Chris Distefano tells same story with 2 different endings?

13  2016-04-12 by LivingThe_HighLife


Yeah, neither version of that happened. He really is a dumb dago; (as if there is any other kind).

They both happened. The first was when he was 14. The second was when he was 17 with a kick ass blowout.

He just lucked out and had two identical stories with 2 different moms.

I hate to use this word because it's overused but Chris is the definition of hack.

He's Tom Papa-level of awful.

Tom Papa is a good actor. Which also means that he could tell a lie without it being so obvious

Tom Papa is a goofy weatherman that you hate, Chris Distefano is Tucker Max with spaghetti.

(╯ಠ_ಠ)╯︵ ┻━┻

It's called loying.

I'm not loying, orrriight!

Hahahaha welp this sub is in a bit of a rut so I guess someone needs to edit this 2 clips together and send them out on Twitter

What's the timestamp on the bonfire?

edit: just found out by copying the link. wasn't working for me regularly for some reason. It's 58m37s for anyone else having the same problem.

You guys don't think he had two different friend's moms ask "is this better" when unbuttoning a button and just didn't mention that the same exact scenario happened twice but resulted in two different outcomes?

With Chris Distefano, the true story will always be whichever story ends with how he blew his dad.

Chris is so desperate for attention that he will lie to get it. Can't wait for him to claim that he was in the towers on 9/11.

"And like..." - Chris distefano

He's basically Tucker Max. I skip the show when he's on.

Mark Normand would be Tucker Max

Glad someone else caught this. It was driving me nuts, but I couldn't remember if it was him who told that story the first time.

Jay Mohr has two different versions of a story when he was on set and there was a loud crow that was driving everyone nuts, he goes to throw a rock at it and a famous actor stops him.

The first time he ever told it, he said it was Walken on the set of Suicide Kings. But in the last year or so, he told it and changed it to Pacino on the set of Simone. It really bugged me because the first time he ever told that story it was so fucking funny and he even threw the Walken impression in and I always remembered it. Now he's changed it and the whole thing could be bullshit, really takes the piss out of that memory for me. More like GAY Mohr.

He's a storyteller. It's called the spoken word maaaaahhn.


That's it. If Distefano can be "a comedian" then I know I would be funnier and able to tell a story better then him. He's just convinced me to follow my dream and try doing stand up. I'm going the other way this time and giving a shout out of thanks to Mr Distefano.

Which show had the better banter during the horrible story you guys think? Vic (aka white sherrod) stepping on everybody or the great Soder moving the story along?


And of course nobody on this sub will bring it to the show's attention when he is on next. SMH


I don't come on here and talk a big game like most all of you.


What are you on about?

Tom Papa is a good actor. Which also means that he could tell a lie without it being so obvious