Ladies and Gentleman......Mr. Joe Cumia Sr.

0  2016-04-12 by DaveNone


Samcro could learn a thing or two from this cunt.

Where's his pissy-eyed kid? Oh, he's playing with dune buggies and shooting guns. Look at that, one of his friends just shot another. Son of a...

You have some serious daddy issues, loser.

You must have been cringing everytime Anthony told a story on air about your deadbeat dad. Stealing change from his vending machines job? Stealing electricity? Skipping out on rent? Spending grocery money on beer? Remember the time he traded in your plane tickets and bought you Greyhound tickets and pocketed the difference. Sent you on a week long trip through the worst parts of the country with no money for food. He didn't care about you guys at all. Ouch.

Great point. You know what they say about those with faulty father figures... they end up hoodlums obsessed with trashy activities.