Joe Cumia called me today.

42  2016-04-14 by theronin23

I just got off a 49 minute phone call with Joe Cumia about about an hour ago.

At first he called me (after a text conversation where he texted me out of the blue this morning) while I was recording one of my podcasts and I had to ask him to call me back because I was busy being a broadcaster (lol), which he did.

He called me, hat in hand, "trying to gain insight into why this is happening to me." He's lost so many gigs he's panicking, so he "called who I believe to be spearheading this." (again, lol)

I just spent an hour explaining how the internet works to a 57 year old man.

I just spent an hour explaining a 57 year old man's public image to him.

I mean, he gains a modicum of respect from me for coming to me like he did, but still.......this DEFINITELY means we won, ladies and gentlemen.

So, here's what I propose (and naturally I'm just another dumb poster who has zero say what any of you do). Lay off him for a bit. He waved the white flag to me. Let's see if what I said to him got through to him. Let's see if we can rehab Joe Cumia, too.

EDIT: For those asking for proof, those that can see Joe's tweets can see this:

Here's a screenshot:


The only thing anyone did was forward Joe's own words. That's my favorite part of the whole thing. The solution is clear; stop talking Joe, you impossibly dumb cunt. No more words, words not your friend, words bad. Then MAYBE it'll stop. After a while.

Also who ever accepted a second-hand white flag, fuck SAMCRO Joe.

stop talking Joe, you impossibly dumb cunt. No more words, words not your friend, words bad.

Posts like this are why I read this sub. Funny shit dude

My main three points to your "story"...

1) Fuck Joseph Cumia 2) I don't believe you 3) Fuck Joseph Cumia

this dude is a made man, have some respect faggot


but I still don't understand why anyone would care to fuck up the "real life" of a 57 year old father and husband

This was a direct response to your brother threatening to do the same to a mean person on the internet.

That said, this novel you wrote here goes a long way to making you seem like an actual human being instead of the laughable caricature you've seemed like in the past. Not bad.

Dude, that's all fine, but most of those tweets were NOT taken out of context. You had David Duke on your show and if you claim that that logo is completely innocent, you're a fucking liar. If you want to be racist, fucking great. Be racist as fuck. But if you want to be the martyr who talks about it everywhere, be prepared for the shitfest.

Personally, it's the hypocrisy of you and Ant that's hard to take. I still like Ant. He's a scumbag, but he's funny and an interesting guy. The problem is the retarded fucking twitter and show rants on race and "black culture". We get it, there's a "disproportionate what the fuck ever. The stats show that..." meanwhile, stats on humans' effect on the environment are a liberal conspiracy. Black people don't know to act! Meanwhile, Ant's abusing Bobo, (allegedly) his idiotic girlfriend, taking selfies and pics with guns, etc.

That "tells-it-like-it-is" shit was fine 20 years ago when it didn't leave your neighborhood or town. It's a different world now where if you want to hold strong stances or be a tough guy, people are going to dig and either prove you wrong or a hypocrite. And that's what we have here today. A failure to assimilate.

I haven't actively sent out any shit on you, but I've certainly enjoyed the work of others. I give you credit for posting, but holy fuck, don't patronize us with the "out-of-context" routine.

All in all, in my opinion, you guys (particularly Ant) lost credibility with a lot of fans because of the culture warrior, reverse SJW, and hypocrisy shit. Be more funny.

Does this mean Guilty By Association is coming back?

Jesus Christ I've never laughed harder than at this post.

fuckin post-9/11 millennials


shut up faggot.


He fucking deleted it. hahaha what a gigantic moaning baby.

What are your thoughts on Keith at the moment? Are you aware that he's been single-handedly destroying your brother's network?

I think I speak for all Cumia's when I say

"zzzzzzzz...wha..?? mmmmnngh... wheres my teeth..?"

Joe, it took balls for you to come here and face all of this nonsense head on. Well done, dude.

I know you're limited in what you can say regarding what went on with Ant, but did you see some red flags with his ex before all of this went down?

If he knew his checks will be cut off he would've done something about it, so no

Make no mistake, this sub fucking hates you, but the only reason people went after your gigs is because your dumb brother basically challenged this sub to prove it had an effect on him and his buddies. If you want to blame anyone for your gigs being cancelled, blame your alky tranny fucking wop brother.

BTW, you're a cuck for raising another man's cum for him.

Is he really a cuck?

This long-winded nigga

Srsly I love all theses drama but can't make it through 3 paragraph of this shit

Joe you've probably seen me defend you here when it comes to attacking your gigs, that's just not right, but on that note your and Ants doxxing bounty/attempts/threats really escalated things and you've lost whatever sympathy I and probably many people had, I feel like that was the last straw when some animals here (our dear leaders) really went all out to make your life miserable. Good luck with everything, I sincerely mean it, I just can't care about anyone involved with real personal attacks like that whether it's the "he starter it" or "he retaliated part". Only part that might help and it's a long shot would be public apology for the doxxing attempts/threats. That might win you some support back IMHO.

We'll get our apology when Ant gets to Step 7 (or whatever)

can you record this as a video and add in some tears?

3.5 Stars. Would read again.

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What I've learned from this is, mother Cumia is still alive. Could somebody knock that bitch out and drown her in a shallow puddle of her own piss? It's like, really people, what are we PAYING you to do!?!?!


/u/theronin23 is the infamous Fat Joker.

Proof that Brother Joe has his number (read the whole thread and other doxxing threads for context. I believe they invited each other to appear on their podcasts during the first doxxing craze):

Praise god almighty for not making me look like that monstrosity.

Everything about this is just unfortunate.

/u/DannyFromtheshow wasn't this the guy whose photo you kept in your wallet to remind you of the lameness of pests? This guy makes the average member of this sub look like Fred Astaire.

yeah and keeping photos in your wallet is totally badass


Jesus, take the gun out of your mouth. That was more of a snipe at danboy


And here is his O&A appearance back in 2006:

It will start right before he enters the studio.

Another link of just the clip of me in studio in case you're on mobile or whatever:

Have you tried being not fat? It's not hard, I know, I've done it.

Have you tried being funny? Because you certainly haven't done that.

Impressive you can type so legibly with that much pizza grease on your chubby little fingers.

Shut up faggot.

"Definitely means we won?" Ugh what's it like being such a fuckin nozzle

Who the fuck are you to be giving out life lessons? Word of advice, take all the effort you're putting in to acting like a therapist and put it into looking like something besides a diabetic DC comic book villain. Joe got everything he deserved. Not even for the racist shit he said, just because he is too stupid to stop provoking the people on this sub.

diabetic DC comic book villain

lol. burnt

Take some advice from us and lose some weight awwright

We didn't elect you our leader. How about I spearhead something into your mouth.

I haven't done anything to Joe other than make fun of him here, and I don't plan to stop.

That's fine, make fun of him here all you want. I mean the people actually getting his gigs cancelled.

You do realize by posting this you probably caused the people who are getting his gigs cancelled to redouble their efforts?

I didn't contact his buyers. I did helpfully pass along the links to his tweets and posts for those looking for them but I really just enjoy goofing on him here in the sub. I think it's hilarious he lost gigs and then made it worse by trying to fight it but I didn't see the need to get personally involved. He could have shut up and made it stop early on but he just kept going.

I truly think the sub was growing bored with Joe and the ones doing the mischief on his gigs were getting tired of it and ready to stop. But Joe had to bring himself back into promincence again. You should have told him to weather the tail end of the storm, stop the fake tweets and facebook posts with him and black people and just let the fury die down and move onto something new or back onto Opie. Now he's shown weakness and the sharks see blood in the water and will likely swarm to their prey.

I have been contacting his gigs. I haven't done it for about a week but I've got a rush of 'do good' in me again. Looks like I'm not working this afternoon to let people know about RACIST Joe Cumia.

Joe Scares Me.


Soon he'll be publicly embracing his muslim heritage in order to try and prove his non-racism

And another thing..Did we not do a service for the greater good by getting those gigs canceled. 2U is fucking horrid

I'm not one of the people who outed his own views to the buyers, but I would think the thing that motivates those who do and have done that is this man's stunning hypocrisy (which he heartily shares with his dirtbag brother). I think Joe was trying to use you, my good man. He's a huge racist and he was done in, in the end, by his own words--not by anyone else's actions. So is he going to change that? Is he going to admit he's a shitbag racist who projects his own failures ad nauseam on an entire race of other people, most of whom are fare morally superior to him? I think this is the crux of these people's beef.

I think until his obvious hypocrisy/doxxing activities stop and he at least acknowledges it, these people will probably not stop. You must admit, as pathetic as he may seem right now, the man's 10 lbs of shit in a 5 lb bag. And arguably, his buyers/listeners deserve to know the man they're paying for entertainment use the n-word like it's going the fuck out of style. In 2016, that is suicidally stupid. For that alone, I wouldn't want to give him a thin dime. And he's the one who yelled that shit from a public platform. And make no mistake, he was proud of it at the time.

Stop posting Louie reviews

thanks for saying n-word, you just saved me a huge triggering. I mean, seriously, it's 2016.

That you Joe Rogan??

This sub got him when he made his twitter private. The guys a complete lolcow and should be milked forever.

Peace? No peace...



Lovely fucking war


For the record, it's Joe's call. Dump everything you have on his pod.

Oh no you did not just shoot that green shit at me

He's a groveling faggot. Stop white knighting this piece of shit:

He told me he was frothing mad writing all those. Basically proving that every single time a Cumia has said "I'm not X" (with X being drunk, angry, guilty) they really are.

Tell him it's time to hit the pawn shop with the contents of his "state of the art studio", sell his shitty, wannabe Harley, and get a real job.

I wasn't trolling him. He came to me genuinely, so I treated it seriously. I did tell him he needs to drop the tough guy act. I explained what his public image looks like to him.

You sound like a domestic violence victim making excuses for her abuser. Knock it off with the Stockholm Syndrome and snap out of it.

To be honest, fair, and hell, even human, it's the first time he's come at me with any kind of and inkling of something that could be construed as humility. I'm just recommending giving him a chance. Unlike Anthony during his final broadcast before "vacation" the intent of this intervention actually seemed to take root. If he keeps being an un-self-aware boob, by all means, give it to him both barrels with everything that was held back before included.

I understand we're a fucking pack of animals here, I'm just advocating for some humanity, for all the downvotes it'll get me.

He's a 60 year old loser who was bound to have his well dry up sooner or later. At least he still has time to scrape up whatever blue collar skills he has left and get himself some legitimate, gainful employment before his daughter is old enough to realize she has a parasitic poseur for a father.

The world need ditch diggers too, you know.

I'm not disagreeing with you.

drunk, angry, guilty, racist...

This guy gets it.

-100 comment karma made me laugh

Lay off him? FUCK HIM, if this is even real... Which I have doubts, he tried to get me fired. So no, he has it coming to him.

Also fuck you for sympathizing with this asshole.


who gives a shit channel. I want Joe Cumia to crawl into a hole and die. If anything you are a sockpuppet and are Joe Cumia or one of his scumbag middle-aged poker buddies and this is your retarded attempt to shoo the mob away.

Woah woah woah, slow down. His poker buddies haven't been middle-aged in at least 10 years.

LOL this will just get things going twice as hard.

Until BroJoe PUBLICLY apologizes to all the protected groups he's made fun of, One by one, I for ONE will not lay off. I was skipped over for a promotion at Panera for all this horse shit for Pete's sake.

Maybe a Joe Cumia AMA is in order to start the healing process

haha, fuck BroJoe. If he wants things to stop, why not just make a tweet or Facebook post about this instead of texting someone who he somehow (?) got the number of? Is it because he still won't admit publicly that nothing is fabricated?

Let me understand: he refuses to take any responsibility for doing anything, lies about any evidence, and has no trouble writing childish screeds against everyone but when he wants to wave a white flag, he goes backdoor and contacts some random guy so that nothing is in print or on video. Nice. You stink, Brother Joe. You antagonized and riled up the sub because you thought you were awesome. This is all you.

Right. He could have posted this last message here, in the same place where he made all those "frothing" comments that he is again trying to explain away.

Um no, he's a douchey fuck head. If anything this will only make people here more resolute. We decide when he's had enough.

Proof you faggot, or get the drivel out of my face.



Your entire post makes my skin scrawl. You and Joe can go suck each other's balls.

Joe should just make a tearful, grovelling video for reddit and then they'll stop.

You are fucking retarded. This will never happen.

Also you are full of shit.

These sound like Wesley Willis lyrics.



And the pig better orgasm or it doesn't count.

I thought Erock was married

wacka wacka Amy Schoooomer

Didn't happen. Nice try though Joe

I just sent Joe a text to see what kind of proof he can provide. There should be a tweet, FB post, or post here on this thread incoming confirming it.

Okay Joe. "Leave off him" lol that will work....

It's precious that you think I'm a sockpuppet. You must either be new here or not that active.

Then your deluded if you think anyone will follow your lead. I don't tend to look at usernames so no i have no idea who the fuck you are. I do think either you know Joe or feel for him and in that case we shouldn't listen to you though.

Read the whole post before you comment you dumb fuck. I said in the first line of the last paragraph that I don't have any say what people do. People throw out ideas here all the time, mine was just based on a firsthand experience with him.

49 MIN call. You say you spent an hour explaining the internet and an hour explaining his public image. Your whole post is a PACK OF LIES



He's lost so many gigs

Did he happen to reveal a number?

No, but he did tell me that all but one of the gigs that were cancelled were contracted shows, so they got paid either way. He's more worried about the future. I think it's hitting him that he either needs to grow the fuck up and learn to see everyone as equal and not disparage them based on their race when they do fuck up, or he needs to hide who sees that he feels that way, otherwise he's going to be dependent on his brother completely. To be honest, I think he's overblown the amount his brother gives him to seem tougher.

No, but he did tell me that all but two of the gigs that were cancelled were contracted shows, so they got paid either way.

See right there I don't buy that. That's him saving face. I'd be willing to bet there are public image clauses written right into the contracts. So his racist twitter and facebook tirades negate the contract and allow the venue to just not pay him. And he damn sure wouldn't want it going to court and becoming a public issue. "Joseph Cumia, the brother of former shock jock Anthony Cumia, is suing a club for reneging on his contract. At issue are a series of racially charged tweets and facebook messages allegedly sent by Mr. Cumia over the course of several years. We want to take a second to warn our viewers at home that what they are about to read may be shocking and offensive." Even if he wins the case he's lost because after that no one will hire him.

So yeah he's full of shit, he didn't get paid for anything.

Wow, sorry didn't read your reply before writing mine. Great minds think alike.

No worries. Parallel thinking as Amy Schumer claims. I posted a spaghetti against the wall clip about Keith and Luis fighting...

And then someone did a post with a picture of a plate of spaghetti thrown at a wall about the situation a little while ago.

Great minds and all haha now get out of here before I give you a good hair tousling.

Instead of doing all of that stuff, why doesn't he just get a fucking job?

Because he's a fucking faggot.

can confirm, used to fuck bother joe in the anus

What skills does he have?

Why would taking more money from Anthony make him look tougher? Makes him look like a loser if you ask me.

all but two of the gigs that were cancelled were contracted shows, so they got paid either way

BJ is such a pathological liar. He can't not try to save face even with a neckbeard of all neckbeards like yourself. I call total bs. If the venues booted the band for BJ's racist twitter stuff, then I'm sure they said BJ was in violation of the contract and told them to go pound sand. I highly doubt that 2U has contracts for any of their gigs outside of maybe the Disney one and maybe the high-end ones like the one they have in South Bend for the Notre Dame VIPs.

Wow, I can't believe how much I know about the comings and goings of a terrible U2 cover band.

"learn to see everyone as equal and not disparage them based on their race "

What? Do you know where you are right now? And please correct me if I'm wrong but nobody gives a real shit about his personal views, it was mostly a vehicle that people used to fuck with him or joke about

Treat niggers as equal and be treated equal as a nigger

Remember the time Ant said he and his buddies sit around and laugh at us because we have zero impact on their lives

The only way we can believe this is by you posting his phone number.

I won't do that. Joe got me doxxed three times, I'm not gonna stoop to that level.

3 times!! And he still calls you?! Yeah I'd have his number posted so quickly the rush of air from typing it up would re break Dani's ribs and hands.


He doxxed you three times, threaten like a fake tough guy to do it to others. And you want us to back off spreading the message that Joe Cumia is a honest to god racist? Fuck him

If you're lying, then we should redouble efforts. If you're telling the truth, then you're fucking stupid beyond belief.

Yeah this guy is worse at being a mediator than he is at watching what he eats or exercising.

Are you implying that this gentleman might be slightly overweight?

Let's dox him and find out his weight. He's too much of a pussy to do anything about it.

Haha, he'd probably create a thread after the fact praising us for getting his weight-loss efforts started or some equally embarrassing thing. OP is as idiotic as they come.




Lay off him for a bit. He waved the white flag to me.

No. Fuck him and fuck you too for even posting this garbage.

Wait is this the fat goth kid that Ant fucked with?

One and the same.

I was waiting for this to all be a joke and for the Vos plug......

I expected to be Chip-rolled

I still am!

Was waiting for the Funny Bone in Syracuse this weekend mention too.

But I thought the score according to Joe a few days ago was "Internet - 1 Me - Won"? Wha happen?

Shut up josh,we don't have to listen to you.

how can Joe be 57 when his younger brother is 58?

What's your podcast and where can we hear it.

How the hell did he get your number? Did he say?

This was from something going back almost a year at this point.

I'm on two podcasts, the show I host is called Untitled Nonsense, and the show I'm third mic on is called The Martin Dunn Show

Rad, I'll check em out. Def don't listen to mine, Live From The 405 podcast. Free on itunes/Stitcher.

You whooore!

Cmon! I listened to yours. I hated the Martin Dunn show. Yours wasn't my cup of tea, not that it was bad it just wasn't my style. But I gave it a shot.

What was it about it that you hated? Was it today's MDS you listened to? Today's was kinda shitty. I'd honestly recommend checking out the episode we have guest starring "A Cat Named Mo" from Tampa radio. He actually worked with Ronnie B.

I heard the most recent one, that you weren't there for. (I listened on Friday, I think) The audio of the guy on the phone is terrible, and he was a crashing bore of a human being. I can't stand long gaps in conversation which besides bad audio is my #1 pet peeve of a podcast.

Maybe that's just me because I grew up obsessed with talk radio like Howard and O&A and had a real ear for how conversation flowed on shit like that, there was no dead air. 90% of the podcasts I check out are about video games and/or wrestling or "nerd stuff," and none of them can fucking talk. "Hey, did ya.....(5 seconds) did ya play that new Resident Evil game?" (9 seconds later) "Yes. Yeah, I did." (14 seconds later) "What'd ya think." (20 seconds later) "It was great." That drives me fucking nuts.

Maybe I'll have to give it another shot/listen to another episode. Again, not saying it's bad, Im just really really picky. It's so hard for me to find new podcasts I can commit to.

Is this weirdfellas? You idiot.

Why is he an idiot?

Sorry dude. I know you have good intentions, but they're focused on the wrong individual. Unfortunately for Joe, he thought he was in control, now he's had a rude awakening after we went after him. He's a hypocrite, thus I doubt his words of humility are even slightly sincere. He should have laid off when he was told to, now there's no stopping the machine.

Why would you egg people on saying they have no effect on your life & think no one would take up the challenge...

I think being completely fucking confused by this thread means I still have a chance at escaping this insane asylum.

I find this all proposterous. You two are insane. You're giving him public image advice over the phone? This sub made Joe snap for sure if he's calling this guy.




I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request.


BroJoe is about as good with dealing with trolls as Chris Chan.

This is like when someone's mother tells schoolchildren not to pick on her son. How do the kids respond? They pick on the son even more. Perhaps the kids on this subreddit should do the same.

You should take a new picture as "fat Mel Gibson in Bravehart" haha, I dont have a full idea of what the fuck is going on but the fact that youve become the leader in this is pretty great. Much love from me, bro.

Out of the fucking BLUUUUUUUUE.


r/opieandanthony What is best in life!

Fuck you EATTHEBATMAN. I did not accept that Joe Cumia the racist was waving the white flag. I will continue to fire off strongly worded emails to his future gigs. He scares me.

Who the fuck are you?

I want to believe

What? Too real?

I want to believe

100% fake

I just sent Joe a text to see what kind of proof he can provide. There should be a tweet, FB post, or post here on this thread incoming confirming it.

That's fine, make fun of him here all you want. I mean the people actually getting his gigs cancelled.

I'm not disagreeing with you.

The world need ditch diggers too, you know.

You whooore!

Is this weirdfellas? You idiot.