Bobostotle with another philosophical gem

27  2016-04-09 by ShitdickJunior


I like the video of an incapacitated Bobo getting beaten by Anthony who is calling him a nigger.

It'd be such a hoot if the DA got wind of that footage and used it in court.

I like to make werewolf MOVIES.

Why would anybody ask him of all people how Ant is doing? I love Bobo so much.

Bobostotle is fucking great. Bobocrates? Boblato? Boborx?

I think Bobocrates is more apt given that he knows nothing

Had to google it, but god damn is that apt! Bobocrates it is.



Truly the greatest mind of our generation. He's like a modern day Sartre or Nietzsche.

Wow he's really giving us the business! Way to lay down the law bobo!

Is Bobo keeping up with his mod duties? That's the real question


We used to call that a "pound sign". Have you seen my hearing aids?



bigger idiot? Bobo, or someone that follows him?


2016-04-09 17:22:18 UTC

Don't ask me how @AnthonyCumia is doing or about his decision its his business just wish him well #proudofyou

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We used to call that a "pound sign". Have you seen my hearing aids?