When Keith tells Anthony what's been going on with Luis...

45  2016-04-14 by ThankGodForBeer


My question is why the fuck is Keith handling Anthony's business? Yeah, I know he's in rehab, but he can't make a few fucking phone calls in between therapy circlejerks? Surely it would be better than the mess Keith is creating.

Keith and his wife are pretty much Anthony's surrogate parents. They clean his house, do his laundry, cook his food, shit, I wouldn't even be suprised if Keith pays Anthony's fucking bills for him, so it's not suprising that he lets Keith handle his business. He's a fucking manchild that cannot make adult decisions on his own anyway.

The thought of Keith putting stain stick on the streak marks in Ants panties makes me smile.

Keith is one of those enablers who has managed to convince the addict that they're co-dependents.

Because ant is a scared little baby who can't handle these types of interactions with people. He either bottles it up or wigs the fuck out. The guy has purposely ignored this part of the business for twenty years.

One would think a man of his intelligence could certainly hire a business manager - even part-time - to manage basic affairs and keep a lid on things while he's drying out. But then again this half-wit thought someone shitting in a girls mouth two weeks into launching a brand new paywall podcast was riveting entertainment so my guess is his tummy will just hurt when he finds out whats been going on.

I was going to ask you how long it took to find that picture but I quick typed in "Spaghetti Wall" on google and got my answer. Guy with nothing to add.

Guy with nothing to add.

Hey, don't be so hard on yourself. You're a valuable member of this team.


Have an upvote and turn that sadface emoji upside-down. BroJoe would want it that way (see cause he's 60 and uses emojis like my preteen son)

It seems to be getting more heated the last few minutes on LJG's twitter feed. Both Luis (rightfully) and Keith have personalities where they won't let stuff go, so this should be a great next few weeks.