Opie without Jim with Sherrod and Vic Henley show listening thread

8  2016-04-14 by Dennyislife

I kind of want to know what suicidal thoughts feel like so giving it a listen


He has to be trolling us at this point.

These are the three least entertaining individuals I've ever heard.

This is a murderer's row of unfunny fucks.

This is the '15-16 Warriors of garbage radio.

I'd rather puncture both ear drums than hear these three men on the radio together.


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No thanks.

What is this shitty nu metal Beat It cover that they're playing? I'm sure The Opester is all in.

Did papa roach cover beat it? Or Alien Ant Farm? Oh shit I cant believe I just pulled Alien Ant Farm out of my ass.

I loved them in 2000. 9/11 got in the way of our love, damn.

Are you suggesting that Papa Roach or Alien Ant Farm is responsible for the 9/11 attacks?

Now that you say it...

I guess they're back on tour, I saw someone on my fb feed posting about going to see them.

StuntBrain is an idiot and a liar. Only someone as dumb as Opie would deem him credible.

Opie LOVES the Stunt Brain

Would you go so far as to say that he's all in with The Stunt Brain?

Yes. Yes I would.

The guy works for fucking Glenn Beck for god's sake. What more would anyone need to know that he has zero credibility. Beck is literally a crazy person.

Blech. First time I've turned it on in months and of course it's these three chuckleheads.


The Chuckle Brothers was a Kids show in the UK

A more entertaining show than the very one I'm commenting on now!

You can only hope E-Rock or Travis are planning a biohazard outbreak in the studio. It's "against the law", but hearing the voices of everyone in there is making my blood boil something serious.

At one point they were laughing at the name of a city because it had the word cock in it.


That is the worst lineup I've seen since the 86' Pacers. No thank you.

Pd: I hope Vic Henley gets rammed by a F350 on his way home.


I actually find O&J pretty listenable when Jimmy and a good guest are in. But an Opie, Sherrod, and Vic Henley show sounds like a perfect storm of garbage radio. There's no possible circumstance where I would be bored enough to listen to that.

I listen to O&J everyday. It's usually a good, entertaining show. I do not listen to the shows where Jim is out, though. They are unbearably bad. If Jim leaves in October it will be interesting to see what happens. No one is going to listen to this horseshit. And Chris Destefano is a terrible broadcaster. He's young and doesn't know much about culture and politics. He's not funny in the least. He's not quick-witted. Who does he appeal to? 18 year old girls who think he's cute?

It's good to see someone else here who actually finds O&J tolerable. It might not have the edge the show used to have, and there have definitely been some Jocktober-worthy bits under Opie, but Jim and good guests like Bobby or Pete Davidson can still steer the show in a savage direction sometimes. And Jimmy has clearly stood up to Opie as far as continuing to do Uncle Paul bits lately. So it's definitely not the "soccer mom radio" that I hear the autists on this sub describe it as.

Plus the Stangels left, meaning Travis and Erock have more of a presence. It's hard not to overstate just how much the show has improved without their constant presence, and Pete Davidson vs Justin Stangel was honestly some of the best radio I've heard since the original show peaked.

Overall it's a shadow of its former self, but then again so was O&A in the years leading up to Ant's firing. It's still mostly decent radio by any objective standard.

Took the words out of my mouth. Funny how after the Stangels left, the show hasn't suffered one bit, and as you say, is better because the fans like Trav-dog and Erock more anyways. I think most of the people on the sub still enjoy and listen to the show, they're just busting balls or they're afraid to admit they like it because they'll get mocked. Jim and Op have zero chemistry, they clearly don't really like each other, and the best shows are when there is a buffer or two in there like Bobby, Pete, Kevin Brennan, etc.

Having Vic and Uncle Tom on the same show WITH the horrible guest line up...Opie has to be trolling the Reddit

how surprising......"HIS GUYS" are always the biggest unfunny BOOT-LICKING SYCOPHANTS to him

BUT, like tonguing canker sores, or staring into the sun i MUST check it out

it FASCINATES me.....the strong dislike i can possess for a stranger w/ zero effect on my life

Your manifesto is going to be an interesting read someday.

Who are you talking about again?

Dude, all joking aside, don't start fantasizing about suicide. It's a dangerous game my friend. If you need help tell your friends and family. Best of luck.

It's true. As they say, it's a permanent solution to a temporary problem! Good luck, friend. Godspeed.

Very permanent. Unless you do something dumb llike take an entire bottle of tylenol and live through a painful liver failure.

It's fun to think about. I know what i'd do. Bag of helium over the head. Tie it around the neck. Helium suffocates you but doesn't give you the panic reaction you get from suffocating on CO2. Slip away nice and easy watching the latest episode of Pretty Little Liars so I am reminded why this world is so awful.

Goodnight Clark Adams!

Sherrod is still screaming for no reason at all.

They'res comedians I don't like at all but I get how they appeal to certain people. I have no idea how anyone can be huge fans of Henley or Sherrod. I'm not exaggerating when I say I've never laughed at anything they've said.

Opie is the funniest in the room. It's bizarre.

Call it Metrosexuals in the Morning, discussing designer jeans and mani and pedi treatments.

I kind of like Vic Henley, but then again I have a soft spot for huckleberries.

It's the Opsters master plan. He gets the truckers market with Vic and the tourettes market with Sherrod.

Well, he's also trying to get the you-know-who market by including Lamar.... I mean Sherrod.

How long do you think it took Sherfag to master the art of butchering the English language in order to keep some black cred?

14 days.

more like unlistening thread or sumpthin tss



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