Are there any progressive pot smoking college drop-out comedians out there who aren't completely useless fucks?

0  2016-04-08 by Ant_Sucks


"Female Comedian" has to be the easiest profession in the history of labor. You don't even have to be funny anymore, or even try to be funny. They're pretty much just "Left-Wing Politically Correct Communication Specialists".

Yeah. Stretch your cuntlips over the threshhold and use your Bruno Sammartino-like torso to iron it out you jewy bitch.

This Bruno sammartino reference actually made me laugh, and I'm not sure I've ever actually laughed at an Internet comment before

You never forget your first, babe ;)

Slow news day huh?


2016-04-07 05:48:07 UTC

The floor of my apartment is higher than the floor in the hallway & everyone trips when they walk in IS THERE A PRODUCT OR TRICK TO FIX?

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]

tsss floor yuma

Christ, shut up sarah.


I watched it. It was creepy. She spoke like she was speaking to children. She also had that vaseline-on-the-lens look that they used to use back in the 70s to soften out wrinkles.

These are the types of problems you should have even you're a broke college student. She's what, 45?
