Artie Lange Makes 400K a year on his podcast with 7000 subscribers.

45  2016-04-12 by Tell_Em_Fred

In the world of podcasting so many people release their content for free. You decided to go the subscription route. Why did you decide to go with the subscription model and is it working out?

I wanted to do it for money. I’ve always had a job where I make good money as a base and then do standup as well. The last job I had was in mainstream radio and I hated having to hit eight minute posts and be censored. I did research and talked to people who said that nobody is really doing subscriptions, but that I was one of the people who might be able to get away with making money the subscription way because I have a hardcore following. The Stern fans are hardcore and they might want to pay. I wanted to be completely uncensored without advertisers giving me notes. A bunch of people on the internet were like, “Nobody will pay for a podcast.” But I talked to some people about pricing and they said $7-$10 a month. I made it $7. Right now, after about a year, 7,000 people have signed up and it’s growing. I got 7,000 people to pay for it with no advertising. Do the math. That’s $49 grand a month. I have about $100 grand in overhead, so I’m making about $400 grand a year from it. The world of advertising will say that 7,000 listeners is an insane failure. But for me, it’s an insane success. I do that, standup, and some acting work and it’s a great life. Very casual. I’ve never been this relaxed in my life. I’ve never had a bigger blast and I’ve never been personally this funny on the radio. The fans love it. Because I have a following from Stern… I put in my work. I did the Stern show for almost 10 years. That’s where I earned my money. I earned a following of people who said, “Hey, we’ll pay to hear Artie.” I take that very seriously.


Anthony probably has around the same number of subscribers, but a larger overhead. He's gotta pay for everyone in his network, his studio, legal fees for a well-placed kick to the ribs, ect.


This comment deserves more.

Edit: I should have waited longer before making this comment.

Gold him up with your Jew money Danny


This went way over my head. What am I missing?

Joe Derosas Shitty Tattoo

Joe Derosa's tattoo is an abbreviation of "keep kicking them in the nuts", KKTITN

Which he got from Carlin and though that Carlin had given him some life-changing personal advice, when it turns out that he often gave that same phrase as advice to many others.

Those rib-kicks don't grow on trees, you know!

This sub can't let one Dego by without insulting Ant.


I doubt he has 7000 subs. I would guess 3k at most.

I bet he's got slightly larger because of the network. That's why he has them.

He also rents out the space for other shows I'm pretty sure. That's one of the perks of owning a studio like that.

Still probably pulling in 200k a year.

Anthony's personal overhead just for his house, property taxes, cars, and living expenses is probably well over $200k a year.

His neighborhood has some of the highest property taxes in the country. I wouldn't be surprised if he was paying $80k a year just in property taxes. One of my mother's friends lives in his area in an average three bedroom ranch house on a small piece of property and her property taxes are almost $40k a year.

Public records show he pays ~$32,500 in property taxes.

Hm. He must be on a smaller plot of land than he makes it out to be.

Or his house was assessed at 3.2 mil and hers at 4.

your assuming the house is paid for and he does not have a mortgage. House is valued at 1.8 million so if he is making monthly payments on it thats a big nut

Do you realize just how much fucking money he made while at Sirius? I'm sure he has made some sound investments throughout the years and could live a very lavish life on the returns alone.

Nothing says "sound investor" like a man who day trades, gambles, and buys plastic dinosaurs.

Don't forget all the sugar daddy relationships to greedy young girls who use him as an ATM. Those get expensive fast.

I posted this before, but I love this quote from Martin Sheen about his son:

"“He was hidden away in a tower you couldn’t get to. The ones who were closest to him were his worst enemies. They depended on him for their living, and they would say anything and do anything.”

Then again, he pays 10k a year to heat his pool. Savings is not what Ant is about.

He paid 10k in a single month once

10K in a month? That makes it into a hot tub, not a pool.

Yeah, I think he had it set in the mid 80F range in september or october one year

He still had a mortgage as of his last year on O&A


I would bet he has 7,000 viewers but way more subscribers due to LoS, Gavin, etc.

Interesting that Artie is happy to divulge his subscription numbers, yet "open and honest" Anthony avoids the topic like the plague.

Management doesn't let him see the numbers. Leave it alone

what business reason would ant have to justify releasing financial data and budgeting information?

Isn't satisfying the obsessive curiosity of this batch of autists and psychopaths a valid business reason?

I have a hard time believing Cumia has anywhere near the subs that Artie Lange does. Lange is far more known than Cumia. He was on Stern...he's had minor films....he had his run with DiPaolo, and then 'The Artie Lange Show' with the DirecTV deal...he has WAY more brand recognition than Cumia.

I live hundreds of miles from nyc.. If I went to the local Walmart 99 out of 100 would not know who either is.

What other customer surveys have you conducted at your local Wal-Mart?

Let the man speak. His research methodology seems sound.

8 out of 10 Can't Believe It's Not Butter!

3 out 11 CAN'T feel THEIR own NOSE!!!

9 out of 11 wanna see the boat movie!


Yeah, I said above that I find it hard to believe that Artie has only 7000. He's fairly well-known.

Gavin actually has a pretty big following that pulls in subscribers unrelated to O&A. I hear Gavin brought up in subs non related to O&A. He gets brought up on that trump subreddit.

I listen to Gavin every day. I listen to Ant once every two weeks. I don't listen to any other shows on the network.

I pay 6.99 a month and listen once every 3 months when Ron B. is on.

Crime Report is great you should give it a shot

I have. I like it, but it didn't make the cut.

Understood. But I still don't think Gavin has any real name recognition to the general populace.

As far as Anthony vs. Artie goes, I think back to Anthony's live show at that NY casino back in the height of the 'Stand With Ant' bullshit. He couldn't even begin to fill 50 seats for FREE. Artie Lange would have no such problem; people actually pay to see him. So again, even with Gavin, at best, Cumia's network is equaling Artie's sub numbers, but it's certainly not at the numbers some of the people here seem to think it's at.

5000 fans brought overis a huge contribution still. He doesnt need huge general recognition.

But Artie is the only show on his podcast. Ant has 5 shows plus his own show.

"The world of advertising will say that 7,000 listeners is an insane failure."

I wonder what they would call Ant's.

That's 7000 paid subscribers which is viewed differently.

idk thats what Artie said. I think for just a guy with a website 7000 is pretty good but generally things people have subscriptions to have a fuck of a lot more.

I agree I'm just saying 7,000 listeners and 7,000 subscribers are viewed differently.

If Anthony is breaking 1000 I'll eat my hat!

1,000? Are you joking? First of all Anthony's app has been downloaded between 5,000-10,000 times. Second of all look at Anthony's expenses. Super expensive studio, very expensive equipment, 5 paid employees, 5 shows etc. He easily has 1 million dollars in expenses. And you think he has less than 1,000 subscribers? So you think he spends 1 million and only has 50k in revenue? That's not realistic.

just because you're spending lots of money, doesn't mean you're making any profit.

wew lad

Not even close to 1 million dollars in expenses!

If Artie is paying 100k per year in his house. Then Anthony easily pays 1 million per year. Artie does his show from his house. Anthony has a fancy Manhattan studio, and 5 employees. Not to mention the fact that he has 5 shows.

I'd guess tranthiny has 4-6k subs and at least twice the overhead.

Artie has pretty much zero overhead. He does his show from his kitchen and has no visual element

Pretty crazy that he does the podcast from his kitchen and he still has to pay $100k in overhead though. I wonder if that's just bandwidth?

That's amazing that you can have a viewer base of 7000 and still pull in half a mil in a year!

When you're not dividing the small pie with 20 different people it tends to add up

Hardcore Stern fans love Artie so he will always have a following.

and he's a standup. That always helps if you need to make it on your own.

It's hard to believe that it's only 7000 for Artie Lange.

And yet, the podcast and radio experts of this sub months ago were acting like they knew the climate and what people would buy. It's a no brainer that if you charge next to nothing for good content, people will buy it. However, charging monthly for awful content done in your basement won't be very sustainable.

Everyone here is broke and depressing and think $7 a month is some sort of insane commitment.

Those costs of these subscriber podcasts do start to add up quickly. You pay $7 for Anthony and then you pay $7 for Artie. That's $14 a month for just 2 shows. Then DiPaolo charges like $4 a month for his.

I'm guessing Anthony probably has as least as many subscribers as Artie does. He had too much of an insane following, especially after he was fired, to not have at least that much.

I'm sure his subscription numbers are dropping big time now that he is in rehab though.

No way Ant was on par with Artie.

So if he has 7,000 subscribers how many does Anthony have? 200?

It would explain why Ant has to double dip with subscriptions and advertising.

Dick spray guy.

And he'll lose the advertisers every time people here point out his DV and racism. He lost a few already and I understand Guiness is looking into his logo bearing a strong resemblance to theirs. So dwindling subscriptions and advertisers bailing out does not add up to a good business model. It won't appeal to serious podcasters looking to join a strong and vibrant network.

Conservatively 1500 or so.

Anthony has way more than 7,000 subscribers. 7,000 subscribers would barely pay for his NYC studio.

His dwindling SiriusXM fortune paid for the studio and probably still pays for it. No way he has close to 7,000 subscribers. If he still has a thousand subscribers at this point I'd be impressed.

Are you just saying stupid stuff to try to be funny? Or is that your realistic estimate of how many subscribers you think he has? 1,000? That would be 60,000 dollars per year. He pays Legion of Skanks about 70,000 per year. You think he's losing like a million dollars per year, and still motivated enough to come to work every day? He wasn't even motivated to come to work when he was making millions...

I am not trying to be stupid or funny, just speaking to Anthony's ego and determination to pay to keep his network afloat to thumb his nose at SiriusXM and Opie. The fact that he brought in advertisers shows he didn't have enough subscribers to pay all his overhead and the people he hired. The fact that he can only pay LOS 70k per year, if that is really what they make and not less, divided by 4 of them is a testament to how little his network makes. His show is terrible, just the rambling and ravings of a drunken lunatic, no entertainment value at all. So yeah I don't see 7,000 people paying to listen to an unfunny podcast when there are better ones out there.

He has advertisers because he is smart. But that also proves that he has a good amount of subscribers. How could he get so many advertisers with such few subscribers? His website has like 80,000 unique visitors per month....

Visitors to his site doesn't equate to subscribers, people hear about the former shock jock beating his girlfriend, they visit, they hear about him entering rehab, they visit. Lots of former fans probably visit in hopes of seeing that maybe there's hopes of a reunion.

And he didn't exactly pull in top of the line advertisers. I am sure some companies were all in with advertising on the cheap with a guy who used to be co host of a popular radio show, his name sold them, not the number of subscribers he had. And then when they saw little return on their investment and bad publicity attached to his name, they pulled out.

Artie is doing it smart. A funny show, cheap subscription rate and no advertisers. 7,000 loyal fans paying 7 bucks a month knowing they'll get what they came for, funny, not drunken political ramblings. As Artie said, he's taking in 49k a month, which is 588k a year, If his overhead is 100k a year as he said then that means his take home is 488k. So nearly half a million dollars a year without advertisers.

The heroin addict is smarter than the drunk, who'd have figured?

You must be retarded.

Why would non subscribers go to his site? Everything of substance is behind a paywall.

Artie and Ant charge the same amount, less of you subscribe for a year. Ant's network has way more content and those other shows bring in subscribers. Especially LoS and Gavin. So Ants network is a much better deal.

As I said non subscribers would go to his site when they heard his name in the news. Maybe former fans go to see if anything has changed on his show and network to see if they want to subscribe. As to the other shows on his network, I believe the LOS has said they may only stay there for the one year of their contract. Gavin is probably there because no one else will touch him. ESD is just a O&A/R&F fan still stuck in the past and on a downward spiral along with Anthony. The only show on the network I have heard constantly good things about is the crime report one.

Artie is consistent funny with no bullshit tacked on to try and make his network look more impressive than it really is. So yeah his show is the better deal. And the best thing about Artie is that you just never know when he'll go off on a drug fueled vanishing act, pop up on the news, and cause more people to subscribe to see what he's going to talk about when he comes back on the air.

If you truly think Anthony has anywhere near the number of subscribers that Artie has then you are the retarded one.

Yep. I believe Ant's network has more subscribers than Artie's show. Network.... Show.

Calling it a network doesn't automatically qualify it as bigger than a show. So that is not a good argument. England called itself an Empire at one time but the Country of the United States of America was far bigger than it was. Bigger, more impressive name doesn't mean a damn thing.

Artie's SHOW has more listeners than Anthony's shit-can NETWORK. Show........Network. Show is bigger than network in this case.

You're a dumbass. LoS and Gavin both brought subscribers to the network that didn't listen to Anthony's show. This was documented in several other subs at the time each show was added. Both had separate fan bases.

So you're argument boils down to "No they don't, because I say so."

Well when you can show me actual numbers backing your claim I'll believe you. Claims made in other subs are as worthless as you say my opinion is. LOS and Gavin brought subscribers? How many? Added to how many Anthony had? If I have an army of 7,000 followers loyal to me and you have 1,000 and then say ah ha I am also bringing in these other generals and they each have 1,000 followers, you're still outnumbered.

LOL you want numbers backing my claim. Track back in the LoS sub and you can read it for yourselves people subscribing.

On the flipside you offer nothing for your claim. Pure speculation.

You can read people saying they are subscribing. How is that proof? People can and do claim all kinds of shit on reddit but that doesn't make it true. Did they post links to their subscription confirmation page? If not then you offer nothing but speculation as well.

And Keith the Cop apparently said today that LOS hasn't brought in any subscriptions and is costing the network money. If that's true then Anthony's retarded producer/manager/bodyguard or whatever the fuck he is just shot your claim full of holes.

Either way, Artie has more subscribers for his show than the whole TACS network does.

Anecdotal evidence is at least something.

Glad to know you have Keith as your source. Good luck with that.

That evidence is as reliable as me stating my evidence here. Which is to say it's all shit because it's all just people's opinions.

And I don't believe Keith. I'm sure he's as full of shit as Anthony and the people associated with him are. I was just pointing out that someone from the network is stating something which refutes your belief and opinion about what LOS did for the network.

Yes and I have Luis J Gomez poll and the poll Keith removed that supports my argument.

Polls don't mean anything. They aren't actual proof of anything. Doesn't mean everyone answering the poll actually subscribes to TACN or subscribe for LOS. People supporting Luis and LOS could just be friends or twitter followers or people who hate Keith and TACN.

You need an intervention, I'm not even remotely joking. Your obsession with cumia is a disease. You've latched on then surpassed even that kook shadowbannedkeithm faggot. Are you buddies with that dani brand tramp? It's either that and/or you're a devout communist jealous of anybody else with wealth. Get your own shit in order, you're embarrassing yourself here, not changing minds.

I think reality has passed you buy. Cumia is not more popular than Artie. He has less than 7,000 subscribers.

10/10 superb reason and logic, next I'll go for a walk outside because purple LOL "reality" get some evidence scrub

Actually that's pretty sound logic but I get it that Cumia won't let you in the compound without you sucking up to him.


Hey rent boy, Anthony Cumia doesn't provide a podcast for as cheap as possible for your enjoyment. If you had an above elementary education you would know he's doing the model which is bringing in the most capital.

Concentrate on keeping a roof over your deadbeat daddy's head and worry less about Cumia's finances.

you are one of the strangest people on this sub.

From a 3 million dollar salary to at best 400k for cumia, that's quite a hit

Whered you get 3 mil a year from

From deep inside his own anus. I believe Ant himself said it was around a million a year, give or take. Of course, he isn't exactly what you'd call the paragon of honesty so who knows.

They hinted on the show many times that O&A were getting at least a few million every year.

that wouldnt add up tho. Maybe at NEW, but they took a huge pay cut went they went to XM. Ant said his net worth estimate of 10 Million was a little high, so theres no way they were making 2+ million a year for 10+ years of being at SXM in addition to the already being huge in radio at WNEW before that

They were earning less at XM when they first went there yes, but they were getting their contracts renewed almost every year and SXM were paying them more and more each time, to the point that in the final couple of years that Ant was there he was earning at least a few million.

$49 grand a month for talking about stuff would be nice.

I have zero fucking issue with ant charging 7 bucks if its good content. I dont mind paying for something that i enjoy. I dont think the content is good, so i dont pay for it. But if you want to watch the shit dont steal it, its 7 fucking dollars a month you faggots. Is $7 gonna fuck you up where youll even notice its gone

The problem with Ant charging $7 is his level of funny. Artie at bare minimum can tell a great story and make me laugh. Ant gets drunk and rants about poor uneducated people.

I will never believe a single thing this fat fuck says. He lies about everything.

Yep. A year ago he was implying his listener base was in the triple digits.

Three days earlier Artie told another site he had 9,000 subscribers so those might be estimates.

Gotta love Artie. The guy has seemingly fallen into success over and over again throughout his career......

......and managed to completely fuck it up every single time. Good luck Art.

He needed da money.. For heron

Bird addictions are the worst.

My guess for Ants sub # coming from a dedicated listener and seeing the early viewer counts before Ant hid them is somewhere between 50,000-85,000 subs. I believe Grandpa's new found arrogance is coming from his AOL style tactic where nobody watches his show anymore yet somehow he keeps a bunch of subs. Also this would mean Ants fucking making some serious money.

If Anthony has more than 50,000 paid subs I'll eat my hat.

Anthony was making 3 million per year on Sirius. He's making more now so we know he has at least 50-60k subscribers. That's not bad at all. Right?

If I had to guess I'd say Anthony has 30-40k subscribers, maybe more.

Your stupidity is astounding. Go breed more retards.

lmao you guys are hilarious just because there are some people that can put some things like viewer numbers, public financial records and app downloads together (for a fairly accurate estimate) doesn't mean you morons need to attack everybody smarter than you who says Ant still making money

The amount of installs on his app is between 5,000 -10,000. I would guess his total subscribers is way more than that. How do you guys not realize this? Just look at all of his expenses. A studio in Manhattan ( very expensive). Very expensive cameras and equipment. 4 or 5 paid employees. Then about 5 shows. LOS get's paid about 70k per year according to my calculations. When you add up all these expenses you easily get 1 million dollars per year in expenses. He would need at least 16,000 subscribers just to break even.

LOL, you should become a failed financial analyst if you think expenses can be used to determine revenue. Ever heard of a loss leader?

The amount of installs on his app is between 5,000 -10,000. I would guess his total subscribers is way more than that.

Multiple devices per user means it's definitely less than 5,000 uniques. Even if only a quarter of the downloaders used it on 2 devices (not even counting the creeps that would have it on 3+), that would account for at the very least (1,250 x 2) 2,500 of those downloads not being unique. There's also no reason to assume the real subscribers are "way more". More, yes, definetly. But there's really nothing to point it to being much more.

Artie Lange just said he has 7000 and he is far more well-known than Anthony Cumia. He's had films, he was on Stern, who was far bigger than O&A. He's even occasionally entertaining. How on earth would a born loser with a shit-terrible show which people won't even bother TO RIP OFF like Anthony have 5x the subscribers that Artie Lange has? Jesus Christ. He is a nobody with a network of similar nobodies. And the dumbest fucks on the planet for fans.

Anthony knows how to do this radio thing better than Artie. That incident with the black hooker ( which I believe was a publicity stunt) got Anthony unbelievable amount of support and free publicity. So many people signed up at the beginning because of that. This game is all about marketing. Most people have no clue Artie has a podcast.

Jesus, this is a masterpiece of rank idiocy. You believe the incident which led to his vastly embarrassing, career-shredding racist, misogynist Twitter meltdown was a publicity stunt? That got him unbelievable support? He lost a cushy, ridiculously overpaid job of a lifetime from that free publicity. His name is now synonymous with "racist crank has-been". HE HAS NO MARKETING, you moron. He has a former cop who knows nothing. He went on a white nationalist podcast directly after being fired for racism! How is anyone this fucking dim-witted?

Usually I wonder who could possibly be stupid enough to believe most conspiracy theories or follow complete morons to their own suicides and then I see people like you. And it all makes sense. I've met chickens smarter than you.

I think Sirius has already made it clear to Anthony that they were not going to re-sign him. And he knew he had to go out with a big bang, and that's the way he chose. And it worked out very well for him. I think Sirius wanted to take the O&A show in a different direction, and to save money, so they were planning on getting rid of Anthony.

Reading that actually lowered my IQ.

Chickens, Joemomma. Chickens.

Are you Brother Joe?

its funny how confident these fags are for have nothing to back up what they're saying, sorry if it shatters your brain that Ants terrible podcast still makes more in a month than you do in a year

The amount of installs on his app is between 5,000 -10,000. I would guess his total subscribers is way more than that. How do you guys not realize this? Just look at all of his expenses. A studio in Manhattan ( very expensive). Very expensive cameras and equipment. 4 or 5 paid employees. Then about 5 shows. LOS get's paid about 70k per year according to my calculations. When you add up all these expenses you easily get 1 million dollars per year in expenses. He would need at least 16,000 subscribers just to break even.

From deep inside his own anus. I believe Ant himself said it was around a million a year, give or take. Of course, he isn't exactly what you'd call the paragon of honesty so who knows.

lmao you guys are hilarious just because there are some people that can put some things like viewer numbers, public financial records and app downloads together (for a fairly accurate estimate) doesn't mean you morons need to attack everybody smarter than you who says Ant still making money

If Artie is paying 100k per year in his house. Then Anthony easily pays 1 million per year. Artie does his show from his house. Anthony has a fancy Manhattan studio, and 5 employees. Not to mention the fact that he has 5 shows.

They hinted on the show many times that O&A were getting at least a few million every year.