Opie just said the twist in the sixth sense was Bruce Willis was alive

78  2016-04-08 by Dennyislife


Low IQ having ass nigga

World star got a nigga ribs hurtin today

World star got a nigga

ribs hurtin today

nothing infuriates me more than hearing opie attempt to read.

it should infuriate you more when he tries to read negro vernacular comments with what he thinks is their accent

Ant got a bitch's ribs hurting

Ant got a liver hurtin

He also got a bank account hurtin


Opie gotta be a little on the slow side. If so, God be with him. no BS.

Opie ain't playing with a full deck

nigga look like a dodo ass bird

Cause he doesn't really watch movies. Never has. Just lies about seeing them.

It's so weird. He doesn't watch movies, or tv. Listen to music. Always talks about it loosely, like that friend who never saw the movie over the weekend but didn't want to look like a faggot would. But what does he do with all of his free time?

He spends most of his time staring into his phone while his children play around him. And some shitty forgettable tv is on in the background.

*his wife's children

The little Bambinos.

He raises his child, Hudson, whom he is grooming for raqio success.

Also teaching him the art of the viral video.

He's learning the Ancient Way of the Breast

Nah man. That kid will be a student of comedy just like his father!

Great point, WHAT THE FUCK DOES HE DO!? He doesnt drink really, isnt a workout guy, works 4 hours a day with commute, he doesnt even see newspaper headlines, he ingests zero news in any format - while his job relies primarily on commenting about the news. This week he had no idea that the presidential primary was coming to New York soon, his home state, despite talking about the election constantly.

The only logical explanation is that Lynsi has him jumping through all sorts of hoops that he doesn't admit to, out of fear of losing street cred he doesn't have: lots of stuff with the kids and her side of the family, dragging him shopping, etc.

Yeah, I think that's it. He hangs out with her relatives and calls them the "Philly Crew" to make it sound like he actually has friends.

That's a compelling explanation. You think maybe she's more like a guy than he is? Maybe she is watching 60 Days In while Opie is crying that he's missing the Kardashians?

She wears the pants, he wears the bra.

He plays Tiger Woods Golf on his PlayStation, occasionally.

That's you, dear.

He seems to enjoy waking around NYC and during the warmer months he bikes around central park but outside of that I've never heard him talk about hobbies or anything. Like he doesn't geek out at all on something. I figured everyone had some kind of hobby they obsess over during their free time but not Opie.

Practices his fake radio laugh, dwells on radio business crap nobody else cares about, tries to figure out and master the new phenomenon the kids call "viral videos"

he probably plays candy crush on his Samsung

Did you know Samsung white gloved Opie?

He got fisted?

No he's one of the celebrity Samsung paid to use their phones

Or they just give him free phones I don't remember

I wish it was a fisting instead.

Keeping up to the Kardashians

More like Keeping it up, geddit?

Add sport to the list,I remember in the Rogan ona collection Opie kept saying he needs to get back to watching ufc

He takes magnificent pictures and makes witty Harry Hater videos and comes up with cool slogans to put on coffee mugs.

And he's a giant self centered ass.

I always wonder this as well. Considering a huge part of his job is to confer with celebrities that make up pop culture he sure has a complete lack of knowledge of that pop culture. There wouldn't be anything wrong with that if he were an expert in something, but he isn't.

He stares at a pair of balloons pretending that they are tits, possibly pondering the mysteries of the universe such as "What is water?"

Making profound, Seinfeld like observations about the world like "molasses is the worse spice!"

I find it a little odd he has no real hobbies. Jimmy either.

Are you kidding? Jimmy's hobby is tugging his pecka.

Too busy checking his numbasssss.

He watches reality TV shows and Will and Grace. Not even lying.

I've wondered that way too many times. I can't picture him even talking to his wife or kids. I can't picture him doing ANYTHING. Very weird. I know him and his wife and Rich and Bonnie hang out. I can't see how Bonnie can stand that. I guess Lynsi is pretty funny tho. There's no way in hell Lynsi fucks him anymore. No fucking way...

I was just listening to this clip where Ope, Patrice, and Jim are talking about the best cries in movies. During the conversation Opie is reading off some stuff from Instant Feedback per usual and goes "Fredo in The Godfather of course" as if it were obvious that he had a big crying scene in that movie. But Jim and Patrice, who have both seen that movie numerous times, didn't really know what scene he was talking about, and instead of explaining the scene that of course was a great crying scene, he stammers and tries to get the person who wrote it to elaborate.

It's just tiny inconsequential things like that that really show how much of a pathological liar he is.

that scene was in the Godfather II, when Michael confronts Fredo about ratting before sending him out "fishing". Jimmy probably never saw this movie at all, because Brando wasn't in it.

So Opie is doing the opposite of what Fez did

I guarantee his knowledge of movies comes from recognizing Ant and Jimmy's quotes.

"Ha ha yeah. I gotta see that again. It's been too long."

usually translates to

"I've never seen this movie."

He said that with Face Off and it was so obvious he's never seen it. Who hasn't seen Face Off?

Edit: typo

He probably heard the title and thought it was a reference to Anthony.

It's a bit he stole from Howard hohooo

When asked if he ever saw "The Room," Opie claimed "he might've seen half of it or something one day." Even though he quoted it along with Sam & Ant every time, like he knew where it was from.

That one drove me more crazy than anything. How the fuck do you watch half of The Room?? Plus what is it, 80 minutes?

Listening to The Disaster Artist audio book about the making of this masterpiece. It's pretty good. Impressions are pretty spot on.

That's one of the best behind the scenes books I've ever read, and I LIVE for that shit. I got it as soon as it came out, and I read it in a week, I couldn't put it down. I was like "They have Ed Wood 2 here," I couldn't believe what a great movie it would make. I think Franco snatched up the rights within a year, good for those guys. I can't wait for the movie. The book made me laugh until I had tears in my eyes, it was one of the funniest books Ive ever read.

I love that book, but you can really hear Tom Bissell's (the ghost writer's) voice all over it. I mean Greg Sestero (Mark from The Room) didn't write all that sharp, eloquent prose. Sestero does do a pretty good job on the narration (his Tommy impression is spot-on), but sometimes his line reads are awkward because, again, he didn't write those lines, and he doesn't talk like that.

I've listened to this audiobook way too many times on treadmills.

Read the book this summer and really loved it.

I do have my doubts about Greg's intentions with Tommy however. Sure, he made it clear that Tommy having money and giving him a place to live in LA probably made him tolerate Tommy more than he would have otherwise and he also had a lot of incentive to do The Room because of the inordinate amount of money he received for it, but I think he was aware of Tommy's wealth from the get go and that's pretty much the only reason he ever got involved with him.....not this "the boy nobody liked except for me" narrative he went with. Just a theory.

May well be. I always wondered if they did any gay stuff; I mean the book straight-up implies that Tommy propositioned him.

Imagine being at a place in your life where you suck Tommy Rousseau's assuredly onion-smelling cock and then act for him in The Room.

Doesn't watch movies or good TV because he has "no time", but somehow manages to find time to document every movement of the Kardashians.

The 6th Chromosone

This is as retarded as having a third chromosome 21, but it's still hilarious.

Oh Yea, I knew it actually made no sense but I posted it anyway

did ya?

Vader was Luke's son the whole time.

It was only years later, when I watched carefully and picked up the subtle clues, that I realized that Quinn ate Jaws.

The Jews were actually not at fault for their own persecution in schindlers list

I was blown away when at the end of The Usual Suspects it turns out that Keyzer Soze was none other than Kobayashi.

and Princess Leia was Luke's Mom

That is so profoundly idiotic and wrong that it should be in the dictionary as an example of the word "incorrect". It's almost stunning how beautifully crafted it is as a stupid, stupid thing to say.

Opie is like a thumbs down in human form.

Opie is downs


Please be Charlie please be Charlie....


Someone had to. I'm just glad I could be the guy in the clutch.

This is completely understandable when you realize it was said by a guy who has been in radio his entire life yet knows less about popular music than anyone on staff or the show's guests.

ME: that twist when Chazz Palminteri realizes he is actually Keyser Söze - brutal.

Me: Lewis Bean, you DOPE!

We all interpreted things differently. Leave the Opster alone.

Its opinions like that, that made me switch to the practice of Dr. Jinx, Doctor.

I hope the twist in real life is that Opie soon won't be alive.

Dude, he's got two kids. He clearly doesn't have any time to watch movies made in 1999.

Seriously, why does anyone still listen to this shit?

It's better than TACS

Those are not the only 2 options available.

Totally. I just posted a plug for a podcast I've been enjoying. I've heard one episode of OpieRadio in the last two months, I used to listen to O&A every day.

What do you listen to?

Opie looks like a homeless man that won the lottery

He's a middle class kid who hit the lottery. Then he got jealous of the lottery because the lottery was more talented than him. Now the lottery just hits young girls and drinks, mostly.

I have a friend who's super talented, but he just can't stop staying stupid shit, and he can't figure out how to show up to work on time. I wish he could be more like Opie. It's amazing how the little things, like showing up on time, make all the difference in the world.

At least 80% of life. Actual action beats potential every. Damn. Time.

If ever there was evidence that talent overrated. Can somebody explain to me Opie? For the life of me I cannot figure out how he is possible. How has this oaf managed to survive post O&A?

Jimmy brings the fans, tits takes the credit with the little tricks Wease taught him like talking unnecessarily all the time. If a bunch of comics get on a roll and he hasn't talked in a few minutes, he brings everything to a screeching halt so he can be heard babbling if management happens to listen in for 10 seconds. When he goes to negotiations he knows they won't see him as the wallflower board-op he deserves to be because his awful voice takes up around 50% of every show.

"Hugh Jackman was killing all of his twin brothers to perform that trick."

  • Opie on, The Prestige.

Raqio hero

ME:Burp Yeah....sniff But if you're in the afterlife the next plane of extenztinse you'd be alive there!! Fhok'n IDIOT!!

Sometimes you gotta break shit down to the listeners and tear down a wall, ya know?

Like when Marty went back in time to stop his parents from getting together.

Or when it turned out that Tyler Durden was just a guy who founded Project Mayhem, owned a shitty house on Paper Street, and made soap in his spare time.

He's as imbecilic as they come. I was listening to his awful jury duty story again and he actually asked why they didn't have TVs in the jury room.

Reading this reminds me of this

"Now go home and get your fucking shoe box!"

He's a confused man. He can't connect with ANY human on any level. No one ever knows what he's talking about and he doesn't understand why other people have friends and he doesn't. Good thing he has money, or else he'd just be another crazy fuck on the street corner yelling about some nonsense.

and yet he is somehow married

That's also because of the money

He's retarded. We're aware.

Spoiler alert!

So is he the one that gotta take care of the kids while Ms. Margera's off to get her nails did???

And let me guess: No one called him out on it and/or someone passively corrects him by saying it correctly during their turn in the conversation.

they carried on talking about it and how he was dead and opie just went with it. Perhaps he mispoke but he's been doing radio since he was 18 so thats doubtful right?

He meant twix, that big titted bitch.

Did he really?

The twist in Philadelphia was Tom Hanks cures his AIDS.

Hahaha...no fucking way. Oh my shitting god he's so...so...FUCK I don't even know

He also likened himself to the TITular Tom Petty song The Last DJ...fucking delusional fag cunt.

This is FAWKIN Hilarious


No Foolin

EDIT These niggas buggin


Oh no he didn't say this again did he?

Motherfucker that is the only analysis he's ever had about an actor's work.

I have the same thing with Forrest Whitaker. Stank up the Rogue trailer.

you mean every TOIIIME

He also claims that the song Hello by Adele is about her talking to her younger self. Like he's the only person on earth who figured that out and everyone else is wrong to think she's talking about an ex who's heart she broke.

Yes. I like Adele.

He said that with Face Off and it was so obvious he's never seen it. Who hasn't seen Face Off?

Edit: typo

Me: Lewis Bean, you DOPE!

Or when it turned out that Tyler Durden was just a guy who founded Project Mayhem, owned a shitty house on Paper Street, and made soap in his spare time.

they carried on talking about it and how he was dead and opie just went with it. Perhaps he mispoke but he's been doing radio since he was 18 so thats doubtful right?

and yet he is somehow married