Why does Jim hate Denny Falcone so much?

4  2016-04-15 by Stuper_man03

Well...it's been mentioned in passing by Opie but the proof is every Thursday lately that Jim simply won't be on the air at the same time as Dennis Falcone. While I know that Falcone isn't exactly FUNNY per se, he is a pleasant guy with a very unique, though out-of-date talent (that of the stereotypical 50s-60s-70s DJ). Considering the springboard to comedy that Dennis can often be, why does Jim refuse to let the guy on the air when he is there? I, for one, find Dennis Falcone ten times more entertaining than Sherrod Small yet Jimmy has no problem being on with that talentless motherfucker.


Dennis Falcone is a beacon of hope for those who thirst for righteousness.

and cum.

It's a bit Jim did during Denny's first appearance. It would have died but Opie decided to champion the cause, and that brings us to now.

Because Denny is happy to be Denny. Jim wishes he could be happy to be Jim.

Jim feeds off cynicism and broth.

Hail Piss Lord

He doesnt hate Denny, he hates how Opie interacts with him. It's all about Jim and Opie, nothing to do with Denny

Jimmy wishes to punish us for the hurtful things we said about him and Denny is our weak point

It's a response to Opie's hypocrisy of making fun of Denny. He doesn't hate Denny, just the bit every time he's around. And he doesn't have a choice with Sherrod. Opie steers that bitch

I think Jimmy just finds him draining to be around. For as much as I enjoy Denny's unflappable 70s jock persona from afar, I get Jimmy's annoyance.

Why doesn't he just rip into him for comedy's sake? This could be comedy gold. How can he find him more annoying than Sherrod Small? I mean let's get real...Jimmy's no dummy...he HAS to know the large extent to which Sherrod sucks.

But Sherrod is Chris Rock's cousin. And Chris Rock gave Jimmy a part in Top Five.

Jim, I've got this part for you in my new movie! It's "out-of-focus guy in corner while Sam Roberts' huge head is on screen for 3 seconds".

plus Sherrod is known for beating people up and he's huge and black and that scene is filled with passive aggressive white pussies. I love it every time he interrupts someone with pure nonsense and they just fucking take it like the little bitches they are


cuz jimmy is a fancy hollywood man cunt

Because Dennis has a natural muscularity it has taken Jim a decade of working out to achieve.

Denny made Jim watch while he defiled Chelsea Peretti and Jen Carmody.

Because Dennis Falcone is a milksop who lives for shit radio and refuses to curse. I don't trust a man who doesn't curse. Not a shit or a fuck in all these years.
