Where has Sherrod been lately?

2  2016-04-08 by arobben

Just kidding, no one cares


He's in race card rehab for 30 days.

He coolin out yo. That means he is black and is relaxing. Did you guys know he is black?

He was actually on the Howard Stern wrap up show last week. Shots fired

Angerin Jim cause he knows he's a hack but way too much of a worm to not have him on the show as much.

He's at the top of one particular list.

I hope it's Schindlers.

Actually it would be better if he wasn't on Schindler s list. They would need to build a bigger oven to fit his tongue though. I SAID BIGGER.

He bought the house next door to me. He claims to be a wild indian from the plains. But he ain't a shucking me he's a colored person.

You should write a song about this.

Nahhh that would be too cliché.

He is hanging out in a tree in rural South Carolina.

Oohh I love willows


Hopefully six feet under

Eating watermelon

He's been working on his NBC pilot. (that's my fan fiction - that and Jimmy does a swan dive from the 32nd floor after his 10 second appearance in Sherrods pilot ends up on the cutting room floor)

I once caught this retarded nigger in a cage, it was a rainy day, took em home and ate em yup.

dang man that's wild

ate it raw, I was wearing a cowboy hat

I'm upvotin' the shit outta you my man

thanks bro

I'm upvotin' the shit outta you my man