Club Soda Kenny's old job - protecting Andrew Dice Clay from drunk old women.

12  2016-04-15 by beavvv


those questioning why JIM requires a FULL TIME bodyguard whenever he travels......likely havent witnessed the phenomenon recently

(let me provide some context)

-think 'Sticky Fingers' era ROLLING STONES

Now he protects D-list comedians from transvestite hooker pimps and drives a big-titted zilch around to film stupid shit around NYC.

Looks like Dice is wearing a customized trash bag and Jncos getting harassed by Susan Sarandon.

Close one. Good thing he was there to de-escalate.

Out of all the people in the o and a universe I hate club soda Kenny the most, and he's fucking atrocious looking.

Norton having a tour manager/ bodyguard is so stupid. Go to hotel jack off tell jokes for 50 minutes go back to hotel jerk off again, catch airplane in the morning.