Luis speaks. Tacs doesn't have the equipment to track what subs watch what show.

36  2016-04-14 by Lilcumia


I cannot believe this. That should have been one of the most important requirements for the web devs. You could sooo easily integrate analytics for all sorts of viewing figures. When people tune in, what shows theyre watching, how long they watch for, which guests hold peoples interests, which guests make people tune out, which topics make people tune out, the percentage of accounts that are idle (people that subscribe but dont watch anything), the popularity of event-type programming like roasts and shit...

Wouldn't the audio portion make any kind of analytics way more difficult? I've been a subscriber since day 1, and have watched maybe a half dozen shows through the site. Everything else I listen to in my car. Not only that.. all the audio content gets downloaded to my phone automatically - how can they have any idea which ones I listen to?

is there an integrated audio player in the app? If so, they it could track what you play through the app.

Also you could poll the downloaded file's metadata for file access timestamps. If it has been accessed by something other than by system/cataloging processes, that means the user played the file. Not sure how reliable this method is though.

But youd likely have to consider those figures seperately.

The piece of shit app can't fast forward and it doesn't actually delete downloaded episodes when you delete them.

I don't doubt they have no idea who's listening/watching what. And I bet Anthony doesn't want to know.

Well it's the Apple podcast app. Is there an API that third party apps can use to pull that info? And I know there are at least a half dozen podcast management apps... I would think you'd have to develop functionality to interface with each one. Plus I know the apple environment is pretty locked down in general in terms of what you can access on the phone. I don't even know if you could directly access metadata... maybe you can though.

I'm not saying it's not possible, but the more you think about it the more complicated the solution has to be. If it were 100% video I'd absolutely agree with you. But it kind of makes me think Luis' "oh yes we paid double for the ability to track" line is bullshit.

yeah thats true. Im not an IOS dev, so im not totally sure how everything works in that environment.

Regardless, just looking at the figures from video streamed from the site should give you an idea proportionally on viewer interest in particular programs

You a PD? Ain't nobody got time for that.

What does PD stand for

Police detective

Of course not, it is probably just some simple WordPress site.

MANY "professional" sites run on free CMS with custom THEME. A THEME that may be CREATED by someone other than "WEB DESIGNER".

SCORCH's and running on WORDPRESS.

House of Hemp. lulz

haha! Somebody please inform scorch that people don't smoke hemp, they make ropes and hippy jewelry with it.

Kingdom of Nakedness.

That's an outrageous accusation. That would mean anyone could access his login page by simply going to

Username: Anthony

Password: Nigger

it didn't work

[Edit]- nvm got it. I just forgot to capitalize the n

So what? Can't log in w/o a username and pw

Promo codes aren't "equipment"

Nothing gets you all goosed up for a comedy show like all this prattling about scenarios! I'm gonna get out my flow chart and gear up for some laughs!

Wouldn't a simple, moderately unbiased way to handle it be a mass email to TACS subscribers directing folks to a Facebook/whatever website poll asking folks to rank the shows?

It seems like an easy, low cost fix. If they kept it to a private TACS group/page, it seems like it would be safe from trolling.

"equipment"? It's software. They can program the feature in and even retroactively track subscriptions. All it would have to do is analyze old apache logs.

Are those logs gonna include all of the episodes a ton of us downloaded off the RSS feeds without subscriptions for the past year?

wow Ant's learnt alot from the folks at Sirius

And beside I don't think Luis wants to know he's doing shows for 300 people, and half of that views come from people refreshing the page because the shit player doesn't work


Is she a great big fat company?

"they don't have the programming built in to track subscriptions per show" is not the same as "doesn't have the equipment to track what subs watch what show"

I really hope this leads to more infighting and a war. It won't make a difference (You can't teach an old pedo new tricks) but it'll be fun to see what these guys really think of Anthony and his gross, tiresome bullshit.


There are already a bunch of other posts about this drama, no need to keep making more.

Joe better fuck something up or say something stupid soon.