I'm a deadbeat loser with a faggot son.

0  2016-04-13 by DaveNonesDad



well on your way to another -100.

unless of course this really is a poster in this sub's actual father very disappointed in his son, so much so he made an account with the same name but added on "dad", just so he could make a post in an extinct radio subreddit referencing his son being a loser and asking for money.

I'm not saying it's not possible, but im skeptical

Ha ha yeah you keep telling yourself that! I have been served in soup kitchens! I leech off the government! I KNOW!

I like to think that after every comment you make you lean back in your chair and say "Ha got em again. I am merely pretending to be autistic."


Ever since OP's ill retard dad was insulted he's been in a blind schizo fury projecting about other people lol. Truly in an autismal rage.

Dennis, u mad, bitch ;)

So mad.

Finally got the raging schizo butthurt enough to do one for me ;) I win.

Too bad Ken Fresno is already a common username here, stupid, lol. U mad.

Edit:Account created: 2 days ago hahah he had to sit on this and stew in rage.

Hahaha that guy is fucking nuts.

You're so butthurt, you deleted your last comment. Lol!

Stay mad, spergboy.


Lol u mad.

Delete this comment in a rage too, spergboy.

So butthurt.

Lol u mad.


Are you still stalking Danny or have you moved on to other ventures?


I thought you died like 25 years ago

Of shame from having such a loser faggot son.

He has his own NY city studio now!


Why don't skeletons ever go trick or treating? Because they have nobody to go with.


Why don't you pay my rent, faggula?

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Log in, log out. Create account (mimic username). Repeat.

Yeah, you're perfectly normal.


Oh this guy again. Ha ha jokes on you, /u/DaveNone DM'd me and said his dad died from the AIDS he got blowing tippy tom in the homeless shelter. Go away weirdo!

