Bonnie MacFarlane vs Pat Dixon

139  2016-04-12 by Phantas_Magorical


Holy shit this rehab stint might be the best thing to happen to Ant's health and his network.

He should extend his stay by another year.

I wonder if he has ever considered becoming a radio producer

aftercare. I'm sure if he said he was really sick and needed continue with another facility he could milk this sympathy for another month or two.

This is actually what I was hoping he'd do the entire time: eventually step back, bring in interesting lower-to-mid-tier people to do shows, and then just pop in every so often. Just keep running around and scooping up talent who want access to easy video production and a decent space. As much as people shit on the setup, he's got the equipment and studio to attract a lot of up and coming talent in New York and if he just took a step back from his show (and liquor and woman beating and reading Niggermania) he could probably build a proper network and charge $10 a month.

They should be booking guests the way they're doing it this month every month. Book multiple funny people in advance and tell them to bring more people along. Have a hang, have a laugh. No more solo shows or one on one interviews with a single comic.

But you know that something so simple that'd work would never come to fruition on the cumia network.

But he'd have to pay the guests then, which I don't think he can afford to right now.

I'm assuming pat was joking when he said she wouldn't be getting full rate after she walked out. I mean ant cant pay all the guest to be on his show.

No of course not. These shows can't be run any differently than the radio show or any other talk show. The guests get exposure and to promote themselves/their projects, and the network gets content. That's how these things have to work in order to be financially viable.

Maybe they'll take care of some travel expenses or whatever, but nobody gets paid to be on a talk show.


If a big talk show like Jimmy Fallon has some kind of deal with SAG, then that's an entirely separate issue. But talk shows in general do not pay their guests for appearances.




ur a good egg, thank you for ur service

my biggest prob was her super casual pose with those ridiculous sunglasses

Looks she was in a bad mood even before this.

shes fuckin zooted

Thanks for the insight, Chip.

She probably calmed down, cause she's a smart chick...but that was the most interesting thing I've seen on TACS in like, ever.

She ate too many pomegranates.

She is unmedicated bipolar. That is a fact.

Really? That was the part that got me hard. Sexy bitch just lounging there all relaxed and aloof with her sunglasses on indoors like she thinks she's some sort of hot shot.

I wonder what she'd think if she saw that video of Ant actually beating up a retard (Bobo).

"Everything is fair game for a joke, unless it's something that personally effects me." - Woman comic logic.

Also, only Jack Nicholson is allowed to wear shades indoors. Everyone else who does it just looks like a cunt.

I dare you to tell that to Tony Ferguson. He claims he has sensitive eyes.

Isn't there someone else with weak retinas that this sub loves?

Tony Sparano. We all love his playcalling.

Fuck, she's actually being a hole


I have autistic people in my family and I don't give a shit about retard jokes because fucking jokes are jokes.

Bonnie is odd, she's caught somewhere between male feminist and female drunk.

And angry lesbian with daddy issues

Let's go Rich!

Ugh, I hate when they try to pull you along. What a cunt

She was calling rich a retard

I think she was well aware that it works on both levels. Once you say that, what's a guy to do?

Later in the show Pat did tell us his Nephew is a Downer. She's just a sensitive moody fuck. It's Bill Burr all over again

Pat has a joke I love. I'm paraphrasing but he says I'm not making fun of retarded people, in fact my nephew has Down's syndrome ... Or niece.. Its hard to tell

Your right- Bill Burr, Pat Dixon and she also got pissy at Mike Lawrenece at a Roast.

I think she chose the wrong profession

I hate that about Burr now. When comedians go to LA they have to preface jokes. And its spreading out even to the east now cuz people love to be fake offended cuz it garners attention

What did bill do?

What has redface ever done to you?

My aunt has cerebral palsy with severe cognitive issues and not once has a joke about a retard bothered me either. In fact her issues are so severe the only thing we can do is just laugh sometimes. Bonnie is a fucking hole and I'm tired of these celebrities who think they're speaking for everyone just because of their experience. Fuck right off Bonnie and any other cunt celebrity who thinks they're the spokesperson for a certain movement.

First of all it's great that you don't mind and it's equally awful that Bonnie thinks her personal case should make it a global exception. Plus I don't like the fact that Vos is brainwashed by her with that same line of thinking.

I actually have Asperger's syndrome, and I frequently call people autists. I make way too many nigger jokes to be unable to have a sense of humor about my shit as well. People need to lighten up.

Shut up, retard

Oh yeah, buddy! Well, why don't you take a long walk off of a short pier. (I'm really taking the gloves off now).

I hope a powerful machine degloves your hand for you.

I hope not. How am I going to jerk off to rape porn with a crushed hand?

That offends me. My father has a crushed hand

Did you self-diagnose like all the other spergs?

No, I was diagnosed for reals when I was in kindergarten. The rocking back-and-forth for no reason must have been the give-away.

Is aspergers just a less retarded version of autism?

You can pretend to be a real person for short periods of time as an aspie. Autistics will just stare at the sun for hours if they start thinking about baseball stats.

Yeah, pretty much.

Dude you're even retarded at being retarded, get it together man.

Aspergers is some shit white people invented to explain away their loser kids who decide to wear these shoes:

It seems every socially awkard cunt uses it as an excuse.

Pretty much. I've got a buddy who has the 'bergers and he's able to function pretty well. Lives on his own, makes money, pays bills, can go out and drink. He just has a really tough time interacting with people and tends to get hyper obsessive over things.

You've come to the right place. Welcome home.

lol, what? do you get like...medication for it?

Let me know when you are planning your mass shooting. It would be helpful to get a heads up.

Fucking sperg.

Nice to meet you, too.

Clean up your drool you simpleton.

Your mother does that for me...while I'm fucking your father.

fucking implies you can get your retard cock up. I know it only happens when you crush puppies heads.

I just made a joke about fucking your dad, and this is your comeback? How are you more autistic then me?

Listen you retard fuck. I'm playing around with you. Stop downvoting like a cunt and have some fun.

God damn you people have such a shitty time reading people.

I didn't downvote you. Why would I do that? You and I dock each other every Thursday. Does me no good to burn a bridge like that.

I just want you to know that an admitted asperger clown is getting the better of you, doofus

At the end of the day hes still an invalid, so it makes no difference to me.

Luis was almost more of a hole and contributed nothing this whole segment. "Fuck! What just happened?!" Sheddup!

He was doing his Opie impression

Real Ass Worm

I counted seven jabs at Pat before unceremoniously storming off without hearing any rebuttal. The whole thing would have been avoided if she chilled for 30 seconds.

I couldn't believe rich with that whole "if someone in your family had cancer would you make cancer jokes?" My mom died from cancer and I still get a kick out a nice Norton cancer wig joke.

Not to be a white knight but to her credit she did come back and brushed it off mostly. It was funny because by the end she turned Vos into the bad guy.

But then we're doing exactly what Vos hates, picking on him for no reason other than that it is fun to. Like making fun of his speech impediment.

We excuse thin-skinned sensitivity for a cheap Vos joke? The last quarter of the show was more wife-chess than patching things up. If Vos said 1% of that to Opie he would have had a perma-ban 10 years ago.

That's her usual diversionary tactic.


Exactly, Pat doesn't really think Mentally Handicapped people should be in cages. It's ridiculous.


"Melinials" --Vos

and the vosapedia grows.

Is that on wookiepedia?

Its actually on OnApedia


In Bonnie's defense, I think that was also a joke about rich being a retard.

Pat: everyone at home, get your retards out of the room. Bonnie: great idea, pat. Come on rich, we're leaving.

It definitely was. So, she made the whole show about her and made 1 funny.

Great job Bonnie... great job.

I really thought it was Bonnie being hilarious, until she actually left and everything got cringey. Im glad she left tho, the show got super awkward and great.

That Redbar guy brought that same cringey thing on Gavins show yesterday and he delivered. I think the guys a total douche, but he's pretty entertaining

That is actually what I was most annoyed about her telling Rich to go, but now rewatching it is was obviously a joke and she wasn't really forcing Vos to leave.

Why do these shows look so bad? The hosts and guests are soft and the background is sharp and focused. Do the producers think that looks great? There's thick lines outlining everybody. "The Room" had better green screen technique. And a stronger cast of characters.

You're tearing me apart Daniel!

Honestly though I think it's the streaming service, when Gavin did his marathon it was hosted on YouTube and it looked pretty good. As for the green screen there's almost no way to make that look good, it was a horrible addition.

Btw, I definitely have breast cancer.

god really does answer prayers

Leave your stupid comments in your pocket!

no need for that sort of talk friend.

Just quoting The Room. Don't see the need for all the butthurt.

yeah... i can handle everyone calling each other fags and wishing aids, yet it was you saying to keep my comments in my pocket that really got to me.

edit: do i really need to add this \s



Maybe your stalker can cut it out.

That doesn't sound right. It's like they're using SD cameras with HD backgrounds.

They are using those awful Tri-Caster live sets. If you don't put a blur on them they look terrible. It's unnatural.

It should be noted that I put it through Handbrake but either way it's still not very good.

It's operator error. Scorsese could take a fucking GoPro and make a masterpiece in two months. But you can give a bunch of comedians, radio people and alcoholics the best equipment in the world and it will always look like "Wayne's World".

I feel like Scorch has had better studio setups

I still don't understand why green screen was necessary.

There's this "uncanny valley" thing happening when I watch clips. It's not compression or services. It's hardware and users. It looks public access-y. I'm not trying to come off with an agenda, just honest thoughts watching this. Camera angles are off-balance and just left that way. Hosts don't know how to take calls there's no headphone/monitor solution.

And THAT'S how you executive produce. The amount of time it takes for them to pull clips and get bits off the ground is engaging sometimes. Mike David filled in for Gavin and the big finale was going to be him Skyping some skeletor looking broad. The producer John, didn't tell Mike that he couldn't reach her on Skype until Mike asked him to pull her at the end of the show. The last 10 minutes of the show were completely ruined.

I always hated her constant cuntiness on my wife hates me and the cheesy ass "silly voice" she does. But this baby like demonstration and hypocrisy of being butthurt about retard talk (only to call that guy a retard) cements it. Bonnie is an annoying unfunny hole and I'm glad she's pissed. Women comics are just like one of the boys! Ugh.

I honestly don't know how Vos deals with such a know it all cunt.

Never heard the podcast, have you?

If I was married to her she would have been bludgeoned to death long ago.

It's a shame she's to old for Anthony.


God damn lol, can everyone please remove their retard from the room, lol that was hilarious

I also liked Gavin in this one, he just walked in with a t-shirt and a laptop and was funny, as opposed to wearing a suit and ranting about something or other.

Vos' tattoos look like gangrene.

They all do eventually.

But he had all of his done in the past five to ten years. They look like he's had them for 50.

I'm thinking his shitty tanning habits don't help the tattoos look good.

The Anthony Cumia Show has been pretty fantastic without Anthony Cumia... that has to be a little disconcerting for the guy who the show is named after...

Agreed. He needs to get arrested/forced into rehab more often.

Truth. Here's hoping he doesn't learn his lesson and he keeps on beating up girls and drinking for the sake of our entertainment.


Lighting up Dani's ribs was good for business, didn't expect that.

Vos looks like a Kmart Tom Waits.

Tom Waits for change

Finally found a way to shut Luis j Gomez the fuck up

Gavin coming in with the laptop googling it immediately for the save. "I think she's being retarded." How can you hate him?

I like Gavin as long as he is not doing any political or social commentary. Which, unfortunately, is rare.

He has great timing but is unbearably smug.

I included Gavin's bit in there because it was kinda funny, but Vos comes back later.

He says that he was asked to guest host while Anthony was gone and that's why he came back.

Can you get the Vos clip up?

He's back for the rest of the show and if I may be so frank I ain't recording the rest of the darn show for you, sir.

thanks for what you did post. that was gold. has me thinking about subbing just for pat dixon. funny fucker.

The whole show is already up if you know where to search.

Any hints on where to search?




Bonnie and Mandy also comes back in the end.

How many times over the years have O&A (and Jim) told callers that "It's all funny until it hits home"? Or "Its all funny until we're making fun of YOUR special interest group?"

Ant and Jim are making fun of some blind lady. Caller calls in and says, "Hey - that's not funny, my brother's blind!"

Same shit with Bonnie today.

It's really indicative of how shitty Bonnie's personality is that she never had a single word to say about the constant retard bashing on O&A.

Fucking female comics, before this I would have said that Bonnie was the exception to the rule but at this point I'm certain they're all full of shit. As soon as they get into a position of power and respectability they start trying to change the rules for everybody else. It's literally no better than Schumer's "Comedy should be nice" bilge.

You can't make fun of retards because they can't fight back? Really Bonnie? And was this objective truth about the rules of comedy present before or after your mother fired your dope sister out of that polluted womb?

Their emotions rule them and they're not loyal one bit, it's just biology.

I was enraged by Bonnie's hypocrisy, but Gavin popping in to "set the record straight" was hilarious.

Gavin: "Men with Down Syndrome are infertile. That means if a woman with Down Syndrome gets pregnant, a non-retard fucked her."

Pat: "That's what I've been trying to say!"

Gavin: "So, you weren't that wrong. They can't legally get pregnant. You can't fuck a retard, right? That's rape!"

Fuckin wow! Another complete hypocrite revealed. She has bitched about censoring comics. Looks like we found her limit. I hope she's not bombarded with pics of Bobo.

Who does she want to censor? She just didn't want to hear the jokes so she left. Thats' not censoring it's ecxactly what people who are offended SHOULD do. Stop listening.

I guess so.

But why have we lost the respect to silently remove oneself without disrupting things that are more important than one's outrage?

So she forfiets her right to speak because she doesn't agree with him? Who gives a fuck about this? A guy made some school-yard level jokes a woman didn't care for it, said so and walked out. Big fucking deal.

If she was actually part of the program I would agree with you, the only time you were really aware of her presence was when she started making a scene. It was out of nowhere and she slammed him no less than seven times before he said anything or even realized shit was going south.

When confronted with something that insulted her, she resorted to personal ad hominum attacks instead of addressing whatever outlandish point she was trying to make.

That's the only school-yard level shit I can see here.

Pat tried to pacify things multiple times throughout the whole episode. Vos made it a big fucking deal.

Agree, she probably overreacted but she did remove herself. No one has the right to say she shouldn't be personally upset with the subject. Plus I know it's his style or whatever but he was being a dick and that's fine too but he can't expect everyone to sit there and take it. (Comic or not) Comics break balls with each other all the time on the air but they also don't cross lines with each other on certain subjects, which was Vos's point when he came back.


Walking away is censoring now?

No, but this sub is often dumb as fuck.

No they're 1A warriors.


Bobonni plague.

Didn't listen to the whole thing yet, but why is she a hypocrite? Is she saying you shouldn't make fun of retards?

She's said many times before that there should be no limits to comedy and everything is fair game. I guess that doesn't include retards.

That's different from being personally offended by something. You can say that comedy should have no limits for other comics but still get offended by something and refuse to participate in it because of your own personal issues.

Her sister being retarded plus the fact that Bonnie was raped when she was younger and had to have an abortion I'm sure plays into her overreaction.

As she drags her husband off like a fucking hole with a weak point.

There should be no limits other than her fee fees? Get fucking real. Robin quivers got her rape made fun of and she took it on the chin. If she had a problem with it she could have left without dragging the talent off with her to make some cunty grandiose statement.

Yeah, but its Robins job is to be the punching bag for Howard.

I'm not saying I agree with everything Bonnie did.

It wasn't on howard. It was on some hackneyed Joan Rivers roast. And she took it like, well, someone who is funny for a living.

k. people are different in different situations.

Well isn't that a bland platitude

truth can be

Read the lunacy you just wrote. To say everything is fair game except what I'm offended by sounds like something off of Bobo's twitter. She called the man dumb for not stopping and was further offended because he wouldn't stop even though she was clearly offended. Then expected her dumb husband to follow her. As she has said before about other comics being vilified for joking about certain topics....just leave and shut your fucking mouth. Say you're going to the bathroom and don't come back.

She did leave. Everyone has the right to get offended and call someone dumb for being dumb. Are you offended by Pat being called dumb?

Having no limits to comedy does not mean everyone should hear all comedy in all situations even if they don't like it.

She left and dragged vos off like fucking child on a leash. She doesn't need to stick around for those jokes. But to pull vos out makes her look like she is grandstanding.

Yeah, I didn't appreciate her acting like a baby. I was hoping she would have held her own against Pat.

She was every drunk heckler who made a stand because they were offended. I would sure hate it for someone to go to one of her garbage shows and make a stink about being offended to maybe burn some ironic truth into bonnies thick skull.

A heckler in a comedy show is very different then being a guest in a podcast where you're supposed to interact with the host.

More making the point that she was on the outside. You don't see her name on the list do ya? Maybe if she was actually offended she could have just left, not made a fucking stink about and and pull vos (the guest) off. Of course they aren't the fucking same thing. I'm drawing parallels to show you just how much of cunt Bonnie was acting like.

She was a special guest on the show that Vos bought with him. He even said so on the show. She wasn't just an audience member.

Stop drawing parallels where they don't exist.

Vos is the only one I've heard reference any special co-guest. Can we not just have him anymore? I like Bonnie but I don't like being sold packages constantly.

'Special guest' is a pretty low benchmark here. Bobo was a decidedly more important co-host yeaterday.


First I read about Bonnie getting herself raped- what was she wearing?

She was also a minor at the time.

So safety vest and a hard hat?

So she was dressed like a slut? Gotcha.

Yes, she was.

Not to mention that before the retard stuff he told her to shut up when she was just trying to conversate, for no reason. Pat was pushing her buttons from the start. If I was a dude in her position I would have threw down.


Make fun of everything; just not the thing that offends me!!

What a cunt.

He just pulled Gavin's schtick in front of Gavin better than Gavin can do.

Maybe Bonnie should say something to umm... I don't know, Jim, Anthony or Opie who have been ripping on retards for da show the past 20 years. I actually like Bonnie and I can see where she's coming from on this but she handled this completely wrong and basically answered that lingering question from her documentree.

When they were goofing on the retarded that kid got voted out of class by like a 12 to 1 margin Otto said the tard "wanted to know why the sandbox was closed on weekends."

ELIR(etarded): the lingering question from her documentary?

Whether women are funny.

This made me really like Pat, Luis, and Gavin. Also, it's sad to see someone like Bonnie fall into the offended woman stereotype.

This makes bonnie look like such a fucking hole.

Pat Dixon looks like a skinny Drew Carey ripping a long fart.

French Stewart after he watched Taxi Driver and smelled a fart.

I can't stand her, I could never stand her. She's a loud obnoxious entitled cunt, who wants to have everything both ways. I love Rich but I've always hated Bonnie. Look at her fucking "too cool for the room" shitty early 90s indie cinema character sunglasses. Ugh, what an asshole. Fuck her. Keep the fucking "broads" out of comedy, enough already.

Only female comic to never get offended is probably Joan Rivers. Otherwise they all have some shitty God damn cause they can't make fun of.

Case in point:

And.... Didn't she also not like Schumer or some shit?


I find it hilarious that they were LITERALLY having a conversation about freedom of speech in offensive comedy and Bonnie got offended.

*Also, middle of the road Luis is annoying as fuck, he knows Bonnie freaked out over nothing. Not REAL ASS at all.

I think for Luis, he really was more stunned than being Jim Norton don't take a side when it comes to comics because they might have a gig for him at a later date.

Actually he stayed pretty true to what happened and later when Bonnie and Mandy come back he's the only one who doesn't shit on Pat.


Fucking 100% with Pat on this one. Bonnie made Vos into her bitch and he argued like a woman the entire time about it and brought the entire show down to her stupid level. Then Luis looked over at Vos every time he made a joke looking for approval. By the end when everyone was against Pat I was literally sick to my stomach. Fuck Vos, Bonnie, and Luis. They all stunk and Pat was only reason the episode was even as good as it was.

I would say Gavin was a good part of why it was as good too.

luis j gomez is fucking great

For Bonnie McFarlane to complain about being offended by a joke is so absolutely absurd. The hypocrisy is staggering.

Calling women on the rag has to be called "pomengrantes" now right?

Of course.

Once you get used to Pat's you catch his "passive aggressive" comedy and it becomes hilarious. Not backing down through that awkward 2 hours was savage and hilarious. He and Gavin have quickly become my favorites.

I find it weird how Vos, Bonnie and Mandy gang up on Pat for his passive aggressiveness. Like passive aggressive jokes on a comedy show are worse than 3 people shouting down a host.

Oh look a woman not being able to take jokes, I am in shock

I've lost several family members to cancer and I love a good cancer joke. I don't see anything wrong with a retard joke.

God put retards on Earth to make us smile.

I have a retarded cousin and I think retard jokes are hilarious.

I have a retarded mother and father and I think tablecloths are delicious.

Vurry good

I have AIDS.

I have a retarded mother and father

I call shenanigans, somebody didn't watch the whole video

Maron had a funny story on O&A about how he made a joke on stage about waterheads being God's clowns and the audience reacting poorly. Within a few days he went to a concert and saw a retard having the time of his life then felt okay about it until he saw the father with a broken look on his face.

But but but I thought you couldn't offend a comedian?

Bonnie really acted like a "civilian" right?

I don't know, you better ask Dr.Metzger

I'm certain we'll hear some very carefully worded defenses of Bonnie's behaviour in the next few days. Nobody betrays their ideals in order to close ranks quite like comedians.

i initially thought that Bonnie was busting Pat's balls with the "OMG you're so dumb" bit, Bob Kelly style. She has been doing comedy for 20 years she should have been able to shut that shit down, letting Pat get to her is weak as shit.

Yeah, that's the part that I'm disappoint about. Not that she got offended about Pat's raping retards line. Everyone has a right to get offended. As long as they don't try to ban other people because of it.

I think at some point, Bonnie had to crack. Married to Rich Vos, still playing chuckle huts and The Stand, living in a dump in jersey... it's all too much for a woman who is probably near 40 years old.

LMAO at her trying to storm out and having spend a minute packing all her shit so she looks even more retarded.

Pat always looks like somebody's holding a cat turd under his nose.

"I know they TRY to fuck everything" hilarious...


Pat is a fucking BOSS! The dude would not back down, love it.

And he didn't even change the tone of his voice. Just kept calm while she yelled. He won just with that alone.

Goddamn she sucks. It's like someones uptight Christian aunt getting mad at you for making an off color joke at thanksgiving. Way to show women can make it in comedy, Bonnie. Just one of the guys!

Bonnie seemed to be annoyed at the start and the "retard" talk just instigated her into full pissed off PMS mode.

She did her usual "I'll just sit out and watch because Rich is the big comic", and brooded about it in her shades till she plucked up the courage to get a mic.

I lost so much respect not only for Bonnie but a huge lost of respect for rich vos

Seriosly, they should've just stayed gone when they left. Rich is acting like a petty child, and he always goes back to his career like a dick. We get it rich, you have been in comedy for years and are doing fine.

I completely agree, he not even that great as he claims, anyone outside the O&A community dosent know who the fuck he is.

It didn't seem like Dixon was really making a joke though. I mean, he was trying to be funny but there wasn't a punchline anywhere. He was just talking about retards getting raped. Its a pretty horrific subject to speculate about if you don't have any kind of humorous twist to put on it.

Saying retards are kept in cages was funny. Come on man.

I'm pretty sure Dixon started amping up the retard jokes when he noticed Bonnie getting a little defensive about it, and then when she called him stupid he doubled down and wasn't going to stop. I don't think Bonnie came off too well, and Dixon was being hilarious, but the retard "jokes" were definitely intended to piss her off.

Like Luis said later there was probably some weird tension coming from Bonnie being a guest but not having a mic at the table and Dixon trying to essentially do his own show with Luis and Vos as second mics. It turned into an awesome trainwreck of a show though.

his show is making jokes about new york crimes, there's no room for sympathy here.

I think his vulgarity and (obvious) cluelessness about the subject is what made it funny.

What's funny is he doesn't stop and is willing to go further when told he should. That's why it's funny.


So does this mean BroJoe is infertile?

Pat is a beast who won't betray his own convictions even at the risk of shitting up his own career. That's rare to find in a human being these days. Even with his wife nagging him he didn't back down.

When everyone was doing their plugs Mandy goes "And you can find Pat and I hate fucking later tonight"

Pat: "... No you will not"

"Control your woman Rich" -hahahaha

There's a great Bonnie's family/Vos=retard joke in there somewhere.

Seemed like Pat was taking an absurd stance on a topic for shock humor like "How can anyone think something so crazy." Bonnie took it personally and even when she came back was complaining about things being projected as ignorance is bliss and a whole bunch of shit that wasn't even said.

To the people saying it's not funny, humor is a subjective thing also I thought it was funny when he brought them being locked up in individual cages and was clearly joking by saying something like that.

Greatest thing ever. FUCK these people. ITS A JOKE. GET OVER IT.

I know a lot of you guys don't have any experience with women, but her pose, what she was wearing, her hair not done, and the sunglasses all screamed "I'm on my period and cramping, don't fuck with me!".

I like Bonnie, but I've tangled with that bear too many times to not spot it.

Yup, the minute they showed her on camera the first time I thought it was odd because she's usually all dolled up and looking hot. Def period attire.

More plz

"C'mon, let's go Rich".....jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze

What the fuck was with the sunglasses?

She wanted to look like Andie MacDowell in the early 90s.

She looks more like Diane Keaton

Diane Keaton fucked a diminutive Jew who had talent- Woody Allen. Bonnie was dumb enough to let Vos knock her up.

Maybe she doesn't want anyone to recognize her slumming on this piece of shit "network."

I'm most likely fighting a losing battle here, but i got the impression Bonnie was pissed more at how wrong Pat was about the whole idea as opposed to the concept of mocking spazzies. It was his lack of humour combined with his apparent belief that raping disabled cunts was less reprehensible than rape of "normal" people...Did i misunderstand anything?

Yeah that was the impression I got that set her off. He wasn't even making a joke just saying raping a mentally handicap person isn't as bad as raping someone else.

except what triggered her was probably the best joke in the whole show, "everyone get your retards out of the room". that was hilarious. but i didn't find anything else he said funny

That is a good one.

I'm embarrassed for Bonnie- she is going to get the doosh chills from this for a while

I feel embarrassed for Rich for having to defend a woman with the painters in!

Glad Bonnie is finally being revealed. she coasted for too long on vos jokes

I know that this sub has a one strike policy, but I dunno. I'm willing to allow Bonnie to have a cunty day or two.

People are just full of shit. The reason people have a problem with making fun of retards isn't for the retards, it's because they feel uncomfortable addressing the cognitive dissonance regarding their view of retards. This is what makes them get triggered, because it's like you're bringing out the thoughts they suppress. Being triggered comes from mental disorder

Lost all respect for bonnie. Pathetic.

I can't believe there are people that actually find Bonnie Mcfarlane funny...

what the fuck is with that thing in the corner of the desk that keeps moving?


That's why they call him the rapist.

Is Pat the one with the state trooper haircut? I never heard of this guy.

State trooper haircut is a good description. I think he looks more like 'white supremacist henchman #4' on SOA.

Then he tells vos to get the fuck out of here if he does not like it when he comes back

We need a guy to upload the full episodes god dammit

What a disappointment. Pat didn't say anything bad. Bonnie's rockumentary is called the right thing.

Im one 100% on Bonnie's side, not because of the content of the joke but because clearly she did not want to have this discussion because of her sister being actually retarded and Pat the lord of edge couldn't stop bringing it up. Also because I am bias as fuck


Did Bonnie try to police his language? Did she start some group to try and get Pat Dixon fired? No. He pissed her off, she called him an idiot, and walked away. That's how you do it. The SJW liberals/conservative Christians who play the censorship game don't understand this.

It isn't even about "taking a joke". It's about getting older and having less patience for the things that annoy you. I don't blame Bonnie at all for this, if she's relating to her sister, and she's pissed, just leave the room.

She stormed off and retreated to her "safe space". Most pathetic thing I've seen a "comedian" do in some time

I don't understand why some people think that freedom of speech means no one should ever get offended by anything, especially if it's meant to be funny.

Pat's the best, glad he didnt back down to vos and his annoying hole wife

So, I'm not reading all 300 comments, but hopefully somebody pointed out what a pussy Dixon is being about Bonnie calling him stupid. I don't get how people are so pissed at Bonnie when he keeps whining about the mildest of insults.

And what was with rich telling Keith he's brining "a guest" and then showing up with his wife? Why wouldn't he just say that he wanted bonnie on in the first place? I thought that was very odd.

Yknow, I don't want to get into a who's wrong and who's right thing here. But Bonnie isn't against "free speech" blah blah blah, off limits blah blah. She didn't like what he said, so she left. And that's what happens.

This isn't philosophical. She literally just said her sister was mentally disabled, so Pat starts saying nonsense about what they can't do, being a jerk in general, and then saying "I'm sorry you were offended" like they're characters and not just a bunch of people having a conversation.

Her leaving was proven to be a good choice because they followed it up with "what, what did I say?" and that other guy talking about PMS. Fuckin' idiots. And bullshit studies about Downs syndrome, which wasn't what they were even talking about. All three, Pat, Luis, and beard-o at the end are not very self aware I think. All them niggaz look like birds. And if so, God be with them. They retarded tho.




what happened after this?


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The guy who called in at 48 minutes at started fighting with Rich is the same caller that called in the O&A show back in the day and fought with Jimmy about how much he loves Asian women.

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Pat Dioxin is savage as FUCK!!

TIL who Pat Dixon was... but...I still don't actually know who he is.

Has Bonnie always been this way? I thought she could take a joke.

On every appearance she makes on any show, she sidelines herself initially out of insecurity, then half way through makes it all about her.


This just makes me realize everyone has those certain topics or subjects that are bothersome if someone else makes light of them.


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That was incredible.

"control your woman, Rich!"

"Let's go, Rich!", like she was talking to a dog. And he got up! Where's the "Bitch, I ain't your dog!"?

Vos' voice cracking when he says "hold on!" to Bonnie

Vos getting in his plugs

Again, Luis is total kids table, and a total Opie/hole. "I never get uncomfortable. You guys just witnessed the first time I've ever been made uncomfortable!", as if anybody cares. He sounded like one of those "Guys We Fucked" twats.

Luckily, Gavin jumped in and kept things rolling.

Jesus Christ, he's so whipped.

She's so hot.

She looks like Jerry Sadowitz


Bonnie, baby, stop being so difficult and your career will take off like The Schume.

I don't know what was worse Bonnie being a pussy and storming off or Dixon making the worst fratboy retard jokes I've ever heard.

This wasn't as bad as I expected. But Dixon is a BEAST. Fucking hysterical

What was worse was Vos losing his shit and saying how respected he is in the business. Not saying it isn't true. You just don't say shit like that.

"We have guests here, Rich Vos from My Wife Hates Me and Louis J. Gomez..." is where it all started. Pat Dixon disrespected Bonnie, he made it look like she wasn't even in the room. Then he tries to get under her skin by making fun of her retarded sister? Dixon showed his true colors, he's obviously a misogynistic, ableistic asshole, fuck that guy.

Bonnie was never supposed to be a guest in the first place, Rich added her last minute and if she were an actual "guest" she could've pulled up a chair and sat with the rest of the guys.

Yeah, it wasn't planned that she would be on the show, but since she sat there on the couch when the show started, i think it was pretty shitty by Dixon to not acknowledge her. She's a comedian, it was clear from the outset that she would participate.

Here's what I think happened.

She was upset about the comments which I can understand and won't fault her for. Even mentioning the retarded when related to one can make women emotional. She should have just left quietly but she was embarrassed so decided to try and pin it on Pat as something he did wrong. This backfired as it was immensely hypocritical considering the topic and her typical stance on offensive speech.

I don't fault her as much as I thought I would (I don't fault Pat at all) but sometimes women just get like that, be it PMS or just the way they are.

I imagine it escalated from there and she dug her heels in which is kind of shitty.

I'd say they're both wrong. She probably should have just left the room and not said anything else if it bothered her that much. But he wasn't exactly killing with his tard material, either. Kind of classless to keep going on like that. I'm not against him trying, but you better be funny if that's your target.

They were basically a terrible audience.

Later I the show when he comes back he compared her to a comedy audience member who stands up and says "I'm leaving!"

I hate women and I think poorly of Vos for constantly bringing his hole of a wife around with him.

anyone else think she left because an unfunny, annoying guy thought he was important enough to be attempting jokes about her sister, regardless of whether she had down syndrome or not? he was acting like he was on her level. and yet everything that came out of his mouth was just fake edginess

That was a great clip. It was funny, uncomfortable and a bit melodramatic.

The criticisms leveled toward Bonnie seem to be over the top, though. She got pissed and stormed off (I only saw the clip, so i don't know what else she said after coming back). In the above clip she wasn't arguing over what is objectively funny or not, or what is acceptable and not acceptable. She wasn't calling for boycotts or firings. She just got personally upset and took herself away. That's just being human.

Disclaimer: I have a major crush on Bonnie so I don't think I'm the best person to make rational judgments about her. Thank God I felt the need to do so anyway.

Coming back in she was normal Bonnie but everyone but Luis still blamed Pat.


it wasnt a joke that they keep them in separate cages to stop them from fucking?


If you couldn't tell, than you do have an issue with retard jokes or you are legit on the spectrum.

I get not finding the jokes funny or being offended, but he was clearly throwing out jokes. Retard house, keeping them in cages, weren't things he meant literally.



Rich please stop doing favors for Ant. He can drown himself himself.

I think she was really offended.

Offense is taken, not given. Stupid unfunny feminist broad that attacks dead men in her shitty documentary. She's the lowest of the low. She also speaks like she has balls in her mouth, what is that? What's with the extra consonants when she speaks?

The jokes were not funny.

I don't know who Pat Dixon is but he has a faggoty voice and doesn't let anyone talk, so fuck em.

Oh. She's lovely.

lol btw, at 5:44 rich was totally about to say "nobody watches this"

Gavin at the end is THE GREATEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN. That is all. All hail Gavin McInnesFuck.

I don't think there's enough focus on what a waste of time Luis Gomez was on this show.

Never watched Pat Dixon before, but he's not funny.

I agree he was trying to be funny. Obviously he is not a comedian. I don't understand why Anthony is surrounding himself with such low level acts. Gomez and Vos should have been the only hosting today. Why they insist on putting the haters on every show. Gavin and Pat should be separated from the comedy shows on the network. People like Anthony because of his comedic skills. Nobody is going go subscribe after they hear Pat trying to be funny. Even the biggest racists and haters will get tired after the first month. If Anthony wants to make money he should concentrate the forces on comedy. It is really tiring to listen about race, retards, police and crime on every single show on the network. More over every 3rd US podcast is about racism. Rogan is doing tremendous job with his podcast, while here it is the same topics every time. I stopped listening to Howard, bu at least he was good with editing.

Why are you here?

What are you nuts? Gavin is the funniest guy on the network!

It's only annoying if it's not your politics. I can't fucking stand the daily show because I think liberals are retarded. So TACS is like my daily show.

Sweet mother of christ, why would Rich take his wife on this zero-funny-ever's horror of a show? Did Ant blow Vos to force this?

Yeah, if you don't sit in a room and listen to shitty jokes on a subject you're uncomfortable with you're anti free speech.

Her whole thing was being a woman comic who's tough and can roll with the punches. not run out of the venue because somebody insulted one of your family members. She would and has made fun of numerous people who did the same exact thing she did.



Don't you feel at least an ounce of embarrassment over using that term in this context? I haven't heard 'gamergate' being uttered here once before this.

It just wanted to use the word coterie i think.


Don't you feel at least an ounce of embarrassment over using that term in this context? I haven't heard 'gamergate' being uttered here once before this.

no need for that sort of talk friend.

Just quoting The Room. Don't see the need for all the butthurt.

Oh yeah, buddy! Well, why don't you take a long walk off of a short pier. (I'm really taking the gloves off now).

No, I was diagnosed for reals when I was in kindergarten. The rocking back-and-forth for no reason must have been the give-away.

Yeah, I didn't appreciate her acting like a baby. I was hoping she would have held her own against Pat.

She was every drunk heckler who made a stand because they were offended. I would sure hate it for someone to go to one of her garbage shows and make a stink about being offended to maybe burn some ironic truth into bonnies thick skull.

I dare you to tell that to Tony Ferguson. He claims he has sensitive eyes.

Her whole thing was being a woman comic who's tough and can roll with the punches. not run out of the venue because somebody insulted one of your family members. She would and has made fun of numerous people who did the same exact thing she did.

I guess so.

Of course.

Whether women are funny.

But why have we lost the respect to silently remove oneself without disrupting things that are more important than one's outrage?

On every appearance she makes on any show, she sidelines herself initially out of insecurity, then half way through makes it all about her.

Agree, she probably overreacted but she did remove herself. No one has the right to say she shouldn't be personally upset with the subject. Plus I know it's his style or whatever but he was being a dick and that's fine too but he can't expect everyone to sit there and take it. (Comic or not) Comics break balls with each other all the time on the air but they also don't cross lines with each other on certain subjects, which was Vos's point when he came back.