Since BroJoe is clearly digging his own grave, can we just lump that bloated tub of whale shit that is Keith The Cop with it?

26  2016-04-15 by crookedmile

Fuck you Keith, you dime store fucking nothing.


BroJoe n Keif tranny pornin

Keith has been very naughty, dare I say petulant, even. He's now blocking people en masse for legitimate criticism of his diminished mental capacity.

Then to lash out at the lovable Louis J Gomez and threaten his livelihood...?? I don't understand Keith's end game.

Doesn't Keith have his own "security" business?

It's these unanswered questions and troubling observations that lead to conflict, and if there is one thing this place tends to shy away from, it's conflict.

Does he have a security business? Lol

"Are you an elderly, alcoholic radio host? Do YOU need someone you can trust to groom children? At Ktc Inc we can provide you with the privacy and security YOU need to secretly fuck trannies and drive drunk with reckless abandon. Blowies available upon request"

Very naughty, he needs to be corrrrrected.

Keith is the reason why i am happy to read when cops get gunned down.

u cant get keith fired from anything, so the only way to do this is to jail cumia

Keith is cannibalizing Anthony's network and it won't stop because Ant trusts him and doesn't want conflict with a good friend. Keith took this entire concept and utterly destroyed it with his incompetence and unprofessional behavior. If anyone is acting like a civilian listener, its Keith. Teasing deals he hasn't even fucking signed yet.

Are we really not happy anymore unless we're destroying someone's life?

You must be new

Nah, been around for awhile. As soon as I hit send I thought the same thing.

I never understood posting questions of which one clearly already knows the answer to.

Fucking ponderous...