Adrianne Chalepah (girl beefing with Ralphie May) fawkin killin it at a comedy club!

15  2016-04-10 by A_Faulty_Robot


I'm an actual native American. Not some Greek with 1/32 Cherokee. I'm a card-carrying member of the Oglala Sioux tribe. My mother grew up on a reservation without running water. I am as close to Tonto as you can get in 2016.

Do you know how many times I've voiced displeasure over the misrepresentation of my people? Zero. Why? Because sticks and stones, nigga.

Plus, fat shit literally said nothing derogatory. Now excuse me while I get tipsy on cheap liquor and cry a single tear over litter.

I've got some spare blankets if you want one...

Yeah, but I only have acres and acres of land to trade for it.

That's a shame. Throw in some beads and you got a deal

if there are pesky pockets of shiny ore that seem to rise to the surface and make the land difficult to farm, i might be willing to thrown in some wheat flour and lard.

Im a card carrying Yurok tribe member and I keep it a secret as much as possible. Aside from fishing, my Tribe lives off growing marijuana and manufacturing meth. Our tribe leader (who is my cousin) just resigned because people discovered he murdered his infant daughter as a sacrifice to the gods back in the 80's. Being native in 2016 is legitimately embarrassing and I would never wish it upon anybody.

Yurok Army, nigga!

Do they literally give cards out? Genuinely curious.

Yeah. It's basically your reservation ID. Most reservations are exempt from certain fish and game laws so tribal police will patrol around fishing spots checking IDs. It's also how you collect health care and any other benefits which change from tribe to tribe. And yes tribal police are a real thing on reservations, and yes they unfortunately mostly just harass whites.

Interesting, yeah I don't know why I was surprised about the card now that you spell it out.

Because sticks and stones, nigga.

I like you

Too many white people do rep the 1/32 native American Bullshit all the time.

How many times do people tell you, hey I'm Indian too?

It is a pretty funny joke too, the whole point of him going off about the Indians is because goodfellas got beaten by dances with Wolves at the oscars

You mean you don't agree with Jimmy and think the Redskins should change their name?

Which brand of hairspray tastes the best?

"Sticks and stones, nigga" said the seminal to the run away slave when he asked what they wil use in the stalking and attack of Major Dade in central FL.

Fuck you, prairie nigger.

We prefer Forest Mexicans, it's more PC.

Chief dances with bombs

this made me laugh

LLLLLLLLLLIine of the day!

I'm now 100% convinced I can do stand up, if this drec is killing. I'm not afraid to go up on stage in front of 50 +people and bomb. That's half of the shows I played with my old band. I feel like That's one thing that stands in the average persons way

I can't believe the laughs she's getting.

They fucking gave just the words "granny panties" a 10.

Why are women so unfunny? It bothers me.





More like Adrianne Chippah tsss tsss.

You can't be funny if you have topics you consider "too far"

Just a chance to talk about themselves.

Comedy is dying. How on earth are people laughing at this unfunny shit.

Bitch has a big back.

She isn't THAT good. I would hardly say she killed

I went in with an open mind and gave it an honest shot. Had to close out at 17 seconds.

This is the most motivating video I've seen all day. I can probably accomplish something this year if this long haired cadence hack can get stage time.

That's a shame. Throw in some beads and you got a deal

if there are pesky pockets of shiny ore that seem to rise to the surface and make the land difficult to farm, i might be willing to thrown in some wheat flour and lard.