fuck bonnie... not for the retarded thing, but for retweeting this

31  2016-04-13 by [deleted]



When guys get out of line, other guys call them dicks, douches and assholes. When they act weak, other guys call them pussies and fags. When they act dumb, they're called retarded or spazzes. When guys get fat, they are mercilessly abused as fat fucks. Not an hour of a fat guy's life goes by without a nasty reminder of what a useless ugly fat sack of shit he is.

But women like Schumer would have you believe men never endure any of that. No, only women are criticized for being too aggressive or too passive or acting stupid or being overweight. I call a woman a bitch or a cunt for the same reason I call a dude a dick, a douche or an asshole. And I call a dude a fat fuck for the same reason I call a woman a fat fuck: because they're fat fucks. And you deserve to be fat shamed because you look like dogshit and are causing yourself health woes.

This speech could lead men into battle.

Can confirm: Just stabbed a fat fuck.

now what

now what

Reap the bacon

Whadya know. Tastes like gristly duck.

The label "plus-sized" is reserved for women, but the fact that there is no equivalent for men is because we just get called fat. I'm all for abolishing euphemistic labels and simply referring to Amy as a fat pig.

Big and tall.

Really, why do these people have to drag innocent bystanders into their drama? Those big and tall stores don't have a single item for healthy tall people. Deal with your dysmorphia without trying to form a connection with those who have good genes.

*good jeans ..tssss

Dad bod

You make a lucid point, but I have no idea what point Amy Schumer was trying to make with her tweet. It's pretty vague.

It's become a common practice now to lay language traps and to demonize certain words (as well as the people who might utter them aloud or in text) in an attempt to cripple any criticism that might be headed one's way. One way to combat this is to use these words without apology and to ignore the inevitable, hysterical and often disingenuous backlash. Another approach is to avoid the traps by using other words. There are more direct ways to criticize and challenge others without resorting to slang words which don't really have clear definitions anyway. Still, I totally agree with what you said above.


Life must be tough for you.

Labels that are only reserved for women? The national news has run entire segments calling Chris Christie fat. Not only was he "labeled" but he was labeled by the news. His being fat was national news. He has had to answer questions about being a fatso. Can you imagine the outrage if the national news ran stories about Hillary being a bit too husky?

I know this is an unpopular opinion but I think hillary has slightly sexier old lady hair than Anthony. There, I said it.

Yeah but CC is an alleged conservative, so the news is free to call him whatever they want. Let's see em try that with Cankles, or Rosie for that matter.

Someone should come and push her back into the ocean.

I was about to say where are the people pouring buckes of water on her untill they can get 2 tow trucks?

Once the rotbloat has set in dynamite is the only way

God what an entitled, joke stealing, unfunny fat piece of shit she is.

So does the pterodactyl catch the pig or not?

The bottom line is showing because her fat ass can't be covered by a non-plus size bikini bottom.

That fabric was plus sized.....

This is for every woman who's ever felt victimized and dehumanized for looking a certain way. This is for justice and hope, and for those who fight for it every single day! Raa, raa, acck-ak-yaah! Raa raa, acck-ak-yaah!

This is for all the women who have been caught stealing jokes and criticized for it raa raa blah blah blah

For all the priveleged jews who have struggled with having to wait until their 21st birthday before uncle Goldwyn gives them their own tv show.

This is why I love Patrice. "I generally don't like living in a world where being what a man is.. a horrible thing and no matter what a woman is, is a wonderful thing."

Good thing he doesn't have that problem anymore.

Why is it this "comic" has no focus on comedy and everything is about her looks now? How did this happen?

No one focuses on her lack of ability it's all about how fat or not fat she is. Sickening


When I lie and tell dumb girls on tinder that I'm a comic the only thing they ever want to talk about is how funny Amy Schumer is. Its why I fuck guys now.

What does that even mean?

It really is an impressive video. They don't usually let you get so close to them. Magnificent creatures, really. Just sad so many end up getting beached.

Do you mean labels like "unfunny cunt"?

OK let's get rid of the unnecessary "labels", now instead of being polite and calling her plus sized we can just say she's a gross fat pig.


That's a plus sized model if I've ever seen one. Also, hearing her kiss ass riding her coat tails friends laugh at her "joke" running around with a kite like it was some hilarious bit is disgusting. I feel like people lap her ass all day telling her how funny she is and she believes it.

She retweeted it ironically. Like people show pictures of the elephants doing tricks at the circus after they go.

Ironic retweeting perhaps?

I assume so but maybe she was high on estrogen.

Is she flying a kite? How is that fun? Thats funny to me in itself because how boring and stupid it is. Ive seen it all now pigs are now flying...kites

Its like watching a toddler

you care too much

who the fuck flies a kite like that?


that makes more sense then. the hippo got spooked because it thinks it's getting chased.

Venus de Gallo

Lol she gets worse and fuckin worse. Funny how this fat pride movement is taking off but do you ever see a far chick not

You were right in the beginning. Fuck Bonnie.

I don't get it. A fat chic with a kite?

Look at her frolicking around, so beautiful. Like a dainty ox.

Is that Amy running around in Bonnie's sisters head? Get it because she's a water head.

So we can't call a fat chick a fat chick anymore?


The 'labels' are not reserved for women, it's just that men can be called anything. Men are either fat or not fat. I think that the 'plus-size' or 'size-zero' tag is used for women because they have dress sizes, men don't.

My cock just lost an inch.

I'd still eat her ass like a Chinese pupu platter.

god dude. you are a low life

It was just a shitty play on words...that felt uncalled for

that makes more sense then. the hippo got spooked because it thinks it's getting chased.