Mike David in for Gavin Mcinnes

0  2016-04-12 by Heystck

Someone guest hosted for gavin yesterday, Mike David is his name is and hes out of his god damn mind.

Starts ripping Bill burr's wife nia. Bill burr calls in and tells him to stop. This guy, continues to bash her while bill is on the phone and starts shitting on bill too.

best show ive heard all yr lol.

Episode 126- the gavin mcinnes show


Thanks, Mike.

heres his own wikipedia bio

"Mike David is the creator and host of Red Bar Radio. Living in Chicago, Illinois, Mike produces the show out of his condo. Mike is characterized as a quick-witted individual, constantly remaining composed and unconcerned with the situation at hand. Even when pressured by threats such as police intervention or having prank phone calls traced, he shows no emotional build up; instead replying with phrases such as "you couldn't trace your hand to make a Thanksgiving Day turkey"( HOMERUN ). Following the Takeover, Mike was disgusted by anyone who would sell out others for personal gain, and became more serious in many aspects of his personality."

If you survived trough the douchiness of it. Remember to listen to mancow jr on his not depressing at all basement podcast

That wasn't really Bill Burr genius.

Hilarious. Did u listen to it? How can you say that wasn't him

Because Burr would never call into a Gavin McInnes Show guest hosted by Mike David on the Cumia Network. It was a good impression though.


Because I know what Bill Burrs voice sounds like and that was a terrible impression.

audio anywhere?

Post this shit on the TACN sub, where all 5 of thier posters will give a fuck.

Hey Mike, Is it odd always typing in the third person? BOOB

Bill Burr called in? As in...he was watching it live? There has to be more to it than that.

No it was a Burr impersonator

OP is a simpleton


But he actually called at all? Meaning he was listening? wtf



He's doing Matt Drudge.

He repeats shit from this sub, he even said Ant resembled Freddy Krueger which is something I repeated a thousand times here over the years. Fuck that hack, biting my shit.

He rules. Dont get why some on here are hating on him.

You're one of his alts

the "you said you dont hate that guy you must be one of his alt accounts" is getting a bit hack, bro.

Evertime this guy comes up there's some suspicious ass support for him

He has a hardcore following of a couple thousands on his show, with a lot of overlap with O&A listeners.

True, I've never heard of him so I guess I dont know in this case. He's unfamous enough so its possible.

He's a hack

If he's a hack then this whole sub is too Because his act is basically this sub.

All I know is I never seen him post here and he parrots shit from here to try to get listeners. Fuck that faggot

We call Ant Tranthony. Can anything be more hacky?

90% of the stuff here if spoken in the real world would make anyone look like a retard. As it rightly should. This is all mediocre level internet humor. The only thing that keeps it going is the attention we get from people like Brother Joe.

So you're saying he steals his act from a subreddit? That's not a compliment. And it's completely retarded.

Truth bomb.