Y'know someone close to Ant has told him to not post online and he wants to

0  2016-04-08 by Lilcumia

That heroin addicts probably sick of hearing about Trump. I'm sure he'll be as popular as ever after going dark for 28 days.


Dude the fucking NY Studio is going to change goddamn podcasting forever, and once Ron and Jim join Ant at co-hosts it's going to be the greatest show of all time, just you watch.

I bet Ant is already making waaay more than he did at sirius, his "network" has been an incredible success and anyone who disagrees is just some faggot liberal SJW that's jealous of his super cool dinosaur statue and other assorted white trash memorabilia.

you realize no one really thinks that and youre just circle-jerking, right?

I'm making jokes fucker

cirkle jerk jokes


Idk dude, that last tweet somehoe seemed real but cell phones are a pretty huge no-no in rehab. Like, you cant even tip anyone off to get it because theyre locked in a separate area.

Depends on the rehab. Some allow cell phones to an extent. There are expensive rehabs for people with good jobs they need to keep that allow laptops and cell phones and all that.

are there? I honestly kind of dont think that there are. If you go to rehab you have to kind of just get a pass from work that youre gonna be away for a few weeks. There are facilities you can move into after the intial 30 days if you need to be there longer term that you can have laptops and phones, but I really dont think there are 30-day places that let you have a phone.

Why don't you google it?

Unfortunately there are jobs where you can't leave for 30 days.... Like high level managers at fortune 500 companies. If you disappear they have to replace you because hundreds of millions of dollars could be riding on the project your team is working on. They legally can't fire you, but at high levels you're expected to work 12 hours a day + weekends. So are they just going to put everything on hold while you're gone?


There are plenty of programs like that. They're the expensive luxury tier rehabs.

What are those for people that need to go through it for PR reasons? Lol that goes against all typical rehab rules and looks like an obvious way to just make a lot of money, but I didnt know they existed, are there places with a middle ground, though? Where you occasionally have access to your phone/the internet for personal reasons? The weirdest part of it to me was that he had time to go back and delete it later. I guess if its an expensive place I can see if like every wednesday they get their cell phone for 15 minutes(actually I cant really), but I dont know how he had it up long enough for someone to see it and then be able to go back in and delete it. Idk, I'm not even saying its not real, theres just somthing weird about it.

So you can't get off drugs and alcohol if you have access to your cell phone some of the time? Tons of people get clean by going to NA or AA and they have their cell phones with them at every meeting.

I'm pretty sure not drinking and going to group therapy has a much bigger impact than being able to send out occassional texts or tweets.

nahh but you can text people and ask them to bring you shit if youre local or know someone in the area. and when youre in their hands obviously getting a hold of substances is obviously a huge no-no so theyre pretty strict on cell phones.

True, but rehabs are typically businesses. So if someone has to have a cell phone or laptop of course places will open up to accommodate that.

Some people would be unable to go otherwise. So is it better for them to not go to rehab, or go with their phone/laptop?

Yeah, theyre a business but success rate is better for their business than the draw power of allowing the addicts to have cell phones. It's most commonly their view that someone just has to be able to take a month off from their current life to successfully get sober through rehab. If they can charge astronomical prices to accomodate fortune 500 CEO it probably works for them, but an average rehab is probably going to maintain their strictness. Not sure of Ant's case in particular, I'm sure the truth will come out eventually and I'm sure that tweet was really from Ant, I just think however he accessed it was through something sketchy.

Do we?