Ant and Keith wouldn't even let LOS see the sub numbers

11  2016-04-14 by Lilcumia

"trust me,guys. ALOT of people subscribe. Now sign here. Just wait until we get that studio."


He is using the same negotiating tactic that Sirius used to use with Opie and Anthony. Which is funny because they used to always complain about that.

Are you saying they're hypocrites? Naw, I don't see it.

Edit: I've made an ass of myself.


That's actually a medical disorder where you have less than a normal amount of critics in your system.

It's not even a hypocrisy, really. It's just something that you don't like when you're on one end of it and do like when you're on the other.

The most swindled are the devoted losers who pay money to watch his garbage "network" while he sticks his dick in rich heroin addicts in Florida.

*Edit: starve Brother Joe via

Who the fuck would give Big Jay or any of them a real show while they are on Cumia's networ? No one wants to say and "And welcome so-and-so from the domestic abuse pedo podcast network of tranny lovers"

You act like people know who Anthony Cumia is.

I recently saw big Jay and during his intro they mentioned legion of skanks but not TACN

Whoa, leave RiotCast out of this.

LOS doesn't need to be on a podcast network. They should be independent. People hate on Mike Francesa, but he had good points in this interview at the 33 minute and 45 minute marks about why it's critical to know every detail about the ratings and revenue you generate so that you have objective criteria to combat the subjective whims and greedy self-interests of the people in power:

He also said it very succinctly when he stated: "uh'kay?"

They're doing an awful lot of complaining for a group of guys who have plenty of options and a backup plan.

Unless Ant stays in rehab and we continue to get interesting TACS shows, LoS is the best thing about that channel.

My sub runs out at the end of May I believe and I can't see what would possibly make me want to remain as a paid subscriber once Ant comes back, let alone if LoS goes. They seem like a good partnership, I think I'd be a mistake to not continue having LoS on the network.

You haven't heard that Norton and Bennington are going to be permanent fixtures once the new studio is up?

TGMS is much better than LOS.

What happened to the groceries?

Does the assertion that TACS is losing money on LOS mean there's no way TACS added any subs over this year?

how do you sign a deal with TACS and not ask to see the numbers first and then again after?