Joe cumia is a war veteran and the disrespect shown here towards him is pathetic

0  2016-04-10 by cmquitter


I'm a disabled veteran and he tried to fuck my life up....

he drew first blood...

This sub's gonna need a whole lot of body bags.

That's John Rambo dude

Nahh, that was me

You probably served honorably. Joe......ehhhh not so much.

Yeah shit didn't that come up at some point? Dishonorable discharge? I'm not quite sure

You were in Vietnam?

Relax, it was 10 years ago, he was on a business trip.

"Beautiful country."

Whats this from? It's familiar, but I can't remember it.

Frank talking about Vietnam from "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia".

There was no war when he was in the service. He is not a war veteran. In fact, it's unclear if he was even honorably discharged. Also, he did time for beating up his wife.

Yeah, but he looks like he was a member of the Iraqi Republican Guard.

Does being a veteran of the service or a war really give someone carte blanche for the rest of their life?

Being a veteran myself, no it doesn't. Most are fucking assholes

Thank you for your service (the uploading I mean)

How the fuck are you a disabled vet? You look like a regular 24 year old kid

I don't think he's the upload kid, I think he's the older gentleman that joe doxxed a few weeks back, I'm not 100 percent on this though cause I'm a moron.

yea thats right, a lot of people think I'm that guy for some reason... but I did get out of the USAF when I was about 23. I worked as aircraft armament (loaded bombs, and worked on the computers and systems from the cockpit down to the bomb racks) since we also did explosives we had to work on the tail hook. I was assigned to the F117 stealth, the triangular one if your not familiar. It had a tail hook on it for emergencies that was covered by the radar absorbent material that covered the plane. The plate that covered it had a line of detonation cord to blow of the panel that would allow the hook to drop.

Well we were replacing that one day, we worked in three person teams and my sergeant was putting the screws in to secure it, he also had a walkie talkie on him. It was found out later that the static electricity that came from the radio somehow traveled from him, to the detonation cord and exploded. I was about 15 feet away. Whenever you deal with explosives you try to have the least amount of people around just for that reason, and I just happened to be there when it happened.

It exploded, completely severing his arm just above his elbow. Blood sprayed everywhere, it was surreal. Here I am, a 23 year old airman, trying to help him as he was screaming, I was covered in blood. I took of my belt and tried my best to wrap it around his arm just to stop the bleeding enough for me to call for help. He ended up losing his arm obviously.

When something like that happens you go see a psychologist to evaluate you and see if you are ok. I wasn't, it was the single most traumatic thing I've ever seen in my life and I ended up having night terrors because of it. Waking up in my sleep thinking about him screaming calling for help. I was diagnosed with PTSD, depression, anxiety... since it still stuck with me after I got out I still receive treatment to this day. So that's how I'm disabled, the VA rates me at 30% which is about $450 bucks a month for the rest of my life, along with free healthcare through the VA.

Thats tough man. I apologize for calling you a dirty faggot whore the other day on brauns channel.

well you just call em like you see em... :D nothing wrong with that

I mean, I was on pills, and you were acting like a dirty faggot whore, but it was still bad manners.

that's some righteous bucks! is this taxfree and just added to any other income you make? also, this would have been a great chiproll

yeah its tax free... and yea i fucking blew it

Wow, you saw something scary. Are you a fucking child? Get over it, faggot.

I love this place.

Pictures and/or video or it didn't happen.

'Disabled', Typical American cheating the system

thank you for your service

Boys assholes or girls assholes?

Joe would often mention that he was a former member of the armed services but never elaborate. I thought that was odd until I found out that cunt was a cook. Peel them potatoes with pride boy.

How long was the Wop Ranger actually in the military? Dishonorable discharge as well I assume?

I dont recall, I just remember Ant making a couple of "That was when Joe was a cook in the army" type comments.

I'm fairly positive he was in the army airborne

Could be both.

[–]RikTheMick 1 point 8 months ago
82nd Airborne I believe.
permalinksaveparentgive gold
[–]kickerofelves 2 points 8 months ago
Yeah, I think he was a cook in an airborne unit.

There's cooks, clerks, generator mechanics-whatever--that are in the 82nd.

But Seagal was a cook in under siege

Under siege is based on Joe.

Damm.. No wonder he's wears all that SoA merch. He must have been the stunt coordinator / on set consultant

I blame him solely for the creation of Isis, I have no evidence or an actual theory but I just like blaming the worlds ills on Joe

Thank you for your service.

...should've been a war casualty


The amount of potatoes he peeled should count for something.

He was in the military, but not in a war. Even if he was, so what. Considering our tax dollars fund the military, I can talk shit about any member of it if I choose to.

Damm.. No wonder he's wears all that SoA merch. He must have been the stunt coordinator / on set consultant