O&A Trivia Question

4  2016-04-10 by greygooser

What was the first on air insult lobbed at Erock?



Vanilla ice

Correctamundo! "Vanilla Ice Hair" from sweet Jim Norton

really? when was it?

First day on XM. revisited on a nopie show, 10-4-12

They didnt start making fun of e-rock until 2012? wow

Revisited is the key word there. They started on XM in 2004 iirc

ohhh I skipped right to the second part and thought you meant you were revisiting it, lol, that makes more sense.

VERY early on at XM I remember Ben & Steve presenting him with toothpaste on the air. I think it was nuked from the replay never to be heard again.


I dunno, what

Sex bagel