Keith the Cop

44  2016-04-14 by crookedmile

C'mon y'all. We did it for SamCroBroJoe, let's put some effort into Keith.


He was forced into early retirement for being a dirty cop and hates his wife...Also The effort I put into this comment was less than the effort he put into makes TACs wildly successful.

But your comment was riddled with capitalization and spelling mistakes, and therefore implies that keiths no-effort approach may have managed TACs into a burning pile of shit

I'm in


You mean you're ALL in

I just happened to be re listening to the greggshells crap as I see this thread, and I must say it's a short list of people with as little charisma or as agitating to listen to than that piece of shit

It's kind of shitty of keith to hold these negotiations while Ant's in rehab.

Just wait a couple of weeks and take it from there.

You're assuming Anthony and Keith didn't have a conversation before he went to rehab about LOS and how he wanted to handle things contract wise.

Then Ant is an idiot. Why would you have a nobody negotiate the talent?

because he was still a drunk then. now the power of god and sobriety will propel him to new heights

Ant probably made all of the christians in detox very uncomfortable when he accepted allah as his higher power

lol Samcro. what ever happened to that cunt?

Trying to get anthony's drone out of a tree with a bottle of jack attached to it somewhere near Los Angeles


Is it known for sure he's in LA? I was thinking Florida for some reason.

I'm sure he's holding out in a hastily prepared fortress practicing U2 covers and shining his guns while desperately waiting for Ant to get home

The Master Cuck

You weren't impressed when he tattled on Jill Nicolini?

Probably dreamed of his anal leakage being on Ant's sheets.


Shhhhuuure. That baby's a tattle tale.

Keith likes boy pussy.

*boipucci . Get with it /u/Wsallgood . It's the new trendy spelling all the cool kids are using.

actually anthony loves the boy p, keith kept playing that song in a inside joke kind of way. remember how scared anthony was with that song


If we could find a way to get his NYPD pension pulled, that would be the greatest thing this sub ever did.

That's virtually impossible to do. The cop who was convicted for eating people didn't lose his pension.

What's the story here?

they were delicious.

Google it, fucko.

No, you tell me now.

A cop accidentally ate some people, nothing to see here folks.

I ended up googling "cannibal cop" and the first thing I read was about some cop getting convicted for conspiracy to kidnap a woman and cannabilze her but was caught beforehand and sentenced, but his sentence was overturned. Probably a different story.

No, that's the story. He didn't actually eat the people and to be honest, I don't think he ever really intended to.

He had a sick online fantasy that he used to chat about on degenerate message boards, his girlfriend found some of his chats and got freaked out and reported him. His big mistake was that he supposedly used NYPD computers to get info on a woman, and that's what made it real enough for them to prosecute. But I saw a documentary on the case and honestly I think he was just a horny moron who got a little too wrapped up in his online fap fantasies.

Wow what a piece of shit thing to even think about doing. What the fuck?

I just love how he's pulling contract negotiations like how he's seen them in movies. Instead of being to the point and acting like an adult who's negotiated a salary before. Then again, I've never made a living relying on the good will of my friends.

Yeah, I know. Big time Maresca.

Ant needs to get rid of this clown. Fill his shoes with a competent producer. I will never sub to his network so long as Keith the Cuck is on the payroll.

Good advice but the threat is lame, hacky, and stupid. No one cares.

We fuck with bikers and cops? We're pretty hard core bro.

we only fuck with the elderly and breasted variety of those two things though. Ya'll scared to fuck with a couple of real ass professional yeti's

He 5-0 tho, I'd be scared.

If only we hadn't alienated DeRosa. We could really use his hard, crackpipe-hittin' niggas right about now.

Keith is a faggot for how he treated Bobo. He didn't let him plug anything even though Bobo is the best thing to happen to that shitty show.

I would LOVE if this subreddit focused on Kieth until he died. I hate that pig with a passion.

Wasn't he involved in Anthony grooming selfCuttingGirl. Was he nicknamed the "watcher" or something?


You guys dont even know me Him!

Grown men shouldn't have best friends. This says something about both Ant and Keith.

Yeah we heard you, Gavin.

What? Yeah what a talking point. The idea that grown men with best friends is weird.

It's just a weird, arbitrarily contrarian thought. Something akin to what Gavin would utter. Guarantee you 99% of people here have someone they consider a 'best friend'

Eh. I have a wife and two kids. I don't have a best bro friend. I kind of agree its weird at a certain point. I can invite some guys over to bbq or watch a game but I wouldn't call any of them a best friend

Are those guys like your philly crew?

Not opie. But can you as a grown adult say you have best friend? If you have to introduce him do you say "hey guys this is my best friend Mike!!!!"

"Oh hey, this is my best friend Carl - we've been friends since 4th grade." I mean it's not like some sort of exclamation. Then again I'm not a repressed homosexual, so I don't feel uncomfortable by having close friends.

Why not "this is my friend carl" why do you feel the need to insert your personal relationship to others?

The same reason you say "this is my friend Carl", the sentence by nature assumes ones personal relationship. Saying 'best' is just a qualifier for friend. But this is semantics, I'm not understanding how you think describing the degree of a friend with a casual term is some sort of imposing declaration, nor how you can't see the contexts of why someone would say "best friend"

I just don't know any one in their late 20s or mid 30s with a career/family that have and announce that they have a "Best" friend.

One needs to have friends in order to gain this perspective.

Ahh the ol "this guy must not have friends" angle. Love it.

Being that you have zero friends, I'd imagine the idea of a 'best friend' very alien to you.


I mean...I'm down if you are

Says more about you

Eh. I have a wife and two kids. I don't have a best bro friend. I kind of agree its weird at a certain point. I can invite some guys over to bbq or watch a game but I wouldn't call any of them a best friend