Looks like Joe's website is back up....

63  2016-04-10 by Wolosocu



Whoever did this is a genius

and the noble prize goes to..


What does that mean?

Any website that brags about being deemed "safe" by an anti-virus website clearly has high-class content.

My mom died today but I'm still smiling

Was she black?

Isn't everyones?

Mine was at the end.

Thoughts and peckas. Was she hot?

yeah was she cremated or sumpthin tuss

Oh I see, she became exponentially hotter with age.

Thoughts and prayers.

When you burn coal, you pay the toll.



You know all those years of hearing anthony talk about niggermania I never actually saw it before.

Christ, anthony is the biggest fucking loser on the planet.

I thought it is his secret word for world stah

For awhile he would openly talk about visiting niggermania.com. He would always say he never posts. Even though no one would ask.

I think this was well before anthony knew anything about worldstar.

Yeah he was definitely referring to the mania.

Me too.

oh holy shit

the internet will free us of our chains

Every week this sub gives me a present.


What happened to @JosephCumia2U? Did you rename it or choose to shut it down? I notice it doesn't say "account suspended".

Twitter complained and advised of what changes needed to be done to make it a parody account. Thanks Twitter!

Panera is on me anytime buddy

So Sam admits to being a parody of a real radio host.



God's work son


The bottom of the page points out it was made last year. I'm fucking gurgling blood over here.

I shit both legs off reading that.



glad to see it's working again

haha its all rajesh sandhyana's talking to eachother in that link



The absolute madman!

Not gonna lie. Some of those jokes had me rofl.

I like how they can't say "black guy" for any of them. Gotta be only the N-word for maximum lulz.




Yeah he was definitely referring to the mania.