What did keith take a screen shot of?

11  2016-04-14 by Lilcumia

Was it luis talking about keiths kids? How did keith see it? Is this a bit?


No, it was a fan who wanted Keith's children raped, which being around Ant as much as he is, is lucky that hasn't happened yet.

Keith then proceeded to tell Gomite to fuck off, like the professional he is.

What did we learned from all this???

Keith is as much of a dumbfuck as we think he is.

This seemed pretty clear from the get-go. Not sure why it was taken any other way.

Remember when Keith left a compound party because someone said Ant was making inappropriate comments about his daughter?


fresh twist on an old trick

that was probobly the final time Rich Vos gigs were featured on this sub

Sue Lightning docking.


Why do visit this sub?

Yes, why do indeed.


Sue scraped the bottom of Ant's barrel.

