The name's Samcrobo, awright?

144  2016-04-11 by siuad


Looks like this backfired. His IQ went up.

Holy shit...
It's Louis J. Gomez

Real Ass Tard

Real Ass Pergers

OK, close the thread... Line of the fucking day right there!!

slow clap

The Howard Stern of Down Sydrome


Side note, the LoS subreddit sucks massive cock now.

You should see his's got a big basket on the front and a horn.

Sign my internet petition, I'm not a racist. I'm not loying

Joe became one hundred times more charming!

Brother Bo.

The dag doesn't deserve the honor of being Boboed

Loyin' through this world

...One chromosomeeee

"Is he Spanish?"

He's from Nikkra-agwa


I forgot about that. Thanks for the reminder.

he looks like he should be carrying dishes on his back

He looks more intelligent..

This might be the greatest threat to this sub

"Shut up white punks, it's Bobo time! I'm guilty by association, alright!"

I wouldnt mess around with that man

But Bobo isn't a Nazi.

i dont get it, isnt that a pic of joe?

You're outlaws like the rest of us now.. Awlright


goddammit why can't I photoshop like that. Bravo sir... bravo.

I'm both happy that this exists and disappointed that it took so long for it to happen.

Too overt. Just photoshop Bobo's eyes closed behind his glasses.

Real Ass Tard

Side note, the LoS subreddit sucks massive cock now.