I hate positive Bobo

7  2016-04-12 by Wellshiteinabucket


Yeah it's sickening. But it warms my heart that somehow the dysfunctional dick having barely functional retarded 30 something that lives at home with his mom is probably much happier than the pedo in rehab or the dumb tit that's constantly on twitter raging about his bald photoshops.

Yeah I love Bobo. But he's infuriating.

I hope Colin sues him for gimmick infringement.

Parallel gimmicks.

What's his opinion on Pat's retard jokes?

Whatever happened to the Bobo Translator guy?

Ill try: Bonnie, you validate Rich Vos's existence. Just kidding! I love Rich Vos, and I wish you folks could adopt me.

it's like a seventh sense

The Bobo whisperer.

Just tweet him and call him a liar and see enraged Bobo come out.


HIV I hope

it's like a seventh sense