Christ, Sam is a very old man now

63  2016-04-08 by Cullen396


Whoville lookin mother fucker

Holy fucking lol

That bookshelf of wrestling toys behind him is depressing to look at.

Didn't his wife leave him? That shelf was probably exhibit one at the divorce proceedings.

One of the main points of contention was that she wanted a baby. And the sight of that bookshelf of dolls making her pussy dry up was making it impossible.

He's still married

That's good to hear. Splitting up that wrestling doll collection would have been really traumatic on Sam.

No self respecting woman wants a man with a bookcase full of dolls rather than actual books.

Fucking child haha.


How satisfying would it be to kick it over, douse it in gasoline and torch it.


I'm starting to suspect a diet comprised of 90% chicken fingers doesn't contain all the essential nutrients one needs to stay in peak physical condition.

Chicken fingers and slim Jims. Never eaten a vegetable in his life

You may be on to something Dr.

Dr Gay?

oh NO!

What a fucking weirdo.

He'll look like karl pilkington in 4 years. I know a month ago i said 5 years but just look at him...

He ages in cat years

Rock busters would make Sams show more listenable

Them jamacian fellas are swinging fish round their 'ead? What's that all about?

De-trout spinners. Detroit spinners. One for Caribbean Jimmy.

Sam's head looks like Karl's head went a bit moldy

I said this like a year ago, he looks like him but with some hair.

He looks like he's wearing a curly hair hat that's too small for his chimpanzee-like head. His hairline is retreating to his asshole.

I don't understand why he's white.


So that's why his mom was saving all of his hair...for him to use later

Spends thousands on wrestling figures. Spends 30 dollars at Big Lots on the bookcase to hold them up

Uses a $5 coupon to buy a 13 inch TV, brags about how it's big enough.

Holy shit he's turning into Moe from the Simpsons!!

oh my god he really has all those wrestling dolls.


He looks like a sleazy old pawn shop owner from a movie. He's about to get slammed against the shelves for trying to get coy with the Punisher.

He's aging like a pro wrestler. first thing I thought of...

At least he has good posture.

he really is shaped like Mr. Burns

And don't forget great skin

i know we like to make mean spirited jokes around here, but i'm seriously just about as relieved to not look like sam as i am to not have been unlucky enough to be born with a micropenis.

it's amazing that anybody could look him in the face, it's almost easier to look at a victim of a chimp attack.


that fucking photo is spot on

I'm convinced that whatever his mom did to accelerate his puberty really fucked him up and broke him mentally, causing him to hold onto his eleven-year old self to avoid realizing he became an ugly mutant of a man.

He's turning into a bizarre combination of Wallace Shawn, Richard Simmons and Teller.

Oh God, he's got sidekickitis.

Here's to wasting as many of the most fertile years of your wifes life as possible before she stops believing your stall tactics.

She dodged a bullet. Imagine the child of that coming out of you. The sheer horror would have her dash its brains out on the floor before collapsing into shrieking and vomiting.

That's what happens to your body when you don't eat anything other than fried chicken tenders. He looks like absolute shit. He's what you call skinny fat. He's very unhealthy and needs to expand his diet. I don't think he eats vegetables at all.

He doesn't even eat eggs. I remember a while back he made a big deal over the fact that he might try eggs for the first time. I think he literally eats nothing but pop tarts, chicken fingers, those potato smiley faces and soda. There are 4 year olds with more adventurous diets.

I remember a while back he made a big deal over the fact that he might try eggs for the first time.

I fucking hate sam and I hate his shithead mom for raising him that way. Ugh.

It is all her fault. His poor wife, can you imagine when they go out to dinner?

"The lady will have the grilled Dover Sole, the wild mushroom and saffron risotto, the asparagus and a glass of the Pinot Grigio."

"And for Sir?"

"I'll have chicken nuggets, curly fries and a Dr Pepper."

That would never happen, there's no fucking way Sam would pay for a dinner that fancy.


Sam is the absolute worst. Always wanted to see him get his ass kicked.Plus I dare anyone to listen to his full show.He has a face for radio but the worst voice possible. I hope his wife is getting deep dicked by the landscaper!!!!

he really never got past being an 11 year old did he. pro wrestling obsession, awful pop culture interests and eating like...well a mong 11 year old

Where's that Jim Norton molestation flowchart when you need it.

The 47 year old looking 11 year old, coming this fall!

"Back in my day, our action figures came with sweat that leaked through the pores! What do you mean, 'get away from my child?' I live in this action figure aisle! Why else do you think I wouldn't be wearing pants?!"

Fuck, I'm ashamed I liked wrestling at all when I was a kid.

Looking back, that was the dumbest thing I was ever into.

ur mom's pussy was the dumbest thing i was ever into lol

Fawkin hilarious

I can imagine 60 years from now sam is hooked up to a machine slowly dying in a hospice alone surrounded by his dolls

Hey I'm sure his loving, non cheating on his ass wife will be right by his side bro.

He's such a strange combination of extreme characteristics.

He's got frizzy black people hair

He has a big sloping, Neanderthal forehead and weird caveman face

He is an odd shade of grayish white, like Gollum

He is skinny, but fat too. I don't think there's a single muscle on his body, despite the fact that he has HGH face

And I get that he plays up his rasslin obsession and stupid eating habits for the radio because he thinks he's going to be a great gimmick in WWE someday, but its still based in reality and he's a man-child far worse than E-Rock ever was. He really does look like he's never eaten a vegetable. He's aging as bad as Anthony.

What a ghoul.


Why God and Science are bullshit: Steve C is dead and this mutt still roams the earth.

How he ever landed Jess (who's a nerdy 6 at best) is beyond me. Motherfucker looks like one of those flying monkeys from the wizard of oz. Surrounded by mantoys. Why doesn't he get more shit here? I grew to tolerate him, but I have never been a fan. Sam is living proof that you can get laid, even with a face like Alfred E. Newman.

His wife is a frumpy nerd who probably thought Sam was going places in radio because I'm guessing the last time she listened to the radio was 20 years ago.

Literally unfuckable.

Good place to organize files on his forehead at least.

At least he doesn't have a weird looking scrawny body.

But wait a minute...!

Motherfucker looks like he should be singing Mr. Jones.


Nappy headed hoe.

I'm sorry I said that. I'm embarrassed I said that.

This guy was bang on:

[–]Eternalforms 20 points 9 months ago He looks like a genetic b side of shawn michaels with the masculinity and racial clarity removed

Is that a @baldsamradio pic?

Time is truly the destroyer of all things.

Holy shit that is a mug for radio.

The man is frightening as fuck to look at.

'ol brillo pad head

He looks like fucking Henry Lee Lucas

Justin Guarini in a Larry from The Three Stooges halloween costume.

He likes wrestling. He's a child.

He looks like a real life version of Moe.

Not that I feel like he would look any better in a hat, but Jesus dude, that hair is abominable.

Your mid-30s can be rough. With 40 looming, you have no choice but to accept you're not young anymore. Sam was the "young kid" for so long in the O&A world, I bet he's having a hard time letting that go.

Ouch. Truth hurts.


who collects wrestling figures..

I always though Sam looked like a retired Turkish stripper.

Voice of Roger Rabbit looking ass.

Also, why the fuck doesn't he have a pop filter on that mic. Last professional broadcaster my ass.

And this is the type of guy that gets to fuck Katie linnendoll regularly, lord help me

Sideshow Bob, IRL

Sam's surrounded by pussy all the time. That confuses me

Friendzone / he's half a fag, chicks like to hang out with gay guys. He's stupid enough to listen to them nag on about their problems.

but he looks scary these days

Chicks will bypass ugly if they think a man is actually interested in what they have to say.

Is he broadcasting from the diddling parlor?


Looks like an emaciated Leatherface.

It looks like if Mr. Burns fucked David Luiz

still eating fishsticks?



I still can't believe he has a wife.

Some Black Jews look like Boris Kodjoe or Lenny Kravitz. This is the opposite end of the yid mulatto comeliness spectrum

Is Sam from the same middle eastern village the Cumias seaped from? Their light pigmentation is deceiving

"What can I do to offset my face? I know! Smug, unearned satisfaction!"

Why does this gif exist? Does any man make this face/motions?

He looks like the singer of Bane.

I haven't been keeping current with Sam gossip, but I remember hearing/reading that he got a divorce from his disproportionately attractive wife Jess. Is that true? He looks like a man who just lost the only good thing that ever happened to him.

Also, of course, that wrestling doll bookcase is utterly despicable.

I heard his marriage was on the rocks. I think his attempt to introduce WWE figures into the bedroom was the last straw.




"Duluth! You're on Larry King Live!"

I remember a time when I used to have a shitload of wrestling action figures. Then I turned 9.


Thanks fam. You should see my alt before I got dox threatened. Shit's dank tbh.

He is grotesque

I want to melt them all so badly into one mold of autism!

Did Sam ask the barber for a JUST haircut?

I dunno, he looks right for his age. Actually, probably looks younger than most for his age, to be honest. He's in his 30's and still has his hairline. I call that a major victory.

Hi Sam

You little ho.



That would never happen, there's no fucking way Sam would pay for a dinner that fancy.