How do white knight cucks like this live with themselves?

1  2016-04-12 by [deleted]



The pay gap myth is just tiring. Look, if there was an actual pay gap, I'd be the first one to side with the feminists and agree that it is fucked up and women deserve the same pay for the same work as men. But the "pay gap" is not based on actual pay, its based on the the fact men, on average, have higher paying jobs. To pay anyone less for the same work is actually illegal. Besides, there are enough successful women in the world to prove that if you focus more on accomplishing your goals and not just bitching about perceived inequality, you can make as much as men, or anyone else does. (And if there is a "patriarchy" intentionally oppressing women, its doing a terrible job at it.)

i believe this type of shit is dying out. The people who don't give a fuck but are eventually curious enough to look it up find out the obvious truth.

There used to be so much retarded shit on the internet(reddit, youtube, facebook) and now there's almost an equal pushback calling out that stuff.

Tides are turning no matter who the fuck becomes president

Yeah, I think the ultra-pc agenda has reached its peak--its all downhill from here, thankfully. I'm eager to see the SJW/3rd-wave Feminist movement die, and the "anti-SJW" shit can fuck off too. I swear, a cringy Salon article about "white-privledge" and an unfunny tweet by the Gamergate/Redpill messiah Milo Yiannopoulos, give me equal urges to puke. I'm tired of the whole fucking thing from both sides at this point.

It also doesn't take life choices, desired career paths, taking a lot of time off, etc. into consideration. Plus men will often have more dangerous jobs. Call me when you see the hashtag #MoreWomynInTheMiningIndustry

Yeah, turns out the social sciences that feminists in academia push is not as lucrative as the hard sciences. Go figure.

At the risk of being called a cuck liberal faggot I do see the social need for higher learning and strictly academic research but you can't reasonably expect to make a 100 g's with a Literature or Sociology degree. Wanna live in a big house? Just go marry a socially awkward Computer Engineering major you whoore, aguush!

No, I agree. Hell, I'm going for my bachelor's degree in English studies, so I'm not far from the social sciences. But I'm under no delusions about the pay in that field like some are.

Feminists are unable to understand basic statistics. You have to control for variables like men having higher paying jobs on average.

If I were with his donkey of a girlfriend I'd have a pretend relationship with Nikki Glaser, too.

She buys into that bullshit? Apparently feminists dont like it when women freely choose their job. And just look at that fucking twitter picture... This woman is a progressive just barely held together by a thin skin of cynicism.

P.S. she looks like brianna wu

Skinny Schumer badly needs some attention from this sub. What a dumb cunt.

Is that Glaser cunt supposed to be a comedian?

I've read better material on tumblr

No shes not. Shes an activist who ises comedy.

Something deeper is going on psycologically with white knights. Its not just trying to get laid. I realized the folly of white knighthood at the age of 15... a 20 or 30 something white knight has a neurosis of some kind

what job do women literally make 79 cents on the dollar while their male counterpart makes a full dollar? I have never actually heard of a real case of this.

Because of the Equal Pay Act. The woman would hit the lottery and ruin a small company if she could prove she was paid less than a male counterpart

Its fucking sickening everytime a female comedian tries to go all activist about something. They need to go out like Dimebag Darrell.

he sucks massive amounts of cock and brags about it

Hopefully they start & end each day by battling the urge to swan dive off a bridge....and with any luck, they one day lose the battle.

I actually appreciate it when people mention the 79% pay-gap. It lets me recognize who mindlessly cites bullshit statistics, as long as it agrees with their preconceived notions.


2016-04-12 22:35:15 UTC

@NikkiGlaser So many "this isn't what the pay gap is" responses to this. do you always get sexually charged responses back? so many idiots.

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You have issues that's why. Is there ANY doubt this guy is a cuck?



i believe this type of shit is dying out. The people who don't give a fuck but are eventually curious enough to look it up find out the obvious truth.

There used to be so much retarded shit on the internet(reddit, youtube, facebook) and now there's almost an equal pushback calling out that stuff.

Tides are turning no matter who the fuck becomes president

It also doesn't take life choices, desired career paths, taking a lot of time off, etc. into consideration. Plus men will often have more dangerous jobs. Call me when you see the hashtag #MoreWomynInTheMiningIndustry

Feminists are unable to understand basic statistics. You have to control for variables like men having higher paying jobs on average.