". I've never once laughed at anything she's ever said. I don't think that "women aren't funny", but I sure don't think she is...

You are correct but expect a lot of shit from morons. Pat Dixon wasn't joking even for a minute. He's an unfunny, passive aggressive douchebag who has no career and never will. He tries to cover up a lot of anger by claiming he's joking, except the fucker is never funny. It's an easy out and he uses it all the time. That the troglodytes on this sub are taking his side over any woman on earth is not surprising though. I've rarely seen the type of vitriol exclusively reserved for women as I've seen on this sub. Lotta Mommy issues. So of course the one time Bonnie steps out of line (in their mind), she's shit like all the other whores. This sub is full of mentally healthy, happy men who don't have massive problems with "holes." They are sure to live happy lives. And boy, do they know comedy. Nothing's funnier than making fun of people who literally cannot mentally fight you back or even understand why you are laughing. And rape? When is it NOT funny? Put them together and it's obvious comedy gold.

Nothing's funnier than making fun of people who literally cannot mentally fight you back or even understand why you are laughing

you mean like when Louis CK mocked kids that were friends with his daughter?

This sub is full of mentally healthy, happy men who don't have massive problems with "holes." They are sure to live happy lives.

just like Louis CK, your hero?

Louis CK has been pretty funny in his life, but no I'm not a big fan. He's kind of an asshole hypocrite a lot. Try again.

Pat bullied a woman whose sister is retarded by slandering retards. Unless your judgement is significantly clouded, you can't think that's not the case. He jumped on her sensitivity by rattling off a string of jokes about retards, with obvious malice involved: he wasn't "just joking," he definitely wanted to push her. Maybe he didn't want her to walk off, but he wanted to see how far he could go before she broke. He saw an opportunity to hurt some one and he did it. Call me a fag, but it's the truth.

first time to this sub?

christ whenever Jezebel writes an article about this place, tons of whiny holes come here, just because we hate old white men here doesn't mean this place is for you