Within 1 Minute Otto Shits on an Anthony-less Opie and Calls him Sensitive

5  2016-04-11 by iWhereSchortSchorts


This takes place literally seconds after Opie was complaining about someone not being able to take a joke. I wish Otto would have smashed him.

They complained for 10 minutes that a woman didn't like being the subject of a joke where she was gang raped by Muslim terrorists.

Opie is such an ass.

Damn, Opie is a sensitive little faggot.

I like how Opie says 'really?' as if he has anything to come back at Otto with? "You want to go there Otto? I'm the least funny member of a radio show that's on satellite and you're a comic who's praised by all of the greats in your craft. So shut up!...wait..."

All I have to say is that Greggshells be crackin yo. And these are 2011 Greggshells we're talking here, nothing like the Greggshells of 2016

What's the timecode for when opie gets called out?

A. I'm not your fucking secretary. B. Read the title and just play it from the beginning.