Well Stalker Patti isn't dead.

19  2016-04-11 by Dennyislife


Kurt sharing radio time with a civilian? what the fuck?

Kurt Metzger is the dumbest person on the planet.

That is all...


She will outlive us all.

She's got one up on Lady Di then.

Has Di called the show at all since the time she called in thinking she was on a Navy ship?

No, but based on what her son told Dr. Steve she's basically in a hospice at this point. I'd be shocked if she calls in again.

It would be really funny if Opie and Anthony both go to her funeral and that's what brings them back together.

Just two gentlemen using each other's shoulders for a good cry. It could really work.

Would you?

I would circa 2005, not so sure these days.

EDIT: Typo, I meant 1905.

Jesus Christ


Entertaining appearance by Patti. Outed herself as a conservative even though liberal policies are ideal for people in her situation.

She shut Kurt down.

Dr. Mezger studio oh shit!

That's Sergeant Metzger to you, civilian!

There's that dick head Kurt


I think Kurt should do the world a solid and fuck Patti. I mean, he is in an open relationship after all. I know you're reading this, Kurt.


Ooh. Kurt was on. I'll have to listen to today's show!


Has Di called the show at all since the time she called in thinking she was on a Navy ship?

Kurt Metzger is the dumbest person on the planet.

That is all...