Request: TACS #344 BL & RON

3  2016-04-08 by Dethclok6

Does anyone have a link for the full episode of TACS that BL hosted with Ron Bennington? Would much rather listen to that this morning than Opie with Vic Henley.

EDIT: I see a couple of people are judging me for searching out a free link to the show. First off I signed up and had a membership for the Anthony Cumia Show on day 1 and kept that membership for a year or so. After awhile the show just became too redundant and boring and I finally had to cancel. I'm just asking for 1 episode. Over the course of my subscription Anthony took plenty of my money while providing almost no entertainment value in return so if anything, he owes me.


That show was fucking great.

They gave BL a list of the guests hosts for the month and threw in a bunch of fake names. She read them off without realizing it...
"Jerry Sandusky", "Joe DeRosa", "Jared Fogel", and of course, "Gregg Hughes".

I died

RIP in peace

Thank you good sir! At work now though so I can't be downloading any virus ridden torrents.


I wanna bang BL, sorry Ron.

i doubt ron would care

I doubt either, he just had a runner wondering about how anyone could ever bang BL on the show


"I think of you as a sister... and by that, I mean a black woman."

Just suck it up and pay the $7. The first week of shows was good and the 2 LOS shows this week were good as well.

Who is BL?

She worked w/ Ron in Florida back when R&F first started.

BL & Ron was amazing.

The whole show has a murderer's row of guests this month. Worth a $7 one month sub no?

Why should anyone give $7 to Anthony?

#StandWithDani #YesAllWomen #Jezebel #SJW

I couldn't care less about that dumb junkie. I don't pay for Anthony's show because it's garbage, and I'm certainly not going to pay Anthony while he goes to rehab and his buddies do shows for free.

I would almost consider resubbing just for this month but I haven't been convinced yet.

Colin Quinn and Bobo on Monday...
If that doesn't motivate you I don't know what will.

many were hoping for Intern David, but Colin Quinn is not a bad second choice either.

Oh man. David my David, I miss that kid.

go visit him down at the visitors center at the 9/11 memorial if your ever in NYC... legend has it if you mention anything opie and anthony related to him he'll turn heal and run away

Murderer's row? Fucking dork.

Ron Bennington, Jim Norton, Colin Quinn, Dan Soder, Ari Shaffir

Bunch of bums right?

I'm making fun of you for using the term "murderer's row" you dumb shit.

you're welcome.

Hi Keith.

Ha! You're dumb. Your obsession is noted.

Thanks, been there done that.

many were hoping for Intern David, but Colin Quinn is not a bad second choice either.